Bamboo fiber: what is it, the pros and cons of bamboo products

Bamboo is the world's tallest evergreen herb. Its special properties are appreciated by residents of many countries of the world. For example, for the Chinese, bamboo is a symbol of longevity, and for the Japanese, the embodiment of purity. This plant has been used for a long time in small industry. And only recently, the whole world learned about bamboo products. Bamboo fiber - what is it? What properties do the fabrics made from it have?

Secrets of Bamboo Fiber Production

Bamboo fiber what is it
The traditional way to obtain bamboo fiber involves the mechanical processing of raw materials. The bamboo is crushed, then fermented to a homogeneous mass, after which individual fibers are separated from it.

The resulting product is ideal for the production of textiles and fillers. All fibers have the same density, length and strength. However, this option for the production of bamboo fiber requires considerable effort and time. For this reason, large-scale industries use the modern chemical method of processing raw materials. Is bamboo fiber obtained by this method dangerous? What is a chemical option for processing natural raw materials?

The use of special reagents can significantly simplify and speed up the processing of fibers. In this case, the final product is completely safe for the consumer, since all chemicals are removed during production.

Advantages of Bamboo Fiber

Blanket bamboo fiber reviews
Bamboo fabrics have a natural sheen and smoothness. To the touch, products from them are very soft, more delicate than cotton. Bamboo fiber has a high density. Thanks to this characteristic, it does not crumple, is easily amenable to drapery and perfectly holds the given shape.

Possesses all the advantages of bamboo fiber traditional for natural fabrics. What is it, it is easy to understand from the first use of bedding from this material. The fabric is breathable and highly hygroscopic. Thanks to which it perfectly retains the heat of the human body in winter, and does not allow overheating in the summer.

An environmentally friendly filler for blankets and pillows is also made from bamboo. Bamboo fibers do not cause allergies, do not accumulate static electricity, have antibacterial properties. Evergreen grass is never attacked by pests and does not rot. Accordingly, bamboo fiber products are also durable. They have a natural defense against bacteria and parasites.

Disadvantages of bamboo fiber

Bamboo fiber reviews
According to some experts, bamboo will soon supersede the most common cotton today from the textile industry. Indeed, the advantages of bamboo fiber have a lot, and the cost is quite acceptable. What about the flaws?

As a raw material for the manufacture of fabrics and filler, bamboo fiber attracts the manufacturer by its high hygroscopicity. The ability to quickly absorb a large amount of moisture is usually considered the advantage of natural materials. But in some cases, it is a disadvantage. Bamboo products are not the best option for continuous use in high humidity conditions.

Application area

In modern industry, bamboo fiber is used to make fillers and fabrics. Due to its characteristics, bamboo is ideal for creating clothing and home textiles. Bamboo fiber reviews are positive and as a natural filler for pillows and blankets. Such bedding can be washed in a washing machine and air-dried.

Also made of bamboo fiber bed linen, protective covers for mattresses and pillows, tablecloths, towels. Bamboo fabrics are also used for sewing everyday clothes, sports kits, as well as medical equipment.

Clothing, bedding and blanket made of bamboo fiber: reviews

Filler bamboo fiber
Bamboo products today can be purchased at any major textile store. When buying, do not hesitate to consider your favorite item in detail. Real bamboo is very soft and pleasant to the touch.

It does not crackle during compression, easily restores shape after deformation. Remember that any natural material can not be cheap. But is real bamboo really that good? The blanket made of bamboo fiber reviews is positive due to its softness, wear resistance and lightness. You can sleep under such a product year-round.

Clothing and home textiles made of bamboo perfectly absorb liquid, incredibly pleasant to the touch, retain an attractive appearance over a long period of time. If you believe the reviews, it is enough to purchase at least one product from this material in order to personally appreciate the bamboo fiber. What is it, today an increasing number of our compatriots will learn. Try it and you incredible softness and lightness of natural bamboo fiber!


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