Krasnodar Territory: the Kuban, Pshekha, Belaya, Kirpili, Eya rivers

One of the most nature-gifted places in Russia is the Krasnodar Territory. Rivers, lakes, mountains, fertile lands, natural resources and two whole seas - all these riches are concentrated precisely in the Kuban. Such an abundance brings the region to the forefront in economic development due to the density of population and the level of industrial production, services, development of recreational areas.

Krasnodar region of the river

Water natural resources of the Kuban

The water resources that the Krasnodar Territory is fully endowed with (rivers and other water bodies) are represented by the Black and Azov Seas, lakes, among which there are formed as a result of the spill of the seas, and rivers. They flood the sea, originating in high mountains, gathering from small streams, nourish the earth, saturating them with life-giving moisture and life. The greatest full-flowing rivers have precisely during the melting of snows and heavy rains. Then they gain strength, turning into violent raging torrents, ready to tear down everything in its path. In summer, most rivers are shallow. But during heavy rains, the entire Krasnodar Territory falls into the risk zone of flooding. Rivers come out of their banks and threaten an attack on settlements and agricultural land.

Kuban - a raging stream

The main water source of the region is the Kuban River. Krasnodar region is rich in rivers. Their total number is 13 thousand. However, it is Kuban that is the waterway, which has a length of 870 km. Most of it passes through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory (700 km). That is why the Kuban is the longest river in the Krasnodar Territory. It originates from the slope of distant Elbrus, feeding on the meltwater of glaciers. Because of its length, the river changes direction, width, and fullness many times. Its flow in the immediate vicinity of the mountains is intensifying, and in places of more open and gentle waters, the waters are calm and clean. This is especially noticeable in the autumn-winter period, when summer rains receded, and the course calms down.

White River Krasnodar Territory

Gift to Her Majesty Catherine

According to the popular version, Suvorov presented the Empress with a river, signing a gift to "Her Majesty." That is how the second longest river, Eya, got its name. Krasnodar region is heavily dependent on it. The river stretches along the Kuban to a length of more than 300 km. Her waters are calm. The shallow water and steppe landscape around created excellent conditions for the local flora and fauna. In the reed thickets on the banks there are many birds, both permanently living in this area, and those who find a temporary refuge here. Agricultural water is irrigated from the river, and there are many fish in it. However, such massive industrial activity adversely affects the river. She shredded heavily.

Rebellious Shhaguash

Kuban River Krasnodar Territory

Shhaguashe - this is exactly the name the Belaya River had in ancient times . Krasnodar Territory has a very rich history and culture. All sorts of legends are famous for more than one corner of the Kuban. The name of the Belaya River has many interpretations, but the most popular is associated with the beautiful princess Bella, whom the local prince brought by force to a foreign land. Unable to bear the violence, she stabbed him with a sharp dagger, for which faithful servants decided to punish Bella. Trying to hide from the chase, she jumped into the very depths of the river, which they began to call in her honor. Over time, Bella's name changed to Belaya, which is more pleasant for hearing.

The richness and beauty of water

All the diversity of the Kuban embodied the Belaya River. Krasnodar Territory is famous for its resorts, offering vacationers all kinds of recreation. Active sports, bordering extreme sports, leisurely fishing, excellent sightseeing tours - all this can be arranged thanks to this river. Belaya is a tributary of the Kuban, has a length of almost 300 km. It begins in the very mountains and grows, gaining strength, turning into a turbulent full-flowing stream, which is fed by meltwater and rains. Penetrating the mountain range, it creates steep canyons, level differences give tourists wonderful views of numerous waterfalls. In addition, Belaya flows through the woodland. It is on such shores that there are places for vacationers, these are stationary full-fledged bases, and equipped sites for tents. Thus, the Belaya River (Krasnodar Territory) is an excellent recreational zone.

Pshekha River

Psheha is the largest tributary of the Belaya River, its length is more than 160 km, but its width is quite small (48 m on average). The river originates in an amazing and unique place. This is Pshekh waterfall, one of the most stunning places in the Krasnodar Territory. This waterfall has a height of more than 160 meters in one cascade, which has no analogues anywhere else in Russia and Europe. It was from its creeks that the fast, swift river Psheha began. It is a great place for kayaking, fishing. Clear water, transparent as a tear, allows you to see all the unbridled beauty of a mountain river. Another interesting fact about Pshechu is that not so long ago, paleontologists excavated on its shores and discovered amazing casts of ancient plants and shells of prehistoric mollusks.

its river Krasnodar Territory

Fishing paradise

In addition to the mountains, the Krasnodar Territory has steppe rivers. The Kirpili River belongs to such unhurried, leisurely. Its length is 202 km, and it diverges along overgrown reeds, marshy places, occasionally turning into floodplains artificially created by man through dams and dams. Such places are perfect for fish farming and fishing. Kirpili is characterized by a lowered water level, its maximum values โ€‹โ€‹occur only in the spring. Therefore, in the drier months, water drops dramatically, the situation is aggravated by the plowing of land near the coast, improper economic activity.

Waterfalls edge

The longest river in the Krasnodar Territory

The mountain rivers of the Krasnodar Territory is a unique phenomenon that presents people with amazing natural gifts. Among them are amazing waterfalls, of which there are more than two hundred, and even local indigenous people cannot accurately name all the natural beauties of these places. Among the most popular tourist routes are the Big Adegoy Falls, Teshebsky Falls, Big Kaverzinsky Falls, Pshad Falls and many, many others. Each of them is worthy of attention. They have the most attractive appearance precisely during the period of melting of mountain peaks, when the rivers are full, the current is as strong as possible. Such a spectacle will not leave anyone indifferent!


mountain rivers of the Krasnodar Territory

The Krasnodar Territory (the rivers with which it is rich is described in the article) is a unique place that attracts lovers of water extreme sports from all over the country and neighboring countries. And although a wide range of people such a sport as rafting, became known relatively recently, the mountain rivers of Adygea saw the first descents back in the 60s of the last century. Rafting, born of enthusiasts and amateurs, is so popular nowadays that it annually attracts thousands of spectators and participants to the Interrally Belaya alloy competitions. In addition to the fact that such leisure is available to professionals, lightweight tourist routes are organized in the region to help even a beginner to cope with kayaks, kayaks and catamarans.


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