What are the reviews about the designer "City of Masters"?

The designer is a universal gift for any child, although many adults are not averse to building something of the kind. Today in children's stores and hypermarkets a huge selection of designers is presented. Their prices also vary: from inexpensive options to exclusive, worth a lot of money. Among the whole variety of models and manufacturers, a Russian designer appeared who immediately stood in a competitive line with world leaders. According to the reviews of parents and children, the designer “City of Masters” is in no way inferior to popular analogues.

city ​​masters constructor reviews

When did the constructor appear?

The first set of parts for construction was invented at the end of the 19th century by German engineers. It consisted of small bricks, from which the young architect could build different buildings. In 1901, in England, a designer was invented, consisting of iron elements. To connect the parts to each other, the child had to use a screwdriver, bolts, nuts, wrench included in the kit. The first plastic parts appeared only in the early eighties of the XX century in France. Today, what kind of designers do not exist: magnetic, and wooden, and electronic. Now the main task of all parents is not to get lost in the huge variety of models and choose exactly the option that suits their children.

city ​​masters constructor reviews

The positive influence of the constructor

To teach a child something new, it is better to present all the information in the form of a game. First of all, this will make the activity for the child tireless. Secondly, interesting tasks, role-playing games will arouse the child’s interest in learning. Thirdly, it will unite the parent and child even more. Available to absolutely everyone, a developing game suitable for a person of any age is a constructor. What is the positive effect of studying with this type of children's toys?

  1. The development of fine motor skills. Now in most articles on parenting, particular attention is paid to fine motor skills. Why should it be developed? Fine motor skills are a set of movements of the arms and legs aimed at grabbing, holding, and other manipulations with small objects. In order to make, at first glance, simple movements with fingers or toes, three systems are involved: nervous, bone, muscle. Scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills has a positive effect on the development of attention, vision, and memory. And the close location of the brain center, which is responsible for the movements of the hands and feet, and the portion of the cortex, which is responsible for speech, allows us to conclude about the effect of fine motor skills on the speech and thinking of the child. The designer is an excellent simulator for fingers. Using educational games with the use of parts for construction, the parent helps the child to develop.
  2. Creativity development. If you give the child a limited number of parts from the designer, this will not stop his imagination. After all, there are many options for collecting various designs. The main thing is to show the child how the parts are assembled into a single structure, and after that do not worry about what to do with the baby.
  3. The development of aesthetic perception. As a rule, all designers are made of parts of different colors, but they do not irritate the eye, and structures assembled from elements of different colors are harmonious, not one color competes with another.
  4. The child who collects the designer focuses on his feelings. He doesn’t walk anywhere; he sets himself the pace of the game. Also, the child comes up with stories for games that are understandable to him. Building various structures from parts without the help of an adult, the child brings up independence.
    plastic constructor

Manufacturing company "City of Masters"

The company "Simba Toys" exists in the market of children's products for more than 20 years. One of the organization's directions was the release of plastic designers for children of all ages. For a fairly short period of time, the designers of the "City of Masters" fell in love with many families. After all, the quality of the product meets all standards, it is safe for use by children, while the price remains affordable.

city ​​of masters constructor machine

Brand Assortment

Specialists have developed different series of designers that will be interesting to children of different ages, different sexes, different interests. For example, 3 years old boys will be interested in the constructor “City of Masters. Bus ”, which consists of a small number of large parts. This will protect the child from getting the toy elements into the airways, and the ease of assembly will allow the child to get acquainted with the world of design. For girls, there are special series with your favorite cartoon characters and fairy tales. There are also thematic models: "Summer Cafe", "Kitchen", "Our Home". Constructor "City of Masters. Machine ”is suitable for older children (from 6 years old). In it, the number of parts is increased, and the assembly becomes more difficult. There are in the assortment of the brand designers who assemble from metal parts with the help of screws and nuts. A popular model of this series is the "Helicopter" designer.

constructor city masters bus

Negative reviews about the designer "City of Masters"

Reading the recommendations of the parents regarding the choice of a plastic designer, one comes across reviews with a minus sign. After all, all people are different, needs are also different, which means that opinions are not the same. Each one approaches his choice of the right toy in his own way. As for the negative reviews about the designer “City of Masters”, several negative characteristics of the brand stand out:

  • The company says that the elements of the designer will be combined with the details of the designers of well-known companies. But in fact this is not so. Details of the “Cities of Masters” are higher than those from other manufacturers.
  • Often parents complain that the number of parts indicated on the packaging is not true.
  • Difficult to understand instructions. It is difficult for a child of 5 years to understand it without the participation of an adult.
  • Some sets of detailed composition are very similar. They differ only in characters.
    helicopter designer

Positive feedback on the designer "City of Masters"

You can’t do without a fly in the ointment. It’s good that there is more “honey” in the constructor of “City of Masters”. Some positive characteristics noted by parents:

  • Despite the fact that the parts differ in height, with a competent combination, designers from different manufacturers can be combined, including world-class ones.
  • One of the main positive characteristics is the price. The products of this brand are available to people of different incomes.
  • The quality of parts is at a good level, the products are certified.
  • Among the characters of different series there are heroes familiar to our children : Luntik, Fixiki, Cat Leopold and others.
  • The product range is huge. Anyone who wants to find a product to their liking.
  • Details between themselves are well fixed. For example, having assembled the “Helicopter” constructor, the baby can easily play with it, without worrying that in the process the model can scatter into elements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12941/

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