Check valves for sewers: photo, device, installation, reviews. Do-it-yourself check valve for do-it-yourself sewers

Owners of ground floor apartments often enough encounter problems when sewage drains flood the home. The fluid from the system quickly spreads through the rooms and causes material damage. In order to eliminate such troubles, you can use the check valve to the sewer. These devices prevent the return of drains to the apartment. However, before purchasing such a product, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features of the installation work.

Reviews on the need to use a valve

check valves for sewers

According to users, for the normal functioning of the system, it is necessary that the sewage flow through the pipeline at a certain speed. The movement is provided by the slope, which should be laid during the arrangement of the system. If it decreased as a result of subsidence of the foundation or was initially insufficient, then the speed of runoff during operation can slow down. Here lies the main reason for the clogging of the sewage system, which is expressed in the incorrect slope of the outlet pipes. In this case, large solid particles will settle on the walls, since the force of movement of water will not be able to affect them with the intensity that would be enough to move the mass. At some point in time, deposits will block the pipe gap.

Use for improper system installation

check valve for sewage photo

As users emphasize, the same thing happens when the slope is too steep, while the water does not have time to cope with the waste. Check valves for sewage may be needed if the pipeline is worn out. This occurs during prolonged operation of the system, within which deposits form. The clearance inside will be less and less, and subject to normal runoff speed, coarse-grained elements will be fixed on the walls. Gradually, they accumulate, gain firmness and form a blockage. Home masters note that the need to install the described element may be required when the horizontal bends are installed at right angles. These nodes change the configuration of the pipeline, as a result of which the speed of movement of wastewater is lost. Regardless of whether it slows down or accelerates, it negatively affects the operation of the system, which causes blockage.

Installation Recommendations

how to install a check valve on the sewer

Check valves for sewers are installed according to a certain technology. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to determine in which place the unit will be located, while it is important to consider ensuring free access to it for maintenance and cleaning. When choosing a device model, it is necessary to be guided not by low cost, but by qualitative characteristics, since the costs of the valve cannot be compared with the costs of repairing the apartment when it will be flooded by drains. The master should pay attention to the equipment installation technology.

Most often, such devices are universal, however, on sale you can find models that are intended only for vertical or horizontal installation. Check valves for sewage before installation are checked for leaks. For installation it is necessary to make a cutout of the required size in the pipeline, and then insert pipes into the valve. If the sewage system is made on the basis of cast iron, then it is necessary to install an adapter from metal to plastic. Installation of the element is carried out in accordance with the direction of fluid movement. Each unit has an arrow that indicates this direction. It should be directed towards the collector.


do-it-yourself check valve

The check valve for sewage, a photo of which you can see in the article, can be installed on separate equipment or on the entire sewer. In the first case we are talking about a sink or toilet. If you have a lift valve, then it is installed exclusively on a horizontal section of the sewage system. Before starting work, it is necessary to select equipment. The selection should be based on the characteristics of the system, for example, the volume of wastewater. Among other things, it is necessary to choose a device, taking into account the installation location of the device, it can be the whole system or a separate unit.

Before installing the non-return valve in the sewer, you need to choose a place in front of the common sewer riser. If work is carried out on an existing system, then in a certain place some area is cut from it, which will correspond to the size of the valve. If the entire sewage system is equipped, then the equipment is installed in the right place. The next step is to check the tightness of the device.

Installing a check valve on the sewer

pvc sewage check valve

Check valve for PVC sewage can be designed to deal with extraneous noise and unpleasant odors. Such a device is called an aeration valve and is installed by the principle of fitting. Initially, the master should choose a place for installation, which will depend on whether aeration of the entire sewer system or a separate unit is necessary. In the latter case, the valve is installed with a deviation of 30 centimeters from the gravity pipe. From the nearest siphon, the element must be removed by 20 centimeters.


installation of a check valve in the sewer

In the first case, the products are mounted in a designated room or in the attic. Installation of the check valve on the sewer is carried out according to the principle of fixing to the pipe using a fitting or thread. At the final stage, it is necessary to analyze how tight the joints of the device with the pipes are.

For reference

sewer check valve reviews

In order to ensure the correct operation of the device, it is important to guarantee the air temperature, which should not be less than 0 degrees.

Check valve device

The backpressure valve plastic for the sewerage possesses certain design features. On sale you can find devices of this type, which consist of a body made in the form of a pipe segment. Inside is a locking plate, which is equipped with a rubber seal. A spring made of stainless steel is fixed to it. On the valve body there is a removable cover that allows cleaning from the inside, which may be necessary in case of contamination. There is a lever on the body with which you can open or close the valve manually. If it is in the closed position, then the locking plate is motionless and at the same time it does not pass drains. If it is open, then impurities pass through it. The drains leave the apartment, rushing to the sewer riser and raising the locking plate. Once the drain has been completed, the plate returns to its place under the influence of a spring. If a reverse current of sewage occurs, then this element will not let them into the home.

What else do you need to know about the design features?

The plate has a diameter that is larger than the corresponding stop value, this ensures the reliability of the valve neck. If you are interested in the device of a check valve for sewage, then you can consider its other variety, which has a smaller diameter. For such a device, the location level of the outlet and inlet pipe will be different. Between these two elements there is air that presses on the membrane of the outlet pipe, this occurs with a reverse flow of water. A membrane is required to close the nozzle, which eliminates the flow of water in the opposite direction.

Is it possible to make a valve with your own hands?

It is quite possible to install a non-return valve for sewage with your own hands, but even a specialist can’t make such a mechanism. Such units are carried out in a factory using special technology and equipment. For example, the simplest model has a membrane valve, a lever and a removable cover. The last element is necessary to clean the device when clogged. If you still decide to start manufacturing, then in the process you can use brass, bronze, stainless steel, cast iron, as well as plastic.

The interflange valve can be made on the basis of a membrane, which is represented by a disk. Instead of a lever, a spring can be used. If you decide to make a double-leaf valve, then the membrane should be made of two wings. In the presence of a sewer pipe of small diameter, a ball valve can be made that has a membrane in the form of a ball, as well as a spring lever. This type of device is considered the most reliable and common. In order to replace or service the device, the valve will need to be disassembled, while the master will not encounter any special difficulties, since its installation is carried out with two bolts.

Check Valve Reviews

Check valve for sewage, reviews of which you can read below, can be intended for external and internal sewage systems. According to users, it is not recommended to engage in the manufacture of this unit, since improper operation of the device can adversely affect the functioning of the entire sewage system. Buyers claim that high-quality valves have mechanical strength, reliable connection to the main line, as well as resistance to aggressive environments.

Mechanical strength is extremely important for the reason that the external pressure of the soil will affect the entire section of the route and the surface of the valve. This is true for nodes designed for an external sewage system. But valves for external and internal systems should have resistance to an aggressive environment.

Buyers argue that it is important to install an aeration valve, which will prevent the passage of unpleasant odors through the internal wiring. If you do not want to hear extraneous sounds that occur in plumbing fixtures, you must install a non-return valve.


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