No Game No Life: characters, description, game rules, reviews

The characters of No Game No Life are very charismatic, funny and cheerful cameos. However, the project is interesting not only for the heroes. It is original and in a certain sense unique. Appearing for the first time as a ranobe, he quickly outgrew the target audience, which is why a sequel appeared in the form of manga and a TV series. No Game No Life keeps its fans at the expense of a very bright visual style, thoughtful plot and interesting world. From the article you will learn about the characters of both manga and anime, as well as about events that take place in the story.

Some Franchise Facts

Ranobe No Game No Life first appeared in April 2012 and is still being published. At the moment, 9 volumes of this creation are on sale and much more are planned. Ranobe is a special format in which events are presented in a more dynamic format, and the number of pages is reduced. Because of this, the characters of No Game No Life turned out to be somewhat bland and weakly disclosed during the narration.

no game no life characters

However, having received its share of public attention, Yu Kamiya, the mangaka who created the original project, sold the rights to implement a full-fledged series of Madhouse studio. Over time, the manga also appeared, the plot in it is more fully disclosed, and the characters of No Game No Life have a significant "depth" compared to light novels and the first format of the publication.

How did the series appear, and what do fans say about it?

TV adaptation was broadcast throughout April and June 2014. Season 1 No Game No Life includes 12 episodes. They are distinguished by a very bright, and sometimes somewhat annoying drawing, which, apparently, is a hallmark of the mangaki style. The project was warmly welcomed because, in addition to interesting characters, No Game No Life also demonstrated a more or less original idea, namely, resolving conflicts through gambling or puzzles. Despite the fact that there were critics who accused the studio of promoting gambling, most of the audience greeted the project more warmly than with hostility.

no game no life

On July 15, 2017, the animated film No Game No Life: Zero was released, in the plot of which new faces appeared. It is currently unknown whether the second season of the project will be filmed. It was promised to fans back in 2016, but was simply expanded and served as the very picture. However, judging by the fact that manga and ranobe are still being published, fans can expect a possible continuation in the foreseeable future. It is noteworthy that in the setting the game Life The Game of a mathematical nature skips. It is possible that mangaka has a weakness for her.

The origin of the plot

In the center of the story are two main characters - brother and sister - Sora and Shiro. They are known in cyberspace as an invincible duet nicknamed Space, because they always leave their nicknames blank. In real life, the guy is more like a “hikku”, a slang term for a person who devotes too much time to virtual space, and his sister often teases his brother for excessively perverse preferences.

Serious attention to the environment of the heroes is not. After the protagonists were able to defeat the enemy in online chess, they were invited to travel to another world, where they could play enough. Having agreed, the protagonists were in the dimension of Theta, the local god, and decided to take his place, establishing along the way the supremacy of the least powerful fraction, namely people.

The kingdom of the people of Imanichi

Theta World is called Disboard. Imanichi here are the kingdom of people, the least developed among all peoples. Judging by the environment, at the moment the kingdom is undergoing a stage of feudalism and autocracy. The peasants are doing dirty work, science, like literacy, is abandoned. At the moment, they occupy only 16th place among the leaders, since they do not possess substantial knowledge of magic or superpowers.

no game no life 1

Ciro stated that the figure that represents Imanichi is a king in chess, who is not capable of a serious threat, but can still play a key role in determining the winner. A key advantage is flexibility of thinking, learning ability, fertility and persistence.

Elves and their rules

In fact, the first serious adversary that No Game No Life characters encountered was the elves. They represent a classic gaming and cliched representation of the aristocratic. They occupy seventh place in magical power, prefer to conduct business through cunning, manipulation and through front agents. They do not have an impressive list of lands, but they don’t need it either, since the slave system reigns in the kingdom of elves. The highest caste, the elves, does not work in the fields and in the workshops, since it is for them that representatives of other peoples captured, bought or bought, often imaniti, do it. In general, they remind people, but are somewhat more skinny, arrogant and have long ears. Some representatives have a point on the forehead of an unknown destination.

