Common peach diseases

Peaches love everything for their juiciness, taste and richness in vitamins. Therefore, they are grown wherever possible, because almost any soil is suitable for this, and besides, they do not require close attention. However, you still need to take care of the health of the trees. Consider the main and most common peach diseases.

Curly leaves? Peach Disease Rate!

The blame for this ailment is the fungus Taphrina deformans. It gets on the shoots and leaves of the plant at the very beginning of summer. Due to this peach disease, leaf cuttings are reduced in size, internodes come closer, and the shoots become shortened.

Peach disease
In addition, the sheets themselves are curled, become thick and crumble easily, and the color turns into pale green. Thus, if the disease spread quite widely, then almost all foliage falls over time. After some time, the leaves germinate again, however, the fruits will no longer be of such a quality that is inherent in this type of plant. Spraying the plant with fungicides or their analogues will help get rid of the fungus.

The best way to avoid this disease is to prevent it from occurring. And for this it is necessary to grow peach species that are resistant to this ailment. These include such foreign species as Stark Redgold, Earl Redhaven, Earlired and others. Persistence is manifested in the fact that the leaves after the defeat quickly die off, preventing the disease from spreading throughout the tree. A special peach is also widespread, the varieties of which are bred at the Institute of Horticulture. The work of scientists is not in vain.

Peach Disease: Kleisterosporiosis

Peach diseases and pests

At the same time, another fungus, Clasterosporium carpophilum A, is being used. It spreads throughout all the organs of the plant: leaves, trunks, fruits, mushrooms, shoots. In the case of this peach disease, on the plants there are formations in the form of small punctures, which eventually transform into dark purple spots. The affected tissue dies, resulting in the formation of deep holes. Favorable conditions (especially high humidity) for the fungus further aggravate the situation - it begins to spread at a faster rate. A method of treatment is also spraying plants with fungicides.

Peach Disease: Powdery Mildew

Peach varieties

The pathogen fungus is called Sphacrotheca panossa Lev. First of all, he attacks the young organs of the plant - the leaves and tops of the shoots. This inhibits growth and can cause them to die. After some time, the fruits are also affected, they become stained with the color of flour. Because of this disease of peach, fruits lose their presentation and taste. Fungicides also help to cope with the disease. Especially good to spray plants on personal plots.

Peach varieties

Peach Disease: Aphid

These pests are known to be a problem not only for peach. Aphid harms leaves and shoots, which later curl and dry. Pests spread very quickly, and an effective tool, unfortunately, is sometimes difficult to find. But if there is one, then they are first treated with branches (in the early stages), and then the whole trees (in the later stages). All remedies for aphids are usually very toxic to humans, so safety precautions must be followed when using them.

The above diseases are just the most common ones that a peach can get. Diseases and pests can occur in some regions, but not in others.


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