Veteran of labor of federal significance: benefits, payments, rights

A labor veteran is an honorary status of a person who has worked for many years for the good of the country. It was first established in the Soviet period, but before the adoption of the law, only moral encouragement was supposed. Now various benefits are laid. A veteran of labor of federal significance has many advantages.

Who can be considered a labor veteran?

Work experience should be equal to 40 and 35 years for men and women, respectively. The principles of conferring a title are specified in Art. 7 of the law "On Veterans". It says that the following citizens can become its owners:

  1. Persons who began to work before coming of age in the war years.
  2. Citizens who have the honorary labor title of the USSR, as well as owners of medals or orders for merit in the field of labor.
  3. Persons with departmental signs for labor merits.

labor veteran of federal significance

It should be noted that each award badge (medal and order) must have a certificate that confirms that a veteran of labor of federal significance is its real holder. If there is no such documentation, then they may be denied the title and benefits. Not all signs allow you to get veteran status.

Federal benefits

The certificate is provided at the federal or regional level, so the list of benefits may vary. To save money, some regions close various assistance programs that are laid out for workers. But benefits to labor veterans of federal significance cannot be changed.

benefits to veterans of federal labor

In Russia, this category of citizens has the following advantages:

  1. Free transportation (buses, trolleybuses, trams, trains). But at the local level, monetization of benefits is usually carried out - cash compensation is issued for trips.
  2. Utilities are 50% paid by the state. In practice, this privilege is replaced by a subsidy issued to those whose income is less than the subsistence level.
  3. Granting leave to working pensioners, which is observed in state organizations.
  4. Free dentures.
  5. Free medical care.

These are privileges for labor veterans of federal significance. They are provided on an ongoing basis. An extension of their list is adopted the appropriate document.

Regional benefits

At the regional level, their benefits are established. This may be a retirement supplement. Payments to labor veterans of federal significance may be different. Often provided additional subsidies for utilities. For example, in St. Petersburg 50% of the amount indicated on the receipt is paid.

Local authorities have the right to change the amount of assistance, it all depends on the economy. Because of the monetization of benefits, a lot of controversy has arisen. “Live” money is convenient for carriers and utilities compared to subsidies, which often do not arrive on time.

But for many senior citizens, this innovation is inconvenient. In some regions there is a choice: receiving financial compensation or providing benefits in kind.

Tax benefits

A labor veteran of federal significance is entitled to tax benefits. They are provided in the form of cash subsidies and partial compensation for the cost of services, as well as reduced taxation. There is a whole list of preferential conditions for collecting taxes from employed pensioners:

  1. Veteran retirees are not required to pay property tax. This usually refers to a property fee. This tax is paid by all owners, and the amount may increase.
  2. Income tax is not levied on pensions and additional payments, but their amount is limited to 4 thousand rubles per year.
  3. Regions may approve land and transport tax benefits. In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, veterans do not pay fees for cars with a small engine capacity.

Citizens with the title are entitled to a tax deduction after a major acquisition. Moreover, the residue of the deduction can be carried over to previous periods. The rights of a veteran of labor of federal significance are confirmed by a certificate. To receive a tax deduction, you must write a statement.

Veteran Labor Federal Payments

Learn more about the benefits at the tax office. If a citizen does not enjoy benefits, then the issue can be resolved in court. As can be seen from judicial practice, the court usually takes the side of veterans.

Assignment of a rank

In order to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor of Federal Importance”, you must write a statement and submit it to the social protection authorities. You will also need a passport and paper evidence of seniority and awards. If you can’t apply independently, then you need to draw up a power of attorney.

labor veteran rights of federal significance

If there are difficulties with filling out the application, then social protection workers must provide the necessary information upon request. The procedure for awarding the title is carried out in the following order:

  1. An application is submitted and then registered. A special commission is engaged in the review, which will check the indicated information. It takes no more than 30 days from the date of registration.
  2. The decision can be positive or negative, about which a person is notified within 5 days.
  3. With a positive decision, an administrative act is created, after which a person can obtain a certificate of a labor veteran.

All benefits, payments, benefits are provided after the presentation of this document. Its provision is controlled by supervisory institutions. If the certificate is lost or damaged, you need to contact social security to get a duplicate. The previous document will be invalid.

The title confirms the many years of work of man, his contribution to the development of the country. In the Soviet Union, medals began to be issued since 1974, and until today they are important awards. But now a federal labor veteran can enjoy material benefits that are not available to many other citizens.

Benefits in the regions

The type of assistance depends on local authorities. It is she who establishes what advantages are laid to labor veterans. Therefore, in each region, rewards may vary. In some entities, additional privileges may be added:

  • allowance;
  • cards for the purchase of important goods at reduced prices;
  • free distribution of medicines;
  • payment of treatment in sanatoriums.

federal labor veteran

Benefits may vary, so you need to find out their list yourself. If a veteran refuses any services, he may receive compensation for this.

Moscow region

A labor veteran of the Moscow Region receives the following benefits:

  1. Free travel on railway, city, suburban transport.
  2. Purchasing tickets for water transport at a 50% discount.
  3. Housing and communal services are paid in the amount of ½ of the generally accepted norms.
  4. Installation and restoration of dentures is free of charge.
  5. The poor are given a ticket to the sanatorium.
  6. Working veterans are entitled to unpaid leave of up to 35 days at will.

In the Moscow region there is a privilege on the use of a landline telephone. It is expressed in the form of compensation.

Who is entitled to free tickets to the resort?

The rules for obtaining permits are fixed in Art. 6 Federal Law No. 178. It states that the following citizens can count on such benefits:

  • disabled people;
  • citizens living in the besieged Leningrad;
  • participants and disabled WWII;
  • penitentiary workers;
  • military personnel of battalions and automobile troops that delivered goods to Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989;
  • families of dead veterans and disabled WWII.

labor veteran of the Moscow region

Only non-working citizens are issued a ticket to the sanatorium. Status is confirmed by documentation.

How to get a ticket?

Social security institutions provide vouchers to the sanatorium. The pensioner needs to contact the department at the place of residence. You need to have with you:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • statement;
  • documents confirming the availability of benefits;
  • medical certificate type 070 / -04.

If the ticket is issued for a disabled person, then the list of documents will supplement the conclusion of the medical and social examination. A certificate is required in order to exclude diseases in which spa treatment is impossible.

labor veteran certificate

Some regions require a pension certificate. Since 2005, a system of monetization of benefits has been in place. Therefore, in order to get a ticket, you need to issue a refusal of monetary compensation for this option of state support.

Living in a difficult climate (Far North) 2 times a year, travel to the resort or resort is provided. The fare is paid by the local budget. Assistance in gasification or equipment installation is expressed as compensation or discounts. The regions also have social services, which include the delivery of food, medicine, cleaning the premises, if a person cannot take care of himself. The right to benefits is provided by law, so veterans must definitely draw them up.


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