National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.10.2000 N 751, development program until 2025, goals, objectives, ways to achieve them and results

An important place in the legislative system is occupied by the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation. This document is the basis of political and legal regulation of all elements of education in our country.

Document Development

A group of students

The national doctrine of the development of Russian education was created as a declarative legal act that has a positive impact not only on the educational system itself, but also on the development of the country as a whole.

The draft document has been developed since 1998. The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation was created by a group of specialists from various fields: representatives of the Committee on Education and Science in the State Duma, the Committee on Educational and Environmental Issues in the Council of the Federation, the Ministry of Education and the Russian Educational Academy.

The project was finally approved in January 2000 by the All-Russian Congress of Education Workers. The national doctrine of the development of education in the Russian Federation was recognized as a document allowing to implement the following requirements:

  • define a clear state policy in the field of the future formation of the nation;
  • to develop the intellectual and creative potential of society;
  • enable education to take an active and effective part in restoring the status of a great country for Russia.

Based on these requirements, the National Education Doctrine of the Russian Federation until 2025 No. 751 of October 4, 2000 was finally published.

Document essence

The National Doctrine of Education until 2025 is a fundamental state document that establishes the priority of such a sphere of social activity as education. This normative act defines the state policy, direction and development strategy.

The doctrine of education until 2025 establishes the goals of training and education, as well as their paths to achieving through the development of subprograms in state policy and setting predicted results.

The objectives of the program are as follows:

  • ensuring a high level of quality of life of the population, creating the basis for the development of a stable level of national security, spiritual and socio-economic development of the country;
  • the proclamation and strengthening of the principles of a legal democratic state in which civil society will reside;
  • providing an actively developing market economy with qualified personnel who will take an active part in the integration of the economy at the world level, creating high competitiveness of the country and investment attractiveness;
  • restoration of the Russian status of "great power" in art, culture, science, economics and high technology.

The doctrine of education in the Russian Federation reflects the various interests of a multinational civil society, contributes to the creation of conditions for the widespread education of the population, ensures the equality of legal positions of all citizens in practice and enables every person to improve their education throughout life.

The document under consideration defines education as a priority area for the formation and accumulation of skills and knowledge. The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation contributes to the creation of favorable circumstances for the discovery and development of the abilities of the creative direction of Russian citizens, the education in them of the principles of moral type and hard work. The document also establishes education as a sphere of labor activity of the population and as a type of long-term profitable investment and effective cash investment.

The doctrine fixes the new functional conditions of education and the responsibility of all parties to the process (society, state, employers and families) for the quality of general or professional types of education and upbringing for children. It also determines the leading directions for improving legislative standards in the educational field and the main provisions of developing educational programs developed on the basis of the Doctrine.

According to the National Education Doctrine of the Russian Federation until 2025, the publication of legal acts that contain provisions that contradict this document is prohibited. This act reflects the state’s will to take responsibility for the development of Russian education in the present and in the future, since it is the basis for the spiritual and socio-economic development of the country.

Basic educational goals

Children at school

The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation proclaims the goals of the educational system in the country:

  1. The historical continuity of different generations, the preservation, transmission and development of a culture of national scale, the development of a respectful attitude to the cultural and historical heritage of the country's population.
  2. Education of patriotism in Russian citizens; development of the correct legal and democratic position, as well as people who are well socializing in society, who will respect the freedoms, interests and rights of the individual, have high morality, religious and national tolerance, respect the languages, traditions and culture of other nationalities and peoples.
  3. The formation of the right world culture and relations between people, according to the doctrine of education.
  4. Timely and versatile development of youth and children, their self-educational abilities, creative skills and self-realization.
  5. The formation of an understanding of the general picture of the world and a worldview of a scientific nature, as well as the development of an interethnic culture of relations.
  6. The development of labor motivation in people of different ages, the development of an active professional and life position, training in the basic principles and skills of building a career and developing the right behavior in the labor market.
  7. Organization of the learning process using modern scientific achievements, periodic updating of educational aspects in accordance with changes in the cultural, economic, scientific, technical and technological fields.
  8. The implementation of lifelong education throughout the entire human life cycle.
  9. The development of diverse types and types of educational institutions, the development of multivariate types of programs that will provide individualization and personal orientation of the process of education and training.
  10. Development of continuity of degrees and levels of education.
  11. Development of programs that implement educational information technology and will allow the development of open education.
  12. Development of methods for creating academic mobility of students.
  13. The development of Russian traditions when working with children, adolescents and youth with special mental skills, as well as the involvement of teachers in the scientific field.
  14. Training highly educated citizens (future specialists) who will be ready to grow in the professional field, to show mobility in the conditions of the information development of society and the advent of scientific technologies.
  15. Education of the principles of sports development in children and youth and a healthy lifestyle.
  16. Development of counteraction to negative processes occurring in society.
  17. The education of citizens' caring attitude to nature, the development of environmental tolerance.

