Children's menu for every day. Healthy menu for the child: recipes

Baby food, fruits, vegetables - all this is surrounded by vitamins. Unfortunately, with age, babies begin to change their diet and join the "adult" food. So, it’s becoming harder and harder to make a healthy menu for a child for every day. But nutrition should also be tasty, and varied. Sometimes ideas just go somewhere, but the kid doesn’t want “the third day to eat soup”. Now we’ll talk about how to create a children's menu for every day.

Soups are delicious ...

Of course, everyone around says that there is nothing more useful for a child than porridge. Yes, cereals contain useful nutrients, but only few children have a positive attitude to such nutrition. But you can see recipes for proper nutrition for every day for a child, where cereals are not the main component. In children's "menus" generally focus on soups and vegetables. Now we will give you some simple but tasty recipes for soups for your baby.

kids menu for every day

For colds and for strength

So, let's start our teachings on the kitchen front for the sake of the health of the child. A fairly simple recipe will help your child maintain his health and delight the stomach. In order to prepare a tasty and healthy soup, buy one long-playing chicken. If it is large, divide it into two parts, one of which will be postponed until better times. Next you will need salt, a little pepper, seasoning to taste and your baby’s favorite cereal (rice or pasta is perfect). If your child loves pasta more, take the trouble to find a cobweb, asterisks, dinosaurs or the alphabet - any small ones, but “cool”. Remember that the appearance of the dish also plays a huge role. In a large pot, draw water, put the chicken there and put it to cook on medium heat, adding all the necessary seasonings. Be prepared for the fact that the preparation of healthy, natural and nutritious chicken soup will take you the lion's share of the time - about 4.5 hours. However, while the broth is being cooked, you can do other things. In addition, it is possible at this time to cook other dishes from our topic "children's menu - recipes for every day."

When the broth is ready, add the pasta to it and boil them in your soup. When the cereal / pasta is ready, simply remove from heat, cool and "pinch" the meat from the chicken, place in a pan. Basically, the soup is ready. If desired, you can add onions to it. If the baby does not tolerate the taste of onions, peel and put the whole onion in the broth, which will need to be removed by the end of cooking.

daily baby menu


And our menu of the child continues every day. Now we will tell you how to cook delicious and magnificent cheesecakes. Probably any housewife knows how to "cook" them. Children's menu for every day, including cheesecakes with different fillings - it's just a miracle! With simple manipulations, you can improve the dish. Take two packs of low-fat cottage cheese, an egg, 3 tablespoons of sugar, a little flour, a few bananas. Now mash the cottage cheese with a fork in a bowl. Now add the egg, flour and sugar. Mix well and add the mixture to the bledner. Throw the bananas after the cottage cheese, mix until smooth. Now put everything in a bowl, mix with raisins. Form cheesecakes and sauté. The dish is ready to eat!

Tender hedgehogs

We continue the theme of "children's menu - recipes for children for every day." This miracle of cooking is suitable if your baby does not want to eat meat. Have to show tricks and cook hedgehogs. For them, you will need 0.5 kg of any minced meat (best chicken), 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 0.4 l of warm boiled water, a glass of rice, two small carrots (or one large). Also find a special seasoning in the store - it’s called “for hedgehogs”. Very tasty at the company "Maggie". Peel the carrots and grate it on a small grater. Pour a glass of rice with water. Now pour 0.4 liters of water into a deep bowl, dissolve sour cream there. After that add seasoning "for hedgehogs" to the dissolved sour cream. Pour minced meat into the thawed minced meat and mix. Next, mix the minced meat with carrots and rice. Form the balls. Now put a deep frying pan on medium heat, put the hedgehogs there. Top with sour cream. Simmer the hedgehogs until cooked. Make sure that the sauce obtained from water and sour cream does not burn. The end result is a wonderful meal.

