Meat puree for the first feeding: recipes, rules, how to introduce

Starting from the fifth month of life, babies are not enough basic nutrition. In this case, it does not matter whether they are breastfed or artificial. Their body is actively growing and developing, so it requires a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Provide children with everything necessary will allow complementary foods. But, as practice shows, young mothers have big problems with this. It is not only about the competent compilation of the menu, but also about the choice of products. What meat puree for the first feeding is better to use? Today, the market has a huge amount of goods from domestic and foreign manufacturers, so it is very easy to get confused in them. Let's get acquainted with the assortment a bit and find out what kind of baby food should be given to your baby.

general information

mashed meat for the first feeding

Before you know which meat puree is better for the first feeding, let's first understand why it is. Many people give their children a wide variety of products, but pediatricians say that the best option is meat. It is rich in protein and trace elements. In its chemical composition, meat cannot be compared with any other product.

It contains:

  • amino acids;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamins A, B, E, D and PP.

All of these vitamins and trace elements are vital. Since they not only affect the growth and development of children, but also participate in all chemical and biological processes taking place in the body. Therefore, it is very important to use mashed meat for the first feeding. The products of which manufacturers are of the highest quality, you will learn further from this article.

When to start feeding?

which meat purees are better

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. This question worries many young parents, but there is no consensus among specialists. Some argue that you can introduce additional products as early as 5 months, while others recommend waiting for up to 8 months. This is due to the fact that domestic and foreign pediatricians adhere to various methods.

In our country, mashed meat for the first feeding is given after the baby reaches six months of age. It is during this period that the children's body needs a large amount of protein and other nutrients. However, it is also important to consider the following factors:

  • individual characteristics of the baby;
  • physical indicators;
  • type of feeding.

If babies eat artificial mixtures, it is recommended to start mashed potatoes earlier, since they are poorer in their chemical composition and nutritional value than mother's milk.

When to start typing?

Choosing the best meat puree for the first feeding is still not enough for the digestive system to perceive it normally. It is necessary to correctly transfer the baby to a new diet. Now let's talk about this in more detail. Meat is longer and harder to digest by the stomach, therefore it should be introduced only after the baby already eats vegetable purees normally.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  • Lure should be started only if the baby does not have any health problems.
  • If you recently introduced a new product in the diet of infants, then you need to wait at least 14 days.
  • The size of the first servings should be 5-10 grams in order to look at the response of the body. Then they are gradually increased.
  • If you use canned meat puree for the first feeding, then carefully study the composition. It should not contain preservatives, dyes or GMOs.
  • At first, use products that are homogeneous in composition, such as rabbit or beef.
  • If there is an allergic reaction, complementary foods should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted.

It is worth noting that it is better to abstain from the beginning of feeding before and after the upcoming vaccination, as well as in the summer, when there is intense heat. In this case, the child will better perceive the new product, and the likelihood of side effects will be much lower.

How to give mashed meat?

mashed meat company

Lure should be done before breastfeeding or artificial formula. The mashed potatoes are slightly warmed up so that it is warm, but not hot. The baby is picked up so that it is in an upright position, and fed with a teaspoon in small portions. Experts say that giving new products should be at lunchtime, so that they have time to digest before night's sleep.

Benefits of Purchased Mashed Potatoes

For complementary foods, you can use both industrial products and cook food at home. Most people prefer the latter option, but it is not the best. This is due to the fact that meat purees have many advantages. Among the main ones, the following can be distinguished:

  • high quality;
  • perfectly balanced composition;
  • chemical and microbiological safety;
  • have a consistency that the baby is able to swallow well.

But here a completely logical question arises as to which mashed meat is better for the first feeding. Their choice is simply huge, so many parents are lost. Read more about this below.

