Romance of the ancient city - Kisses bridge in St. Petersburg

Each experienced tourist has his own list of the most memorable sights of St. Petersburg. It is enough to walk through its winding narrow streets once, enjoy the silence of the ancient courtyards to understand: this treasury of historical Russia can surprise even local old-timers. Among all the sights of the city, bridges occupy a special place, of which there are more than 340 in the historical center. Among them there are small pedestrian and transport arteries of the city. However, a special place is occupied by the Kisses bridge in St. Petersburg.


The bridge is one of the city's most famous attractions. Although the guests of the city, for whom this is the first excursion trip, encounter difficulties in independently searching for its location.

Bridge of kisses in St. Petersburg

It is best to pre-determine the route, the final destination of which will be Kisses Bridge. He has a simple address - you need to walk (drive) to the sections of Glinka Street to the Moika embankment. In parallel to it passes the Kryukov Canal, which is one of the branches of the Moika River. You can get to the bridge by public transport. It is enough to choose any route passing through Glinka Street. The closest landmarks are Theater Square and the State Conservatory.

If you need to drive from the side of the Great Neva, then you can follow the Blagoveshchensky bridge along Labor Avenue. Further along the embankment of the Kryukov Canal you need to get to the intersection with Bolshaya Morskaya Street. In this place you can see not only the Kisses bridge, but also the small Krasnoflotsky pedestrian.


For the first time in this place p. Fontanka appeared wooden footbridge in 1738. It had a lifting structure and was painted in various colors. It was thanks to this that they began to call it β€œColor”.

bridge kiss photo

Later, in 1768, reconstruction was carried out, as a result of which the bridge became a transport bridge. But due to the heavy load and frequent repairs, it was decided to completely rebuild it. The final form of the Kisses Bridge in St. Petersburg was acquired in 1816, when a cast-iron single-span arched was erected on the site of an old wooden structure. Since then, the appearance of the bridge has not changed.

During the laying of tram tracks in 1908, cast-iron obelisks were removed. But during the reconstruction of 1968, it was pleasant to decide to establish an exact copy of them. And since then the bridge has not undergone any more changes. Its appearance is fully consistent with the original idea of ​​the architect V. I. Geste.


Kisses Bridge Address

There are many versions by which the Kisses bridge in St. Petersburg got its name. The most common of them is romantic. In the XIX century, this area was the unofficial border of the city. Parting and meeting lovers took place on the bridge. Given that the turbulent century was rich in military events, the version is fully justified.

No less touching story suggests that nearby was a city prison. During the convoy of convicts, their lovers had only one opportunity to meet - when the convoy passed through the Kisses bridge. In St. Petersburg, these are the most common stories, but they are only fiction.

The truth is much more prosaic. Nearby was the famous drinking establishment of the merchant Potseluev - the inn "Kiss". That it gave the name to the bridge.

Present day

But not everyone wants to believe in this historical fact. Nowadays, the bridge has become a meeting place for lovers, and each couple during the wedding considers it a good tradition to leave a castle with its names on its railing. Moreover, the kiss of the newlyweds should begin on one side, and end on the other. The main argument for such close attention is that this bridge is non-movable.

Nowadays, the Kisses Bridge in St. Petersburg has become a truly tourist destination. It is included in the obligatory excursion program - both bus and river. Every tourist, and even more so a couple, considers it their duty to visit this legendary bridge.

Attractions nearby

The Kisses Bridge in St. Petersburg gained its popularity thanks not only to beautiful legends, but also to its good location. Not far from it is the pearl of the city - St. Isaac's Cathedral. Almost all the tourists who visited St. Petersburg take the most beautiful photos of Kissing Bridge overlooking the dome of the cathedral.

bridge of kisses in St. Petersburg

Literally a 3-minute walk away is the famous Theater Square. If you walk along the embankment of the river. Fontanka, towards St. Isaac's Square, then you can go to the Hermitage in 20-25 minutes. This area of ​​the city is a historical attraction in itself - just go to the nearest quiet cozy courtyard to feel all the unforgettable charm of St. Petersburg.

The Kisses Bridge has become not just a transport artery of the city - legends and stories about it will continue to excite couples in love and attract many tourists.


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