Dog breed Beauceron: description, content and care

Beauceron is a breed of dog bred in France and not widely used outside its borders. Despite the resemblance to Dobermans and Shepherds, they have a number of features that distinguish them from the rest of the dogs. In today's publication, a brief description of these animals will be considered.

A bit of history

Unfortunately, specialists still have not been able to establish the exact origin of these dogs. According to one version, the dogs of the Beauceron breed are descendants of wolves. This assumption is confirmed not only by external, but also by intracellular similarity. According to another, more plausible theory, smooth-haired French shepherd dogs came from a fossilized peat dog, whose remains were found in the Jura mountain range.

dog breed beauceron

Be that as it may, the formation of this breed took place in France without serious intervention by breeders. The absence of extraneous influence led to the appearance of tall, hardy dogs that can withstand large predators. The development of agriculture and the expansion of pastures has caused massive deforestation and a decrease in the number of wild animals. However, people have sharply increased the need for shepherd dogs, able to drive away from the herds of wolves and robbers. After some time, the first references to animals visually resembling modern Beaucerons appeared in manuscripts. In 1896, the breed received official recognition. At the same time, a standard of French shepherds was developed.


Initially, the dogs of the Beauceron breed were used to hunt large animals. However, with the development of agriculture, the need for them almost disappeared and they were re-qualified as assistant shepherds. Due to the impressive size and strong jaws, these dogs did an excellent job of guarding the flocks from the attack of wolf packs.

In wartime, representatives of this breed were successfully used at the front and in the rear. They helped in prospecting, found mines, delivered ammunition and urgent reports. Today, the dogs of the Beauceron breed, photos of which can be viewed in this article, do an excellent job with the role of companion and reliable guard. Thanks to their well-developed flair, they are suitable for the army, customs and police service.


French Shepherd Dogs are large animals with a strong skeleton and sculptured muscles. Depending on gender, the height of an adult is 61-70 cm at the withers, and the mass varies between 40-50 kg.

On a proportional beautiful head with a pronounced occipital tubercle, elongated muzzle are round, slightly elongated dark eyes and high-set, usually cropped ears.

Beauceron breed description

The Beauceron breed dog, the description of which is presented in this article, has a powerful body with a developed chest, oblique shoulder blades, a straight back, a wide loin and a slightly inclined croup. Under the harmoniously folded body are two pairs of strictly vertical limbs with strong joints and round paws with black nails.

Wool and color

The whole body of a typical French shepherd is covered with a short, rough, tight-fitting awn. Under the main hair hides a thick fluffy undercoat of a mouse shade.

Beauceron breed

As for the coloring, the Beauceron breed standard allows for two possible options. The most common is the so-called black and tan color. In this case, on the main black background there are symmetrically located squirrel color marks. The tan marks are located above the eyes, on the muzzle, under the tail, in the chest, in the lower part of the neck and on the limbs of the animal.

Much less often among representatives of the Beauceron breed, individuals with harlequin color are born. Black and gray colors are evenly distributed over the body of such dogs. In addition, there may be small white spots or red marks on the body of these animals.

Vices and weaknesses

Even a pedigree dog with a good origin may have appearance defects that deprive it of the right to take part in exhibitions and in breeding. A good reason for disqualification of the French Shepherd is the fearful or overly aggressive character, too short or very tall, light bones, malocclusion, lack of three or more teeth, light eyes and a split nose.

The hind legs turned outward, cryptorchidism, a short tail, non-standard color, erect uncropped ears and an irregular coat structure are also included in this list.

Behavioral Features

A description of the Beauceron breed would be incomplete without mentioning its character. These dogs are endowed with a very calm and balanced disposition. They quickly get used to their masters and get along with other pets without problems. These dogs are very observant, smart and efficient.

photo of a beauceron dog

However, the dogs of the Beauceron breed are prone to dominance and need a strict but fair owner. Thanks to a well-defined shepherd's instinct, they will become excellent nannies for the master's children. These beautiful dogs are always ready to defend the owner and members of his family. They never lose their vigilance and are wary of outsiders.

Training and training

Beauceron is a breed of dog, endowed not only with an impressive appearance, but also with a fairly high intelligence. French shepherd dogs are good at training, especially if you start it from a very young age. A little puppy who has managed to get comfortable in a new house needs to be trained to respond to his nickname. It is also important that he calmly relate to the collar and leash. Subsequently, it will greatly facilitate walks on city streets.

