Why all the women are fools, and the men are goats

When everything goes head over heels, I want at least one area of ​​life to be stable. Only in this case can a person endure everything. But it does not always happen the way we want. Sometimes they are kicked out of work, problems with parents, and it’s impossible to get support from a wife. And then the man has no choice but to break on his missus.

- Why are all the women fools? - asks this individual from friends. But few people can give him an answer, but here we will try.

Why are all the women fools

all men goats
Many men believe that all women are not distinguished by outstanding abilities. Their biggest achievement is to learn how to cook borscht deliciously. Such individuals like to gather in drinking establishments and discuss the question: why are all the women fools? But is it really so? Well of course not.

This expression was formed in antiquity, when, indeed, the girls did not have the opportunity to study, and compared to her husband, the woman was just a fool. But time passed, and schools were built for the girls. Today, any representative of the fair sex can give odds in an intellectual battle to any man.

Another reason why a strong half of humanity can call their wives fools lies in their own dysfunction. It happens that a neighbor’s life is going well, there are no problems with his wife, children grow up smart. This leads to wind up. And the man begins to blame his wife for everything. A woman seems to have nothing to do with it, but you need to make someone guilty.

Why are all men goats

why are all the women fools
For a similar reason, wives often blame their husbands. If a husband doesn’t drink from a neighbor, doesn’t smoke and makes good money, then anger can take anyone. And it doesn’t matter that everything in the family is all right. After all, a woman sees what could be better. Therefore, the husband suddenly becomes a goat and a bummer.

It must be remembered that a man in himself never becomes a bad person. It changes under the pressure of circumstances. When a woman broadcasts that all men are goats, she must first think about herself. Is it so perfect? Maybe her husband drinks from a bad life? From morning to night, a woman disappears at work or walks with her friends, but she simply does not have time for her faithful. How to be? Urgent worth changing. Indeed, if one woman in her own experience feels that her husband is a goat, then there will be another curious who does not know this yet.

How not to become a fool

meaning of the word fool
Most people live according to the scenario of their parents. It's easy to predict your life by looking at your own family. Mom married successfully without love? The daughter is likely to do the same. The script is laid in the minds of the child in childhood, and getting rid of it is very difficult. In such a situation, it even seems strange that men are still wondering why all the women are fools. After all, most of them are the same.

How to get out of a vicious circle and start living your own way? You need to understand the scenario of your behavior and try to reprogram yourself. And most importantly, abandon mother's eternal custody. This does not mean that you need to break all ties, you just need to take control of your own life in your own hands. Make decisions, choose friends and clothes yourself, without asking for advice from friends or mom. Life is one, and one must be able to become unique. Then the men will not say that all the women are fools.

How not to become a goat

don't be stupid
For men, the theory of scenarios applies in the same way as for women. But we must take into account the fact that more than 40% of children in our country are growing without fathers. Whose scenario will the boy take as the basis? In this situation, development can go in several ways.

The child will become the opposite of the mother, because he will believe that all the women are fools. This can be taught to him by classmates or classmates. Moreover, women are fools not because of fools, but because they have inspired it to a fragile mind.

Another scenario, the boy can follow the scenario of his grandfather or uncle. In general, any man close to him. Well, the best option is that the young man will choose his own path and write his own script. It is in this case that a man has a chance to achieve in life something truly great.

Why people don’t get along well

Due to the fact that women are fools, and men are goats, many families are collapsing. Why do people so indiscreetly call each other names? This is because finding a common language is much more difficult than just breaking loose. To understand another person, you need to make mental efforts. And in order not to understand, to yell, you don’t need to strain especially. Man is used to following the path of least resistance.

But people swear not only because of mutual claims. Men wonder why all the women are fools, every time a woman begins to paint.

women fools not because fools
To a strong half of humanity this occupation is not peculiar. Therefore, without thinking twice, the man goes and sits down to play "Tanks". When the wife, having finished the marathon, enters the hall, she sees her beloved, instead of gathering herself, trying to get behind the rear of the enemy troops. The girl is annoyed by this stupid, from her point of view, occupation. Therefore, we can conclude that such conflicts arise because of various interests that are characteristic of a representative of a gender.

