Generous Cherries: variety description, photos and reviews

Today, in summer cottages, in the gardens of our compatriots, many varieties of fruit trees grow. One of the most beloved species is cherry. A large number of varieties were bred by breeding. Generous Cherry is very popular .

This is a bush plant. It has a lot of advantages. Due to its unpretentiousness, durability, and high yield, the variety presented today is grown by many gardeners. Features of the care of a fruit plant should be considered in detail before planting.

History of creation

Generous Cherry (photo below) was bred by breeding. This is a hybrid of ordinary and steppe cherries. By selecting seedlings, as well as by free (random) pollination of the Ideal variety, the presented variety appeared. Other species also participated in the pollination process. Among them was the steppe cherry.

Cherry Generous photo

Ideal cherry seedlings sent to the breeding organization were annual plants. The generous cherry variety was recognized by breeders who worked in the Sverdlovsk gardening station.

Distribution of varieties in the gardens and summer cottages of our compatriots occurred back in 1959. Zoning took place in areas such as the Volga region, the West Siberian and Ural regions. This variety has taken root well. Nowadays it can be found even in the gardens of neighboring countries.


Generous Cherries (variety description, photos will be presented later), as already mentioned, is a bush plant. It grows up to 2 m in height. The shape of the bush is wide-round. Its shoots are raised up. The density and leafiness of the plant is average.

Cherry Generous variety description

The cone-shaped kidney reaches a size of 4 mm. She deviates slightly from the escape. Leaves have an obovate elongated shape. They have a shiny surface and dark green color.

Inflorescences consist of 3-4 flowers. Their petals are white. They are freely separated from each other. Fruits presented cherry on annual growth, as well as bouquet branches. Due to the fact that the bush is low, harvesting is quick and easy.


Generous Cherry, reviews of which are provided by experienced gardeners and gardeners, gives juicy, rich red fruits. Their mass reaches 4 g. The shape of the cherries is rounded. Their width is about 18 mm, and height - 17 mm. The pulp of the fruit has a dark red color. It is characterized by medium density, as well as red juice.

Generous Cherries

Berries grow on long stalks (up to 37 mm). Inside the cherries there is a stone weighing 0.27 g. It occupies 7.7% of the total weight of the fetus. The stone can be easily separated from the pulp. The berries are very attractive in appearance. According to the estimates of gardeners surveyed, this indicator is at the level of 4.6 points (on a five-point system).

The pulp has a sweet and sour taste. According to the tasting assessment, the berries received 4.4 points. With the separation of cherries from the stalk does not appear juice. Berries do not crack in rainy weather. They are determined by the high content of vitamins C and P. Compotes, juices are prepared from them, jam is covered or consumed fresh.

Gardeners reviews

Generous Cherries, reviews of which are provided in various sources by summer residents, are characterized by flowering in the middle. This process begins in the last decade of May. The fruits ripen late enough and not at the same time.

Fruiting, according to gardeners, occurs at 3 or 4 years of growth. Productivity is high. Bushes bear fruit every year. With proper care, cherries can live up to 30 years. The variety is self-fertile, but the presence on the site of cherries of other varieties is welcome.

Cherry Generous Description

Cherry is experiencing a good winter, not afraid of frost. The flowers are resistant to sudden spring frosts. Also, for a long time, the bush can do without watering. The variety is also considered resistant to pests. Rarely affected by cherry aphids and sawfly. It has moderate resistance to moniliosis and coccomycosis.

The presented variety can be grown both as an industrial and as an amateur culture. This is a valuable breeding resource. It is suitable for intensive cultivation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Generous Cherries, the description of the variety of which is provided by summer residents, has a lot of advantages. However, there are some disadvantages. Harvesting in several passes. Fruits ripen unevenly. This is the main disadvantage, which does not frighten gardeners at all. The variety has many more positive qualities.

Generous Cherries

This variety is famous for its extraordinary productivity. From one adult bush you can collect up to 15 kg of cherries. This explains the suitability of the variety for the industrial cultivation of fruits. Some gardeners claim that the fruits ripen until September. Therefore, Generous refers to the late varieties. To increase productivity, you can plant trees next to this bush, such as Subbotinsky, Polevka, Maksimovskaya and other varieties of cherries.