Beauceron dog reviews

Training should be consistent and regular. Only systematic studies and the stubbornness of a trainer will help to grow an adequate and controlled animal that does not pose a threat to others. From the description of the Beauceron breed, it becomes clear that these are very large dogs, which are difficult to keep on a leash. Therefore, they must be socialized and taught to obey their master's will. The one-year-old dog must unconditionally execute basic commands like โ€œTo Me,โ€ โ€œFu,โ€ โ€œPlace,โ€ and โ€œStand.โ€

Disease predisposition

Beaucerons are quite healthy dogs whose average life expectancy is 10-12 years. They rarely get sick, and even dysplasia, which is found in most large breeds, is diagnosed in them in exceptional cases.

Sometimes the French shepherd has the so-called stomach twisting, requiring urgent surgical intervention. Without emergency surgery, the dog may die. Therefore, having noticed a bloating in your pet, vomiting and a sharp deterioration in general condition, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Beaucerons are also prone to heart problems and otitis media. The latter develop due to poorly ventilated auricles, in which pathogenic microorganisms multiply. In addition, French shepherds can be sick with parainfluenza, plague, rabies, leptospirosis, adenovirus, parvo or coronavirus enteritis. However, all these ailments are easily avoided due to routine vaccination with complex drugs.

Maintenance and care

Beauceron is a breed that perfectly adapts to any living conditions. These dogs can be kept in the aviary, and in a city apartment. However, in that, and in another case, the dog must be provided with the opportunity to regularly walk in order to throw out the accumulated energy. An outstretched French shepherd, not receiving sufficient physical exertion, turns into an irritable and aggressive creature.

Beauceron puppies and dogs

In general, these are quite unpretentious animals that do not require complicated care. During molting, they need to be combed daily with a special brush. Bathing such dogs is recommended no more than once every six months. This should be done using a special shampoo, which you can buy at any pet store. Like any other dog, boseron must be regularly treated for fleas and helminths. The rest of the care for the representatives of this breed comes down to periodically rubbing the eyes, cutting nails, brushing your teeth and ears.


French Shepherds are undemanding dogs. The Beaucerons, whose photos do not convey all their beauty and inner strength, eat industrial and natural food with equal pleasure. In the first case, preference should be given to high-quality products of super-premium or holistic class, released by trusted manufacturers with a worldwide reputation. In such feeds there are all the necessary vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal functioning of the canine organism. When buying, it is important to ensure that the selected brand does not contain wheat, corn, legumes, dyes or artificial preservatives.

Those who decide to feed their boseron with natural products need to make sure that the basis of the dogโ€™s diet is meat and its derivatives. It can be beef, lamb or fish, liver, heart, kidneys, scar and lungs. Both meat and offal must be fresh and of high quality. In addition to them, the dog menu must necessarily contain vegetables, eggs, sea fish, cereals and sour milk.

Under no circumstances should you feed the animal chocolate, baking, sweets, smoked meats, pickles and sausages. Legumes, river fish, bones and exotic fruits should be forever excluded from the dogโ€™s diet.

Recommendations for choosing a puppy

Beauceron dogs are considered a rarity everywhere except in France. But this does not mean that you have to go there for the puppy. Buying a little Beauceron is better at a specialized nursery or from a professional breeder. After all, only in this way can you be sure of the purity of the breed and the authenticity of the attached documents. Experienced breeders seriously breeding these dogs do not sell puppies before they are seven weeks old.

When choosing, you need to not only pay attention to the kids themselves and their metrics, but also look at least at one of the parents. You should not buy a puppy from an exhausted groomed mother, kept in poor conditions. You also need to look at the behavior of small shepherds. They should not be too timid, cowardly or overly aggressive. Normal puppies show a healthy curiosity and tend to get to know the people who came soon. They have a shiny beautiful coat, soft belly and clean eyes. In addition, in addition to the metric confirming the origin, each puppy must have a veterinary passport with vaccination marks.

Pros and cons

Like any other breed, the Beaucerons have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages include a beautiful exterior, unpretentiousness, excellent security and herding qualities. Also, the weighty advantages of French shepherds should include their ability to catch the slightest changes in the owner's mood, devotion, contact, friendliness and ability to get along with children.

beauceron dog breed this

The main disadvantages of these animals include a tendency to dominate, some stubbornness and problems arising from improper upbringing.

Host reviews

People with French Shepherd dogs in their homes claim that they are great family dogs that are highly trained. They do not cause much trouble and do not require specific care. With proper upbringing, reliable guards and excellent companions for long walks are obtained from them. If you wish, you can go with them not only to protection classes, but also engage in dog sports such as agility or frisbee.

Despite the many obvious advantages, the French Shepherd has negative aspects. Considering reviews of dogs of the Beauceron breed, it is worth noting that in the absence of physical and mental stress, these animals become excessively aggressive and irritable. They are also prone to leadership and need serious training.

In general, the Beaucerons are beautiful and intelligent dogs that successfully cope with the role of companions and with service in various structures. They differ in impressive dimensions and are able to scare away uninvited guests with one look.


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