Analysis of the episode "Name Day at the Rostovs" ("War and Peace")

One of the best works of Russian classical literature, undoubtedly, is the epic novel by L. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, in which the author from the first pages emphasizes the unnaturalness of all conflicts. This is facilitated by scenes with a description of peaceful life in the circle of relatives and friends, always ready to understand and come to the rescue. And to understand what moral values most attracted the writer in people, the analysis of the episode “Nameday among the Rostovs” will help.

analysis of the name day episode in growth

The scene's location in the epic novel

Almost the entire 1 part of the first volume is devoted to acquaintance with the heroes and foundations that have developed in their homes and society as a whole.

After describing the nobility gathered in the Scherer salon, L. Tolstoy shows how the name-day is celebrated in the Rostovs' house. A family thought, which is very important for the writer, is connected with this family in the work - as he himself designated it. And the acquaintance with the Rostovs and the narrative of their further fate begins from the stage in which relatives and friends gather together. Throughout the day, a joyful, friendly atmosphere reigns here, emphasizing that the owners are happy for everyone who has crossed their threshold. And although the countess, tired of the visits, throws: “Well enough”, her words are not perceived as an unwillingness to see the guests. This is, to a greater extent, a manifestation of sincerity and simplicity - the main advantages of all family members except for the eldest daughter of Vera. This is precisely the main difference between the Rostovs and other "noble nests" presented in the novel.

Name day Natasha Rostov

Morning reception

The Count’s house was known throughout Moscow, including hospitality and cordiality, which will be proved by the analysis of the episode “Nameday among the Rostovs”. On this day, in the morning, guests began to drive up to congratulate the mother and daughter. The countess, a woman of about forty-five, received everyone in the living room. Next to her was the already matured Vera. The youth, including the birthday girl, thirteen-year-old Natasha, considered this occupation rather boring and therefore she was engaged in her more interesting affairs.

Everyone arriving with a friendly smile and warm words - here, by the way, instead of fashionable French, they preferred their native Russian - the count himself met. He took them to his wife, and seeing them off, he invited each guest to be sure to be at the gala evening dinner, which was arranged according to tradition, even despite financial difficulties.

The story of Pierre

The scene in which one of the guests tells the story that happened the day before with the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, in a drunken revelry, tied a policeman to the bear’s back, can be considered indicative. It caused general laughter and sincere fun. The count was especially amused, who pictorially presented the whole described scene. It is worth noting that for Scherer, for example, guests would certainly try to give a moral assessment to Pierre's so stupid behavior and even put appropriate labels on him.

name day in growth episode analysis

Thus, Rostov’s name day - an analysis of the episode emphasizes this - speaks of simplicity, naturalness, the absence of pretense and ostentatious hospitality in this family.

The beginning of the evening

The Count always, even at such a difficult time for them, tried to arrange everything according to the rules - money was never treated here as the most important value in life. The women who arrived gathered in the living room, and the men went to the owner’s office: there they had to admire his wonderful collection of pipes and, naturally, discuss political news, the main of which was the war. Each of the guests expressed his opinion on the current political situation, but this was done somehow unobtrusively and without too much discussion. The young lieutenant Berg was especially distinguished, who did not accidentally come to the birthday of Natasha Rostova (daughter) and the countess herself: he was predicted to be the bridegroom of Vera. Often he preferred to be silent, watching what was happening and evaluating the situation. Now, Berg carried away the audience with a story about what an advantageous position he occupied in the guard and how quickly he advanced in service. However, he did not notice at all that the interest in him was rather caused by the manifestation of boasting and narcissism, which were little accepted in such a circle and quite appropriate for Anna Pavlovna. This was emphasized by the final phrase of one of the guests that with such an approach to life Berg would go everywhere. However, here everything happened naturally, without claiming superiority on the part of any of the guests or the count himself.

