Knifofiya flowers: planting and care in the open field, cultivation and reproduction

Every year, the list of exotic and unusual plants in our flower beds is updated. What was inaccessible literally a couple of years ago is already in the order of things today. Bright spots bloom guests from Africa, Australia, South America, delighting with their spectacular view of others. One of the most interesting specimens is knifofiya. Growing, planting and caring for it is not so difficult, but the appearance can become a real decoration of the territory and its highlight. A large number of bred hybrids that differ in flower shape, size, color, allow you to create amazing compositions.

flowers knifofiya planting and care cultivation

Area of ​​growth and name

Known today as the flowers of knifofiya (planting and care, cultivation - hereinafter), plants are perennial grasses of the same genus and Asphodelaceae subfamily. The natural habitat is East and South Africa. At the moment, the genus has about 75 species, several of which are especially common in horticultural culture. The unusual name is associated with the name of the German botanist of the 17th century. Johann Jerome Kniphof.

Biological description

All species are perennial herbs, some of which are evergreen. As a rule, they are tall (1.5-2 m), but there are also low species. The largest plant is Knifofi Thompson, whose peduncles reach a height of up to three meters. The leaves of plants are collected in a basal bunch (rosette), from the middle of which unusual and spectacular flowers appear. By themselves, small, but high decorativeness is achieved due to the fact that they are collected in an inflorescence of ears, located at the very top of a high stem. Knifofiya, planting and care of which does not take much time, is vaguely reminiscent of the shape of lupins, but the inflorescences are more elegant, as if ruffled.

proper book care

Knifofiya berry

One of the species of the named genus. Distributed in southeastern Africa. It has been cultivated around the world as an ornamental plant since the beginning of the 18th century. It is on its basis that a large number of hybrids have been bred by breeders. The plant is tall, up to 1.2 m in height with a powerful rhizome of a yellowish tint. The leaves are lanceolate, serrated at the edges, gray-green. The flowers in the buds are red, then they can turn into an orange, yellow, carmine shade. Berry knifofiya, planting and care in the open ground for which are simple, will decorate any site. Almost all hybrids bred on its basis are characterized by high growth (up to 1.5 m in height) and good survival rate. Especially popular are such varieties as:

  • Dr Kerr - has a powerful meter flower stalk with an inflorescence up to 20 cm long, lemon yellow color (pictured). Flowering duration - up to 60 days (from mid-summer).
    knifofiya planting and care in the open ground
  • Orange Beauty is a hybrid with similar characteristics, the color of the colors is bright orange.
  • Fire Flame - the same flowering dates, meter flower stalk, but the inflorescence is slightly larger (25 cm) and has a scarlet red hue.

Site location and soil

Most of the exotic plants in our gardens were originally brought from countries with a hot climate. No exception and knifofiya. Planting and care in the open ground for it in this regard acquire their own characteristics. It is recommended primarily for southern regions with hot summers and short, warm winters. The farther into the northern zone, the more difficult its vegetation process will be. In the middle lane, for example, the probability of wintering in the soil is very small.

In any case, choose open, sunny places for the plant in the area where there are no cold drafts. It absolutely does not tolerate lowlands, stagnation of moisture and dampness. Therefore, the soil requires nutritious, with good air and moisture permeability.

Growing seedlings

In order to grow an adult plant from seeds, experts recommend the use of purchased planting material. This is due to several factors. Knifofiya, planting and care in the open ground for which is very simple, is still a southern plant, and in the middle zone the seeds simply do not have time to ripen. However, assuming that the flower had enough time, collecting material from hybrids is a futile task. In the second generation, they give a splitting of characters and do not have the external properties of the mother instance.

knifofiya planting and flower care.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in late March – early April in a shallow container with a loose and light substrate. You do not need to deepen them, just evenly distribute them on the moistened surface of the soil and only slightly sprinkle. Cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm and well-lit place. Shoots, as a rule, appear after 2-3 weeks. Seedlings need to be gradually accustomed to room conditions, opening the film. As soon as three true leaves appear, they must be dived into separate pots.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

knifofiya landing and care

The most relevant method of plant propagation in central Russia. As already mentioned, the seeds do not have time to ripen, but the rejuvenated bush will please with its flowering the next year. Optimal dates come in late April – early May. The mother bush should be dug up and the daughter rosettes formed in the axils of the lower leaves should be separated with a sharp knife. The slice can be slightly dried and sprinkled with charcoal. After a few hours, start planting the plant in a permanent place.

Knifofiya: planting and care in the open ground

Knifofiya has low frost resistance, therefore the care of the plant will differ slightly depending on the climatic zone in which it is grown. Planting seedlings in the ground is carried out only after passing the threat of return frosts.

The soil must first be dug up, if necessary, make good humus and drainage. The depth of the pit depends on the size of the plant. In any case, they need to be filled with fertile soil, water and then plant young plants. At first, they must be shaded, gradually accustoming to the sun's rays. Leave the distance between plants 30-40 cm, flowering occurs the next year after planting.

If you want a spectacular, unusual and at the same time unpretentious plant in your garden, then let it be knifofiya. Planting and caring for the flower is elementary simple. During the growing season, it is important to take care of three aspects.

Firstly, regular and plentiful watering. It is necessary for succulent leaves and plentiful flowering, it is best to carry it out in the early morning hours. In parallel with it, carry out two fertilizing with fertilizers. The first application of drugs with nitrogen should take place as soon as the leaves appear in the spring. The second - after flowering, use potash fertilizers and, for example, ash.

Secondly, weeding, loosening and mulching the soil. The content of periglossal space in order allows not only to improve aesthetics, but also useful to the plant itself.

Thirdly, shelter for the winter. In the southern regions it is optional, but starting from the middle lane it is simply necessary. The plant is evergreen, therefore in no case can you cut the leaves, they are neatly folded, bending to the ground. Otherwise, next year, knizofiya, of course, will come to life, but it is unlikely to bloom, as it will actively build up green mass. Use peat crumbs and pine conifer for shelter, and on top a special material that does not allow moisture to pass.

knifofiya cultivation planting and care

Timely and proper care of knifofiya will provide you with a stunningly unusual and amazingly beautiful plant. The flower looks equally good, both in single plantings (large turfs), and in group ones - around ponds, in mixed flower beds. It can be used to cut into bouquets.


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