The child spits up after each feeding and hiccups: reasons, doctor's advice

The spitting up of a baby after each feeding is considered a natural process and ends independently by 6-10 months. No special treatment is required. Spitting is the release of milk or food eaten into the baby's mouth from the stomach, after which hiccups can begin. Although this is a normal occurrence, for many parents it is troubling, especially if such a discharge occurs by a fountain. It is necessary to understand in which cases this is considered the norm, and when it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.


the baby spits up after each feeding and hiccups

Why does the baby spit up milk after feeding? There may be several reasons for this.

  • Crowded stomach.

This happens as a result of frequent attachment of the baby to the chest, as doctors advise feeding the baby on demand. Because of this, children eat much more food than can fit in the stomach, and excess food spits up.

  • Quick sucking.

A baby can draw milk into it very quickly, while it also swallows air. If the baby is incorrectly placed on the chest or not given the bottle, then this also helps to swallow air. Therefore, doctors recommend holding the baby upright after eating until belching occurs with excess air. At the same time, the newborn spits up a small amount of food.

  • Features of the structure of the stomach.

In adults and older children, in the place where the esophagus and stomach combine, the sphincter is located, the purpose of which is to reliably hold the food eaten inside. In newborns, such an organ has not yet formed, so food is usually thrown back into the esophagus, even if the child’s body position is changed.

  • Nervous overexcitation.

Sometimes the reason a newborn spits up is increased nervous irritability. In this case, you should definitely show the child to a neurologist who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

  • Early feeding.

Many parents think that the baby does not eat up milk, constantly wants to eat, so they begin to give him food for older children very early. But the stomach in the newborn is not ready for this yet and reacts to such food in the described way.

  • Features of physiology.

If the child spits up a lot, then a strong narrowing of the esophagus at the place of its transition into the stomach can contribute to this. In addition, this condition occurs due to a hernia of the diaphragm. These pathologies are detected as a result of ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and x-ray.

How old is the baby to spit

newborn spits up

Belching is a normal physiological process that protects the baby from overeating. This does not cause him any discomfort. This process always happens unexpectedly. It is normal if the child gets rid of excess food up to 7-9 months, because at this age the muscular valve is finally formed between the stomach and esophagus.

Spitting up during breastfeeding

Improper feeding technique leads not only to regurgitation, but also to the fact that a newborn baby hiccups. The reason is the air that enters the stomach and contributes to the ejection of part of the food back.

If a woman feeds, she should control that the baby’s mouth is snug enough to her chest. This helps prevent air from entering the esophagus. In addition, a nursing mother should not eat foods that cause increased gas formation (beans, carbonated drinks, peas, brown bread).

newborn baby hiccups

And when the child has burped, it is necessary to pay attention to what this liquid is. If the mass resembles cottage cheese or curdled milk, then there is nothing to worry about. But if a month-old baby spits up after each feeding, then a doctor’s consultation is needed. You should pay attention to the baby’s stomach - it should be soft and not swollen. To prevent constipation, it is necessary to control the stool of the child.

Regurgitation during artificial feeding

If the child eats an artificial mixture, the bottle should be kept in such a way that it is perpendicular to the infant's mouth. Moreover, the mixture is recommended to be given 10-15 minutes after preparation.

If a newborn baby hiccups after eating, it is necessary to lay it on the stomach for several minutes before this process, as well as do a stomach massage. Thanks to circular strokes performed clockwise, the baby's digestive system returns to normal.

why the baby spits up milk after feeding

In addition, the following points lead to regurgitation and hiccups:

  • Binge eating. By the way, it is much easier to notice it with artificial feeding, because thanks to special tables you can find out how many times a day and in what quantity it is necessary to give the child a mixture. When overeating, hiccups are considered normal and go away after a few minutes. If she did not go through this time, then you can give the baby a drink of some water.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the hole in the bottle's nipple. It should be as if it were pierced with a medium-sized needle. It is necessary to ensure that it is always filled with a mixture. This will prevent the baby from swallowing air.
  • The child spits up after each feeding and hiccups if the mixture is poorly tolerated. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right nutrition with the doctor.

A child spits up a fountain

If once a day a child vomits a mixture of up to 50 ml, then this is considered the norm. But if this is repeated very often, the baby is not gaining weight and is worried, this is an occasion to consult a specialist. An ordinary overeating or bloating can provoke this condition. But there are more serious reasons.

So, the child spits up a fountain due to a malfunction of the digestive process. Attention should be paid to the quality of the baby’s food. If the mother is breastfeeding, then she needs to review her diet. With artificial feeding, the cause of this is a mixture. Therefore, you should not purchase it yourself, but only after consulting a pediatrician.

The baby can spew out a fountain as a result of a nervous system disease. It must be shown to a neurologist.

The pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is also capable of causing the described condition. The child may experience a staph infection or congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby should be shown to a pediatrician, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Treatment is carried out with the help of medications, and in especially severe cases, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Premature baby spits up after each feeding

spits a lot

Very often, vomiting of milk is observed in premature and weak babies, as well as in babies with intrauterine disorders. In this case, the child is recommended to be observed by a pediatrician.

It is necessary to carefully monitor how the baby is gaining weight. If the baby spits up after each feeding and hiccups, but at the same time a good weight gain occurs, then you can be sure that with age this deviation of the digestion process will pass. If an increase is not observed, the baby should be carefully examined to establish and eliminate the cause of the violation.

The baby spits through his nose

Many parents are calm about the fact that the child spits through his mouth. But if this happens through the nose, then it makes them panic. If this happens infrequently and in the presence of parents, then you should not be scared. Frequent regurgitation through the nose is much more dangerous, as this closes the nasal passages, and the baby can suffocate. In addition, there is irritation of the nasal mucosa with the acidic contents of the stomach, and as a result, polyps or adenoids can form in the nose.

When is it recommended to consult a doctor?

spits in a fountain

The following conditions require an immediate examination of the baby by a doctor:

  • the baby spits up after each feeding and hiccups, and this process makes him uncomfortable, he cries, bends, clenches his fists and shakes;
  • the newborn loses weight and refuses to eat;
  • there is a burping fountain;
  • the process is accompanied by heavy breathing, fever;
  • regurgitation began 6-7 months after birth, as well as if they did not end after ten months.

If the child constantly spits up, you need to use the following tips:

  • before each feeding, the baby should be laid on the stomach, but not more than 10 minutes;
  • the child should be in a reclining position with a raised head during meals;
  • after feeding the baby should be kept upright so that it burps all the air;
  • After eating, you need to play calm games with your child.

one month old baby spits up after each feeding

The baby spits up after each feeding. Komarovsky

Why does a baby reject a small portion of food after feeding with a mixture or milk? This is what Komarovsky, a pediatrician, thinks about it. Such a process is considered normal, and do not worry if the child is healthy and cheerful. In many children, this phenomenon disappears during the first year of life, and in some even up to three months. To get rid of regurgitation, burping with air is necessary. But if vomiting contains green bile - this is an occasion for immediate medical attention. It is possible that surgery will be required.


Thus, if the baby spits up after each feeding and hiccups, this is not a reason for panic. Hiccups do not cause him any discomfort. But if this condition happens very often and causes serious inconvenience in the baby, then you should definitely consult with a specialist.


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