Fringed tinder fungus: description, harm and useful properties

Bordered tinder fungus is a parasite living off the nutrients contained in a tree trunk. Many logging organizations are fighting with him tirelessly, as this mushroom is very harmful to their business. But scientists, on the contrary, consider it a very useful and noble inhabitant of the coniferous forest.

edged tinder

Bordered tinder fungus: habitat and habitat

This variety is called in common people a pine tinder fungus. This is due to the fact that this parasite loves to settle on the trunks of conifers most of all. Like most of its relatives, it prefers the cool climate of the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia, it can be found in almost all regions, with the exception of the southern part of the country.

Despite the general opinion, a fringed tinder fungus rarely grows on living trees. It is much more likely to attract stumps, dry or damaged trunks, as well as deadwood. Therefore, it is quite difficult to call this species of fungi a full-fledged pest, since it parasitizes only on sick or weakened trees.

Tinder funnel: description

The fungus is completely absent. It is attached to wood due to special fibers located in the side of the cap. It is curious that the fringed tinder fungus changes its color throughout its life. So, the body of the young mushroom is yellow-orange, and the old - gray-brown. But the white strip surrounding the edge remains unchanged, regardless of the age of the parasite.

The pulp of the tinder fungus has a felt structure. Because of this, it is very durable and allows the fungus to resist all kinds of damage. As for its color, it varies from yellow to dark brown.

edged tinder

Pest Control

The edged tinder is a parasite that can spoil the wood. Any trees whose bark has serious defects or cracks may be at risk. It is in them that the spores of the fungus fall, after which the active maturation of the tinder fungus begins. In this case, the parasite literally sucks all the nutrients from the tree trunk. This leads to decay of the wood, which significantly reduces the life of the whole plant.

In order to protect valuable species from the negative effects of tinder, logging companies conduct chemical treatment of their surfaces. They also look for mature mushrooms, and then destroy them. Fortunately, the pest slowly affects the wood, and therefore timely human intervention allows you to save the tree.

The role of polypore in the ecosystem

As for scientists, they are confident that the edged tinder fungus, although a parasite, still brings great benefits to the forest. The thing is that it affects only sick and weak trees, thereby removing them from the gene pool of the forest. Simply put, it acts as a natural ecosystem tech.

In addition, after the decay of the timber affected by the bordered tinder fungus, nutrients for the earth enter the soil. Thus, the fungus directly affects the cycle of elements in nature. Killing the weak, he feeds the strong.

fungus bordered parasite

Medical use

Fringed tinder fungus is often used as a raw material for the manufacture of a number of medical preparations. For the most part, it is used in the treatment of diarrhea, polyuria, hepatitis and dysentery. For example, our ancestors in ancient times cooked a decoction of the pulp of a mushroom in order to relieve inflammation of the stomach, and the Indians of North America applied pieces of tinder fungus to the wounds, since they clotted blood, stopped bleeding.

However, the mushroom gained the most popularity in Asia. For example, in China, healers used tinder-based powders in order to improve overall well-being, as well as increase the mental abilities of a person. And in Korea innovative development of diabetes drugs is underway with the addition of an extract of this parasitic organism.


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