Currant rust currant: how to deal with the disease? Cause, symptoms

Currant is a useful agricultural plant whose berries are a storehouse of vitamins and amino acids. Pretty unpretentious bushes are ready to bear fruit in almost any year, regardless of weather conditions and soil features. However, if they are attacked by a disease, then the entire crop will be lost. A very common ailment is the curb rust of currants. How to deal with this phenomenon, we will now analyze in detail.

currant rust rust how to fight


Determining that your landings are affected by this ailment is not difficult. If you see on the leaves of education, called pustules or pads, then this is nothing more than a goblet rust of currant. How to deal with this ailment? First of all, it is necessary to prevent the spread of the disease to neighboring bushes, but more on that later. So, the brown pads on the leaves, if you do not take the measures on time, crack. From them spores of the fungus spill out, which infect everything around. Yes, we have not yet said that the disease is caused by a rust fungus.

How not to confuse with other diseases

Dark spots on the leaves - this is not a diagnosis, because they can talk about different problems, even about the banal lack of sufficient moisture. But there is nothing complicated here. The presence of red pads indicates the development of diseases. Then they merge, the leaves fall prematurely. Vital activity of the fungus leads to evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaves, after which they dry out. If you see that rot, white or gray plaque appears on the branches, then this is another fungal disease. But what interests us is the curb rust of the currant. "And how to deal with her?" - you ask. By certain means, but more on that later.

The cause of a dangerous ailment is the presence of weeds on your site. In particular, sedges. It is on it that pathogens develop by mid-summer. Then the weeds turn red and black, and the wind carries spores to garden plants within a radius of 300 meters. Therefore, it is important to regularly mow all grass, even if it grows along the fence and does not interfere much.

currant rust like how to deal with causes

When to wait for the first appearance

The gardener needs to know that plants inseminated with spores of the fungus can safely end fruiting, and then go into autumn dormancy without signs of disease. At the same time, in early spring, currant rust begins to actively develop. How to fight? The appearance of the plant will begin to change approximately from the first days of June, but before that the rust will have time to hit all the vegetative parts. Now brown pads begin to dry out and collapse, and the wind carries the spores further.

Why dangerous currant rust currant

How to deal with this ailment can be understood only by familiarizing yourself with the pathogen itself. So, rust causes the death of leaves, and in the most neglected cases, and other parts of plants. As a result, it will not be able to prepare for winter and will freeze during the first cold snap. Since the green part of the plants is destroyed, they lose moisture, and growth may be absent. If no measures are taken, then all the terrestrial parts of the bush will gradually die, and currants will not survive.

Methods of struggle

If the prevention did not help or you removed the weeds, and the nearest neighbors did not take care of this, then it is necessary to begin treatment. An ideal option would be to remove all affected leaves and then burn them. Processing is carried out by modern fungicides. This is an ideal option that will quickly eliminate the cause of goblet rust of currants. How to fight if specialized drugs are not available, we will consider a little below.

The choice of funds on the market is quite large - they are the antifungal drugs Previkur, Skor, Fitosporin, Topaz. They allow you to instantly stop the development of the fungus. You can use tools that incorporate copper. A simple example would be Bordeaux fluid. It is important to keep proportions. The increased content of active substances can adversely affect the culture.

currant rust currant how to deal with folk remedies

Processing time

Of course, it would be best to do it before the glass rust appeared on your plants. How to deal with it if the leaves have already begun to dry out? In principle, by the same methods, but the treatment will be longer, and this year there will be no harvest at all. So, the first spraying must be done before flowering, during the blooming of leaves. The second time should be repeated when the buds are just beginning to form. The third spraying occurs immediately after flowering. To do this, use a conventional garden sprayer. If the lesion is already very strong, then 10 days after the third, you can perform the fourth spraying.

Soil care

In addition to spraying with fungicides, you need to properly care for your site so that the fungus does not find fertile soil for itself here. First, you need to fight sedge and drain areas where she likes to grow. Secondly, it is necessary to loosen the soil at least twice a year and carefully dig. Thirdly, it is important to drain waterlogged areas, then they will become uninteresting for sedge and weeds, which means there is less chance that the fungus will reappear.

currant rust like how to fight appearance

The best varieties of currants

Today, the Russian selection is ready to offer you modern varieties that are not afraid of rust. In principle, these are all hybrids that are resistant to any fungal ailments. Among them:

  • Katyusha
  • "Black veil";
  • “Belarusian sweet”;
  • The "Babylon";
  • "grace".

The list is not limited to this; it can be continued. If your site is located in a lowland where there is always excess humidity, then use varieties that are not afraid of the curb rust. How to fight (the type of the affected plant really causes pity) with an ailment if, despite the variety, the bush is still sick? In this case, the usual means, proven over the years, that our grandmothers used, will help well.

currant rust like how to fight look

How to fight folk remedies

Currant rust currants are very afraid of tobacco. Therefore, gardeners regularly use this plant to protect fruit bushes. In order to prepare a therapeutic solution, it is necessary to take 2-3 liters of hot water, 200 g of tobacco dust and infuse the drug for three days. But that is not all. Gardeners are observant people, they have been experimenting for years on their plots to find out which remedy works best for certain misfortunes.

So, at the same time, you need to make an infusion of 1 cup of garlic cloves, pouring them with hot water. Three days later, take a 10-liter bucket, strain both solutions into it, add a tablespoon of liquid soap and a teaspoon of black or red pepper. Let the solution brew for another day, then strain and use to spray the plants before flowering.

currant rust rust how to deal with it

Treatment duration

Unlike fungicides, home remedies are much slower. Therefore, a number of procedures may be required to completely get rid of the fungus. After spraying, you need to sprinkle the cake remaining after filtering around the bush and lightly dig it. And after two weeks, make an infusion of onion husks and spray them with bushes. This infusion will give the plants strength and relieve stress. Experienced gardeners say that for about two years they had to perform these procedures in order to overcome the ailment. The following years showed that rust does not return. But prevention has to be done annually, not forgetting about weed removal and annual top dressing.


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