Baby food manufacturers rating

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Today, many companies are engaged in the manufacture of ready-made food for infants. The assortment includes both domestic and imported products. Specialists identify several brands whose canned goods are considered the best. Their meat puree rating for the first feeding is as follows:

  1. "Subject" - baby food of domestic production, characterized by a large assortment and affordable prices.
  2. "Agusha" - all purees contain exclusively natural and high-quality ingredients, due to which they have been recognized by many international communities.
  3. FrutoNanny is another domestic finished product, presented in many different tastes and at affordable prices.
  4. Heinz - meat purees from the world famous Italian brand that meet all modern quality standards.
  5. "Grandmother's basket" - an inexpensive food that surprises with a wide variety of single and multicomponent mixtures.

If you want to choose the best meat puree for your first feeding for your baby, the company does not matter. Each manufacturer takes his business very seriously and selects natural raw materials, and the finished product undergoes strict quality control, so it is completely safe for babies.

Homemade Recipes

mashed potatoes for complementary foods recipe

If you don’t know which meat puree to choose for the first feeding, or after a long search you still couldn’t make a choice, you can cook it yourself.

Here are some good recipes:

  1. Take 40 grams of beef, cut into cubes and cook for 2 hours. Once it is ready, pass through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. Add a little vegetable broth to the resulting mixture and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Cook the turkey fillet for an hour and a half. When it is ready, grind in a blender and pass through a fine sieve. The meat of this bird is incredibly healthy, but very dry, so mother’s milk is added to it until the desired consistency is obtained.
  3. From a rabbit - this is another good recipe for mashed meat for the first feeding. The carcass is cooked for an hour, after which the fibers are separated from the bones and twice passed through a meat grinder. Next, add the vegetable broth and bring to perfect condition in a blender.

This is only a small part of the recipes. For the preparation of baby purees at home, you can use a variety of types of meat. The main thing is that the baby should not have a food allergy from them.

How much can I give per day

mashed meat

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this issue first. This is no less important aspect when introducing complementary foods in the diet of infants than the choice of high-quality baby food. Serving size depends on age category. Experts recommend sticking to the following scheme:

  • 6 months - 15-20 g;
  • 8 months - up to 50 g;
  • 10 months - up to 70 g;
  • from 12 to 24 months - 80 g.

In this case, you will have to experiment a lot with different types of mashed potatoes. Some may not suit your baby's taste, while others will cause an allergic reaction. So be prepared to try many options before you find the best one.

A few words about different types of meat

Doctors advise giving small children various products so that as they grow older they gradually expand their gastronomic knowledge. In addition, all types of meat have a different chemical composition and energy value, which should also be taken into account.

the best puree for the first feeding

Let's look at the most common ones:

  1. Turkey and rabbit meat. Considered the best for making baby purees. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are also low-fat and hypoallergenic.
  2. Chicken. This dietary meat is close to turkey in its properties, but is absorbed a little worse in the still fragile children's intestines. However, it should not be given to babies who are allergic to egg white.
  3. Beef. It is a good source of protein and many vital trace elements. But for making mashed potatoes at home, you can use only lean meat. Doctors recommend starting beef with beef.
  4. Pork. The fattest in comparison with other species, but it is recommended for feeding infants with problems such as dermatitis and diathesis.

As for lamb and ducklings, they are banned for up to three years, since their meat is stiffer and fatter, so the intestines simply will not digest it.

What do parents say about finished products?

Every year, more and more young mothers are switching to mashed meat for the first feeding. Reviews about them are mostly positive. Many are satisfied with the affordable cost, as well as a natural and safe composition. Children not only eat them with pleasure, but also with the introduction of finished products into the diet, food allergies are almost never observed. In addition, industrial purees are made taking into account the recommendations of leading experts, so they are perfectly balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. At home, using even high-quality ingredients to achieve this will be impossible. Therefore, you can safely buy baby food and not worry about anything.


puree for the first feeding

In this article, we have answered in detail the question of which meat puree for the first feeding will be the best. However, so that the baby normally responds to new products, do not forget about the basic rules for their introduction into his daily diet. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor in advance. He will give some practical advice and help to make the most optimal menu for the baby. Most importantly, remember: the child should use exclusively fresh and high-quality products, because the general condition of the baby depends on them.


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