daily recipes for kids menu

Tender chicken

A children's menu for every day can include special recipes. Say a recipe for tender and crispy grilled chicken, but absolutely healthy. Take chicken, seasonings for chicken and grilled chicken (you can easily find in any store), salt and a baking sleeve. It does not hurt to supplement the chicken with potatoes. So, peel the potatoes and cut into slices. Then unfreeze the chicken, sprinkle it with salt and seasonings, put in the sleeve, lay the potatoes next to it and close the sleeve. Make a few small holes in it on top for air circulation and send the dish into the oven. When the chicken is covered with a crisp, and the potatoes are baked, the dish is ready. Not a drop of fat and harm to health!

children's menu new recipes for every day

Rice "France"

An unusual and simple recipe can be included in the children's menu for every day. All you need is 100 grams of any mushrooms, rice, salt, 100 grams of cheese (the best is hard), seasoning "universal" or bouillon cube.

Rinse the rice until the water is clear. Draw water into the pan and let it boil. Throw some universal seasoning or a bouillon cube into boiling water (the water should change color). Put the rice to boil. Wash the mushrooms at this time. Cut them into small pieces and fry in olive or vegetable oil. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. When the rice has boiled (make sure that it does not stick), drain and rinse it. Add the fried mushrooms, sprinkle with cheese a little and mix the rice. After you put the dish on a plate, sprinkle a little more cheese on top. That's done.

Funny sausages

This recipe for proper nutrition for every day for a child of any age can be called humorous. The fact is that you need only 3 components: salt, sausages and spaghetti. Let's start the study of creation!

healthy menu for the child every day

Take the sausages and cut them in half. Now take the spaghetti (it is better that they are thicker) and pass through them half of the sausage. After that, put the water to boil, salt it and send the "sausages on spaghetti" to boil. Remove the dish when ready. Children will love it! Now let's look at a few more options on the topic "children's menu - new recipes for every day."

Potatoes and sausages

Now it's time for a delicious potato dish. To do this, you need potatoes (you can buy frozen french fries), sausages, salt and a little olive oil. Peel and chop the potatoes into slices or slices (as your baby likes best). Sausages cut into 3 parts. Cut each of them on two sides with a "cross". Now take the potatoes and fry them in olive oil. After that, “fry” the sausages. They "dissolve" their cut ends, having a cheerful appearance. Thus, you can quickly and tasty feed your kids.

Sweets from a fairy tale

Now it's time for desserts. Of course, sweets are a favorite treat of all children around the world. But so many are ready to watch how kids poison their body with chemicals. Therefore, it's time to cook goodies for your family yourself.

Meringues - this dessert is familiar to many. In stores, a small portion of meringues sometimes rolls over 100 rubles. And it is still unknown what manufacturers are ready to stuff for dessert so that people buy products again and again. Our recipe will help you reduce spending, and a healthy menu for the child for every day will be diluted with sweets.

children's menu daily recipes for children

You will need 6 eggs, about 200-300 grams of sugar. You can also take chocolate chips or cocoa powder. Heat the eggs to room temperature. Carefully separate the yolk from the protein. Be careful - it is extremely important to prevent the yolk from getting into the protein that we will use. Now add the squirrels to the deep bowl. Take a whisk and begin to whisk until foam is formed. Of course, you can do this with a mixer, but with your hands it works better. Next, add a little sugar and continue to whisk. Finish the “business” when you get a thick white mass. Put on a baking sheet in small portions (spoon) "mash" and send to bake. When the meringues "freeze", take them out and cool. That's the whole recipe.

If you want to add cocoa or chocolate, do this while whipping proteins with sugar. Thus, you can change a simple and tasty dish. For the sake of taste, you can add a drop of juice (do this with a pipette).

daily nutrition recipes for a child


It's time to take stock. Today we learned some useful, quick and tasty recipes for every day for children. Healthy and proper nutrition is the key to the successful development of your baby. You can even introduce the child to the process - then the food will become even tastier. Culinary success!


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