The long-awaited guest

It was time for dinner, and the men returned to the living room. The owners all looked at the door, which eloquently said one thing: not all the guests had arrived. Finally, there was a noise in the living room. One could say, fifty-year-old Marya Dmitrievna burst into the living room, due to the lack of which they still did not begin to celebrate the Rostovs' birthday. The analysis of the episode when, without exception, all the guests stood up when the lady appeared, immediately underlines her significance in this circle. Somewhat rude, but exclusively in Russian, she turned to the count who met her and to her beloved goddaughter - Natasha, the “Cossack,” making a couple of remarks to Pierre Bezukhov who was here. But it was precisely for this directness and ease of communication that she was respected and even a little afraid in both capitals. Although it must be said that if, as analysis shows, Rostov’s name-days didn’t start without her, then in a salon like Scherer, Akhrosimova’s appearance would have been impossible in principle - she was very different from the high society with their “high” manners, arrogance and pretense.

war and peace

Only now, when yachting earrings were presented to the goddaughter, and the young Count Bezukhov was reported by the guest for the story with the bear, everyone went to the table.

Dinner Description

An analysis of the episode “Nameday at the Rostovs” shows that at dinner everything went as it should - i.e. in general, the decencies accepted in secular society were observed. Women sat on one end of the table, men on the other. It is interesting to note the author that the owner, casting a glance at the spouse sitting opposite, imperceptibly poured wine on the guests and himself, and the countess, in turn, tried to keep her eyes on her husband and noticed how his face and bald head became redder. This detail emphasizes how well the couple learned each other over the years of marriage.

The revived men soon again began talking about the war. But this question worried them more in connection with the fact that they had to send sons to the front. For example, the Rostovs son, Nikolai, was soon to leave the house. The guests are quite sincerely surprised: “And why did this Bonaparte decide to fight?” Gradually, young Nikolai, who was ready to win or die for Russia, intervened in the conversation, and Marya Dmitrievna, who noted that she had all the will of God (she had four sons at the front herself). Thus, the war here was perceived as a terrible event, participation in which was not a way to achieve ranks and awards, but a necessity and duty of every patriot.

Bold prank

The episode "Nameday at the Rostovs" emphasizes that the whole family gathered at a common table, including its younger members. Between them, their own, special relationships were established, which Vera, who had already felt an adult, looked at with irony. Young people were more worried about mutual sympathies and hobbies. So, Silent Sonya, a poor relative of the Rostovs, watched Nikolai all evening, who soon had to leave. Birthday girl Natasha exchanged glances with Boris, who was also preparing to go to the front. Sometimes her attention was attracted by his unusual appearance of the large and clumsy Pierre.

nameday episode in growth

And suddenly, when the dispute about the war gradually subsided and the guests on each half of the table talked about their own, there was a clear voice of Natasha. Her appeal to her mother at that moment seemed impudent and contrary to etiquette. Arguing with her younger brother, she decided to certainly find out what will be served for dessert. At first, her question shocked everyone, but the girl’s incredible courage, who later dared to enter into dialogue with Marya Dmitrievna herself, amused everyone. And the birthday girl felt like a real heroine, and all evening remained in an enthusiastic state.

After dinner entertainment

Name-days of Natasha Rostova and her mother continue with a description of the card game, in which the men and Marya Dmitrievna herself participated, singing to the accompaniment and, of course, dancing. Natasha made another liberty here by inviting the stranger Pierre. And then she sat in his company and, fanning herself, depicted a small talk, arousing admiration from her godmother: “What?” But the real event was a dance performed by the Count and Marya Dmitrievna. There was so much simplicity, naturalness, sincerity in their fun coming from the depths of the soul and albeit not always adroit, but natural movements that they could not help but be admired.

name day in the house of growth

So L. Tolstoy emphasizes the truly national character of his beloved heroes in the epic novel “War and Peace”.

Nameday Rostov: conclusions

As already noted, in the first part of the work the main storylines are tied and the reader gets acquainted with the heroes, whose fate will subsequently pass before his eyes. In this regard, it is significant that the description of the reception in the Scherer salon and the Rostovs house is nearby. Their contrasting image helps to better understand the merits of Russian people, whose soul was not spoiled by light, to see the moral ideals of the author and determine what the role of the family is, where everything is built on mutual love, warmth, sincerity, in the formation of personality.

nameday analysis in growth

The analysis of the episode “Nameday at the Rostovs” confirms the main idea of ​​the novel: a man was born to live in harmony with the world and with himself, and any war is destructive in nature.


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