Why do people cheat

women fools and men
All men are goats, women say, because their husband cheated on them. Perhaps the wife already had experience, and in the past her lover also went to her mistress. In this case, it is easy to panic and blame the strong half of humanity for everything.

But if you think about it, the men are different, and the woman whom they cheated on is the same. So should it not be concluded from this that the goat is not a man, but that girl who cannot keep her husband has problems? Perhaps, during the marriage, she began to look worse or ceased to enjoy life and bring pleasure to a man. You always need to first look for the reason in yourself, and only then blame the whole world.

The situation is exactly the same for men whom their beloved have changed. Do not blame his wife’s lover for being richer, prettier and his car is better. These are not disadvantages, but advantages. But, most likely, the woman went not to material wealth, but to another person who is affectionate, attentive and caring.

How to keep a relationship

what to do if a woman is a fool
For two people to be happy in marriage all their lives, you need to make daily efforts. It is necessary to forget the meaning of the words "fool" and "goat". It is the destiny of kindergarten children to give others nicknames. An adult doesn't do that. He does not lose his temper for no reason. You need to be able to control yourself.

In this case, you do not need to accumulate anger inside yourself, you just need to learn not to get angry. Nothing terrible will happen if the couple is 5 minutes late in the movie, but the woman will be the most beautiful in the hall. Reservation in the restaurant will not be canceled for a 10-minute delay. But all evening the husband will be in a good mood, as he managed to win. From such trifles happiness also consists. It is necessary, if you do not understand all the troubles of a loved one, then at least try to accept them.

Why get married if everything is so bad there

What if a woman is a fool, why did I just marry her? That is what many men think. And really, why do people create families? I must say that when a man married his beloved, she was hardly a fool. The newlyweds adore each other and sincerely hope that their happy union will last forever. But a year or two passes and a misunderstanding arises.

Well then, why didn’t this happen before the wedding? Lovers tend to forgive and yield. But when the influx of feelings subsides, a person begins to show character, to wonder and generally becomes intolerable. But then why do people create families?

  • It is difficult to endure pressure from relatives.
  • Love.
  • I want to feel constant warmth and support.
  • I want to have children.
  • It is necessary to improve their financial situation.

These are the main reasons. But every married or married person can come up with a dozen more. People want to live together, and in order for them to succeed, you need to moderate your egoism and forget the meaning of the words "fool" and "goat."

How to support your husband

It should be understood that next to you is the person whom you yourself have chosen, which means that he is worthy of you. Do not scold him with the last words. Any friend who is in a happy marriage can say to a woman: "Do not be a fool, look after your husband."

All members of the stronger sex love warmth and affection, even if they deny it. Everyone wants to come to the house where they love and wait for you. This cozy nest is worth creating. And what if the husband comes home and starts to start a familiar song from the doorway: "Why are women fools." A critical male look can be mitigated in the following ways:

  • To listen. It's simple. You need to ask what happened and support the faithful in his view of the problem, or you can even help find a solution to it.
  • To feed. All day the man worked, he wants to eat and relax. Therefore, a delicious dinner will be very welcome.
  • Do something nice, like a massage. Each man relaxes in his own way, and nobody knows better than his wife how to help him in this matter.
  • Give time to be alone. Sometimes you want everyone to leave alone. If a man’s mood is just like that, you should not go to him with questions.
  • Do not force to solve everyday problems. Things can be rescheduled for tomorrow, it is not necessary to force a man to take out the trash on the day when his working draft crashed.

How to support your wife

Women love attention and care. If a man will give his wife at least 2-3 evenings a week, then there will be no disagreement in the family. You need to understand that a woman goes to work, brings up a child, prepares, cleans, and, of course, very tired at the end of the day. And if in the evening your beloved one comes up to cry in a vest, you need to encourage her with affectionate words, and not with the phrase: "Do not cry, do not be a fool."

A woman finds pleasure in the eloquence. She doesn’t even need the interlocutor to maintain a conversation, a simple “yes, I understand you” is sometimes quite enough.

You can occasionally cook a wife a romantic dinner, take her to a restaurant. You can also bring your missus for the weekend to another city. Small, but frequent surprises will also be pleasant for any woman. A bouquet, a ring or a movie ticket will be able to ignite the fire of love in the heart of any girl.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12970/

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