The main state tasks of education

School teacher

The National Doctrine of Education until 2025 proclaims the state as the person responsible for education and its institutions, and establishes the following educational tasks:

  • the realization of the right enshrined in the Constitution to receive high-quality education in the form of free services by all segments and territorial groups of the country's population, as well as the provision of equal opportunities for this to all citizens;
  • maintaining and improving the common space of Russian education;
  • participation of state authorities in ensuring the work of educational municipal institutions;
  • the formation in the consciousness of members of society of the right attitude to education, proclaiming it the highest value of citizens, society and the state as a whole, the expansion of public participation in the management of the educational sphere;
  • participation of educational professional communities in the creation of educational policies at the regional and federal levels;
  • secular orientation of education;
  • creation of conditions for responsible and full-fledged upbringing and education of children in families and educational institutions of all kinds, types and forms;
  • comprehensive care for the health and life of students, their physical development and education;
  • creation of conditions for each citizen to receive a general basic education while developing measures of responsibility on the part of state authorities, local authorities, parents and other legal representatives for violation of constitutional rights in the field of education;
  • the elimination of the homelessness of minors and the prevention of the commission of crimes by youth representatives;
  • upbringing in minors a high degree of morality, respect for legislative standards;
  • creating conditions of a socio-economic nature for the development of the educational system as a priority for the development of the country;
  • exercising unhindered control over the educational system and the activities of educational institutions;
  • financing educational institutions on the basis of legislative consolidation;
  • stimulation of injections and investments from non-state sources into the educational system, including the provision on the basis of legislative norms of tax benefits for individuals and legal entities that are financially involved in the process and development of the training system;
  • involvement of specialists, employers and customers in registration with educational institutions of social partnership, the organization of training in various professions, based on market needs;
  • providing access to students and teachers in each educational institution to programs, networks, technologies and databases of an informational and didactic nature, as well as to methodological, scientific and educational literature;
  • the provision of free textbooks for children of comprehensive schools and students of vocational primary education institutions from population groups recognized as socially vulnerable;
  • the choice of types and directions of training in a free form, taking into account the needs and capabilities of citizens, the situation on the market of educational and labor services;
  • high employment of the working-age population, including youth;
  • a single space for the development and functioning of the legal basis of educational institutions of various forms and types of ownership;
  • consolidation at the legislative level of the spheres of property, administrative and material responsibility of owners of educational institutions;
  • increasing the degree of responsibility of legal entities-employers for the implementation of labor law, including full and timely payment of work, compliance with social rights and guarantees of educational workers and their students;
  • harmonization of ethnocultural and national relations;
  • support and preservation of the national-cultural and ethnic identity of the Russian peoples, their culture and traditions;
  • preservation of cultures and languages ​​to all the multinational peoples of Russia;
  • development of the educational sphere in relation to small indigenous peoples in the Far East, Siberia and the North;
  • development and preservation of the importance of the mother tongue as the main factor in the unification of a multinational state;
  • the provision of quality education in urban or rural schools, including the development of the material and technical base, the use of modern digital technologies in teaching, the preservation of additional social guarantees for teachers and students from rural areas;
  • state support of educational institutions of any form of ownership, which will ensure the implementation of state policy in the educational field;
  • creation of legal conditions for obtaining knowledge financed from budgetary funds or from families of students, organizations or enterprises of the municipality;
  • creation of legal type conditions for granting installments and other types of loans for education to students and students whose families are recognized as low-income;
  • creation and implementation of conditions for receiving education of a general and professional type for orphans, children with disabilities and low-income people;
  • development of educational institutions of the highest level as educational, scientific, cultural and technological centers;
  • integration of production, science and education with the educational process, combining the work of the respective centers with production;
  • raising the level of education of a professionally oriented population, implementing measures to support the choice of a future profession, the form and direction of education, motivation for work, and building a career at a professional level;
  • creating the necessary conditions for the training or retraining of working and unemployed people at a professional level;
  • supporting various forms and types of self-organization of students as an integral part of the entire educational system and the formation of a legal civil youth culture;
  • involvement of the media in the implementation and promotion of the goals and objectives of training established by the scientific doctrine and modernization of education;
  • the creation of educational programs on radio and television in the amount of fifteen percent of the total broadcasting time of channels;
  • integration of the Russian education system into the world-class learning space using domestic traditions and experience;
  • access to education services markets, the active participation of educational institutions and their employees in the activities of international communities and organizations.

Planned results of the doctrine of modern education

University lecturer

When developing this program, the state predicted the following results:

  • individualization of the learning process by creating a variety of forms and types of educational institutions and programs that will take into account the abilities and interests of each individual;
  • the creation of an educational system of a democratic type, which will guarantee the creation of the necessary conditions for high-quality full-fledged education at each level;
  • raising the level of education to competitive in terms of content and quality.

Improving access to education

Kids in the dining room

The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation proclaims that a Russian citizen, regardless of race, gender, language, nationality, place of residence, origin, religious opinion, belief, social and political position, age, health, official, property or social status, belongs The following training rights:

  1. Obtaining a free and accessible pre-school type of education.
  2. Obtaining free compulsory general basic education.
  3. Obtaining knowledge and skills through attending classes as part of a free and accessible secondary general education with the right to choose educational profiles.
  4. Obtaining free and accessible vocational education at the elementary level.
  5. Getting on the basis of the competition of free secondary vocational and higher education.
  6. Postgraduate education based on competition in doctoral and postgraduate studies.
  7. Additional education in the form of targeted financial support for low-income children.
  8. Gaining knowledge and skills of persons with disabilities in health.

Conditions for teachers and their remuneration

The national doctrine of the development of education determines the need to provide teachers with normal working conditions and decent pay. The duties of the state are as follows:

  • filling preschool and educational institutions with educators and teachers with higher pedagogical education;
  • creating conditions for creative and personal growth, improving the qualifications, retraining of teachers at all levels;
  • attracting specialists in the educational system endowed with talents and special skills who are able to carry out the learning process at the highest level, conduct research at the scientific level, master information technologies and systems, educate children and youth of morality and spirituality, as well as prepare highly educated children for future work specialists;
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Modern education

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Education, as one of the most important areas of society’s life, should develop systematically, in accordance with legislative and technological changes in the world. Realizing the goals set by the Doctrine, the state will be able to overcome the crisis and provide present and future generations with a decent quality of life and a good level of education.


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