Heating a private house with an electric boiler: reviews, cost and diagram

Thanks to the rapid development of modern technologies, new, more advanced devices that make our life comfortable are on sale daily. This applies to the range of products of any industry. The field of heating systems is no exception.

Today, many manufacturers began to mass-produce boilers. This equipment has many advantages.

private house heating electric boiler reviews

Feature of work

Everyone knows from the lessons of physics that no energy can arise from nowhere and does not disappear to nowhere. Thermal energy is converted from electrical energy and serves to heat the room.

Many today prefer heating a private house with an electric boiler. The cost of this equipment varies from 5800 to 77 000 rubles. It depends not only on the novelty of the equipment, but also on its technical characteristics. To date, there are several options for heating electric boilers for private homes.

Types of electric boilers

All electric boilers can be divided into three types conditionally:

  • TENOVye.
  • Induction.
  • Electrode

They differ from each other primarily in the way of heating the coolant.

In addition, all electric boilers for the home, depending on the mounting, are divided into:

  • Wall mounted.
  • Floor standing.

Depending on the mains voltage, the equipment may be:

  • Biphasic.
  • Three phase.

These boilers can also be:

  • Single-circuit.
  • Bypass.

heating a private house with an electric boiler

The cost of heating with an electric boiler depends on the type of equipment selected.

Heating boilers

This electric boiler works on the same principle as an electric kettle. Special heating devices are placed inside the boiler. These are tubular heating elements. In such boilers, water is conceived as a heat carrier. Its heating occurs in flow mode, due to which the natural circulation of hot water in the system occurs.

Advantages of heating elements

Have you decided to heat a private house with an electric boiler? Reviews about this type of equipment are more detailed. This equipment is small and easy to fit on the wall. You should also consider its attractive appearance. Installation of the electric heating boiler is quite simple. The device is equipped with thermoregulating equipment that can control all processes without the attention of the owners. Such equipment is often characterized by the presence of two sensors.

How is the heating of a private house organized by an electric boiler, reviews, price - all these are questions that you can clarify at points of sale of equipment. The price of the electric heating boiler varies in the middle ranges. This equipment can work with various types of heat carriers: from water to antifreeze. The owner of the house can independently adjust the power of the equipment, turn off or turn on all tubular heating elements. Thus, it is possible to save energy consumed from time to time.

heating a private house with an electric boiler reviews price

Disadvantages of heating elements

Unfortunately, often on the surface of the heating elements, as in the case of the kettle, scale is formed. This negatively affects the quality of heat transfer, which leads to an increase in energy costs.

Induction Electric Boilers

Heating a house with an electric boiler is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Visually, it resembles a transformer located in a welded metal case. The inductor is located in a sealed compartment, which eliminates the likelihood of its contact with the coolant. When heated, the core transfers heat to the core in the coil, which constantly moves around it.

The dimensions of this equipment are quite large, but manufacturers annually improve this model, reducing its dimensions.

The advantages of induction equipment

  • This electric boiler does not have a heating element, which eliminates the possibility of breakage.
  • Scale is practically not formed.
  • As a coolant, you can use both antifreeze and water.
  • It is characterized by a high level of security.

Disadvantages of induction boiler

Not everyone can heat a private house with an electric boiler. The cost of induction equipment is quite high.

Unfortunately, for the installation of this equipment it is necessary to prepare a sufficient area, because the dimensions of the equipment are quite large.

heating a private house with an electric boiler

Electrode electric boilers

From electrode electric boilers, electrode ones differ in the way the heat carrier is heated. There are no tubular heating elements in this type of electric boiler. Instead, there are electrodes. The electrode is not a heater; it is capable of transmitting current to the coolant. Water, in turn, is heated by its own resistance. This is due to the interaction of negatively and positively charged molecules at the molecular level under the influence of the electrode.

The most popular in our country is the heating of a private house with an electric boiler. Reviews confirm this.

The advantages of electrode boilers

The main advantage of this equipment is its small size, which allows installation in any room. The cost is acceptable for many residents of our country.

Disadvantages of electrode equipment

Before you bring the coolant into the system of this equipment, it must be prepared. Normal operation of the boiler is possible only with a specific resistivity of water. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to independently measure these indicators, as well as normalize them. Therefore, you should use the services of specialists.

Only water can be used as a heat carrier. It is necessary to regularly monitor its circulation in the system.

It is regularly necessary to replace the electrodes, because they dissolve in the coolant over time.

do-it-yourself heating of a private house with an electric boiler

Features of electric heating

Unfortunately, there is nothing permanent in our country, as in the world. And every year there is a lot of debate on the topic: "Will electric heating be cheaper?"

Today it is believed that heating a private house with an electric boiler is unprofitable. Reviews say that the energy consumption for several years for heating a country house is much higher than the expense for gas heating. But electrical equipment for heating is several times cheaper than gas. This is easily explained.

The price of electricity is growing annually. Many people who decide to install cheaper equipment run the risk of power outages, high prices. In addition, do not forget about force majeure, for example, bad weather conditions. But electric heating has many advantages.

The benefits of heating electricity in a country house

It is very important for owners of private houses to decide on the type of heating equipment. Indeed, such houses are often characterized by a large area, and the house must be kept warm.

Using electricity for heating is beneficial because:

  • High level of safety during operation.
  • Small costs and minimal installation time.
  • No need for fuel.

Many consumers are already heating their private homes with an electric boiler. Reviews from most of them suggest that it is better to choose a combined heating system. The latter allow you to use both gas and electric heating. This is ideal for cases of force majeure. Electricity can help out in any situation when, for example, balloon gas runs out. And gas will become indispensable in the event of a thunderstorm or heavy snowfall, when most often the electricity is turned off.

Therefore, the ideal option for heating electricity in a country house is the presence of additional sources that can help out in an unforeseen situation.

electric boiler heating

Installation of an electric boiler

It is possible to organize the heating of a private house with an electric boiler with your own hands! Installation of an electric boiler, in comparison with gas, solid fuel boilers, is quite simple. But all rules and requirements should be strictly observed.


  • No need to provide a special room for equipment. Thanks to the minimum dimensions, most electric boilers can be installed anywhere. And the modern design of the equipment can perfectly fit into any room interior. If you wish, you can hide the boiler in a special niche.
  • Special ventilation systems or chimneys can not be used. This equipment does not create waste that threatens human life and needs to be disposed of.
  • Connecting equipment is easy.
  • The heating scheme with an electric boiler is quite simple, so the installation and connection of this type of heating does not require the approval and coordination of the relevant authorities. Also, in the future there will be no systematic checks that often bring discomfort and conflict.

heating circuit with electric boiler


Heating a private house with an electric boiler is an innovation, but every year it is gaining popularity. Due to the presence of various modifications of equipment for heating with electricity, you can find a suitable option for a particular building. Before purchasing equipment, each home owner needs to calculate the electric boiler power for a certain room, taking into account all heat losses. Therefore, you should first worry about the insulation of the building. This will avoid the troubles associated with the heating system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12882/

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