Experienced gardeners claim that Generous is able to withstand temperatures as low as -45 ° C. In this case, no damage to the bark, shoots is observed. It is because of this feature that the variety presented is recommended to be planted in the northern regions.

Preparation for landing

Description of the generous cherry variety allows us to draw conclusions about the feasibility of planting it on its site. If the gardener decided to grow the bush, he needs to consider the features of this process.

Cherry Generous reviews

The best time to plant is considered spring. However, the soil should be prepared in the fall. The future landing site needs to be dug up and invested. A month later, organic fertilizers are added to the soil. For this, slurry is suitable. It is bred in water in a ratio of 1: 2. Mineral fertilizers must also be added. This will require 50 g of potassium sulfate and 100 g of superphosphates. This calculation is performed on 1 m² of land area.

In the fall, they also prepare a landing pit. Its depth should be 50 cm and a width of 70 cm.

Land for planting should be dry. The best presented variety grows on sandy loamy soils. Cherry loves the light, so they choose a sunny place for planting, preferably on a hill. On the north side, it is necessary to protect the bush from strong winds.


The generous cherry variety is considered undemanding to the soil. However, to increase productivity, it is necessary to properly fertilize the soil immediately before planting. The process is produced in the spring. At the bottom of the prepared pit, it is necessary to lay out a special soil.

To do this, the top layer of the earth is mixed with manure. 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride are added to this. You can also make 1 kg of wood ash. The mixture is poured into the pit. A sapling is placed on the formed mound. It must be tightly buried.

The root neck should remain on the surface. Generous does not tolerate a deep landing. A hole with high sides is built around the cherry. Watering is introduced into it. After carefully tamping the earth, about 4 buckets of water must be poured into it. The planting site is mulched with organic fertilizers or peat.

Bush care

Generous Cherry, the description of the variety of which was discussed in detail above, requires proper care after planting. In the first two years, the bush requires only watering, removing weeds and loosening the soil.

Cherry Generous description of the variety of photos

In the autumn, the bush needs to be prepared for winter. To do this, dig the earth around it to a depth of 10 cm. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

When the cherry reaches the age of 3 years, in the spring you should make the first portion of fertilizer. This is done immediately after thawing the snow. In this case, nitrogen feeding is suitable. In autumn, potassium sulfate and superphosphate can be added to the soil.

During fruiting, the amount of fertilizer should be increased. After flowering, an additional portion of fertilizing should be added. Organic fertilizers should be used once every two years. Liming is also required once every five years.

A young plant needs frequent watering. As the soil dries, 3-4 liters of water should be poured into the hole under the bush. When the bush begins to bear fruit, the frequency of watering is reduced. In the year such procedures will be required only 3. The first watering is carried out after flowering, the second - during the ripening period. In October, a third watering will be required. If the weather is arid, this procedure is performed more often. In this case, about 5 buckets of water should be poured into the ground.


Generous Cherry requires proper pruning. In this case, its life expectancy reaches more than 3 decades. Pruning is performed annually. The crown of the bush is fully formed in 5 years. It should have about 10 or more main strong branches. Therefore, after the formation of the tree, pruning is performed only with a supporting purpose.

When the buds on the branches begin to swell, it becomes clear which shoots should be removed. This procedure is best done in early spring. All diseased, dry or weak branches must be removed. Places of cuts are treated with garden varieties of thick consistency. Annual shoots do not cut. The procedure must be performed before the leaves appear.

Root shoots should also be removed. She takes a lot of power from a plant. You should also prevent the increase in density. All branches that grow inside the bush should also be removed. This reduces the risk of disease, increases yield.

Pest control

Generous Cherries are resistant to pests. However, in some cases, coccomycosis or moniliosis, cherry aphids or a mucous sawfly may affect it. Most often this happens during a cold, damp period.

Affected leaves, berries and shoots must be removed and burned. After and before flowering, the bush should be treated with a solution of aqueous copper oxychloride. After the crop is harvested, you can spray with 1% Bordeaux solution. At the same time, the soil under the bush should be cultivated.

It is also recommended to periodically loosen the ground near the cherry, treat the plant with insecticides. Timely prevention and treatment can prevent the spread of diseases.

Having considered the features that Generous Cherries have, each gardener will be able to plant and grow the variety presented on his site.


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