How to make a tree house in Minecraft - all about construction

So, today we will talk with you about how to make a tree house in Minecraft. In fact, this is a fairly simple process, and even very fast. Let's look at all the pros and cons of such a home, as well as the materials that we may need.

Seat selection

Well, let's try with you to begin our construction. First, select the right tree on which you can place your house. Best of all, if you choose the whole "planting" of trees - with them you can easily and easily create complex houses.

how to make a tree house in minecraft

If you are thinking how to make a tree house in Minecraft, then you should also know that the most suitable species is a tropical tree. It is grown from the corresponding seedling, which can be found in the jungle. True, you will have to get at least 4 such items and plant them on a 2 by 2 field. After some time, you will grow a large and powerful plant, on which you can begin construction.

In cases where there are no seedlings, you can use already grown trees. Perfectly suited for this idea oak. On thin trees it is better not to start "chemical" - you will not succeed in anything sensible. In general, once you decide on a place, you can think further how to make a tree house in Minecraft.

We stock up on materials

Now that we already know exactly where our dwelling will be located, we can put any identification mark there and begin to prepare various resources.

As a rule, if a user thinks about how to make a tree house in Minecraft, then he chooses wood as the main construction material. It is quite easily mined, and can also be useful when creating interior elements.

how to make a tree house in minecraft

Take a pickax and go cut down the trees. Just be careful not to touch the plant prepared for construction. It is best if you pick up as many boards as possible. A large building will require about 600 units of this resource. So, you have to work hard to start our business in Minecraft. How to make a house inside a tree? Now we will understand this difficult, but very interesting issue.

Start of construction

Well, now we can start our business. So, first of all, we need to make a column of boards about 10 blocks in height - this will be our support. Now, after you finish this business, secure yourself at the "top" a spacious site for construction. This is done using the "expansion" of the column. The wider, the more space you will have.

Next, you need to climb to the top. If you have a tropical tree, then you can do it with the help of vines. Not? Then just make a ladder and put it on the "beam". Once you are at the top, you should think about how to make a tree house in Minecraft. More precisely, think over the general design of the building.

Typically, players choose the most common cube. The site should be "enclosed" with boards in several rows (forming walls), then insert doors and windows. It is best if you have a small area in front of the main entrance. Additional floors can be made in the same way. It remains only to erect a roof and see what you got. That's all. Nothing complicated. You can settle in and furnish the interior.

minecraft how to make a house inside a tree

Everything about the building

And now that we already know how to build our own treehouse, let's see what is so good in this building. As a rule, this type of construction is quite common among players.

Firstly, building such a dwelling is relatively cheap and easy. Wood, like boards, can be found literally on every corner. Yes, and creativity can be shown as much as your heart desires.

Secondly, a treehouse is a great way to protect against creepers. In addition, this type of housing allows you to well inspect the nearby territories - this always helps to protect your life.


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