Other nations

Among the other peoples that inhabit Disboard and are found including the main characters of No Game No Life: Zero, there are vampires, beastmen of various biological affiliations, marine inhabitants and many other "nationalities." In the game No Game No Life, or rather in the manga that describes the events that complete the main arch shown in the series, the king and queen blows established an alliance of states with advanced knowledge-sharing and trade opportunities.

no game no life zero characters

In general, it should be recognized that the setting resembles the Middle Ages with minor amendments. Due to magic, most peoples have an advantage in the form of devices resembling technical ones from the Earth, but working at the expense of mana. The world is quite interesting, and therefore popular among the public, who also likes to spend time in the virtual world.


The main male protagonist. It looks like a “hickah” in a battered T-shirt and pulled jeans. He does not care about his appearance, since he prefers the virtual world to the real one. Tall, thin, has a disheveled brown hair and red eyes. Weighing 63 kilograms, she loves to eat and does not deny herself the pleasure of screwing up sweets. In the duet, the main role and position of the manipulator plays. She notes that she directs her sister's intellect through cunning and intuition. Clever, easily grabs new rules, adapts to changes in the situation on the playing field, and therefore often wins.

no game no life zero

Despite the fact that it looks at least untidy, and sometimes allows itself greasy jokes, it represents a king with very good potential. Generates interesting ideas and contributes to the establishment of equality in the state. Outwardly, she tries not to show her concern for her sister, although she loves her very much and always tries to cover her, even with her body. This is especially noticeable when the couple supposedly had to break up upon arrival at Disboard, and Sora decided to cover the girl with himself. Subsequently, he laughed at the assault on her honor. They are free siblings abandoned by their parents. This part is not explained in any of the series.

Strengths and weaknesses

Sora possesses simply murderous charisma. Among all the characters of No Game No Life, he alone is able to persuade the enemy to relinquish his position or to completely leave the game under the influence of a guy’s bluff. Despite this, he is inferior to his sister in terms of intellectual decisions and bare calculations. In addition, it is sometimes prone to inconsistent or hasty actions, the cause of which is the excessively lively nature of Sora. That is why it loses matches, for example against AI, because it can not affect the enemy and bring him out of balance.


Shiro in No Game No Life is a fragile, young girl with piercing golden eyes and snowy hair. Describe the nature of Shiro can be a simple term - "Kuder". Often so-called female characters, who are characterized by excessive calm, composure and endurance. A vivid example of a couder is the Ayanami Rei from the anime "Evangelion". Shiro from No Game No Life is just as calm and does not allow her emotions to overwhelm her mind, the main weapon and support of the girl. She is incapable of quick decisions, is lost in terms of, for example, human relationships, but is almost ideal in mathematics and other exact sciences.

no game no life ranobe

Outwardly, it is the complete opposite of Sora. Prefers to dress very neatly and modestly. He likes to eat sweets, for which he often receives a sarcastic commentary from his brother. Despite the coldness and estrangement, she is very devoted to her only protector, and therefore she is ready to follow Sora anywhere. In fact, she didn’t even make a decision about the transition of the world of Theta; her brother did it for her. She learned the language of Imanichi in 15 minutes. Polyglot and master of logic, rhetoric. It easily adapts to the kingdom accounting system, conducts all affairs of the throne and easily manages subordinates.

Advantages and disadvantages

Syro is very talented in the exact sciences and easily operates with any data array of complexity. She easily copes with chess and quickly learns the rules. Her key difficulty is the inability to play the game with a live opponent who can surprise the girl, for example, with non-standard moves or bluffs. For such decisions, she needs Sora, who easily reads the emotions and desires of a person in a particular party. Together they create a versatile duet that is able to easily lead the party without errors at all.

no game no life season 1

Kurami Goal

One of the first opponents of the creative duet. Belongs to the race of imaniti, but for a long time did not believe that people can rule at all, and therefore remained in slavery to the elves as a servant. She hoped in this way to put a strong leader at the head of her country. At the time of the story, she is 18 years old. Looks like a skinny brunette with violet eyes. After Sora and Shiro won the race for the throne, she volunteered to lead a game against them. The protagonist tricked the girl into putting everything at stake for victory. She agreed and eventually lost even her own memories. Sora still decided to return them to her along with his plans for the development of Imanichi. After that, she joined the main characters and decided to accompany them. Her family participated in the Great War 6 thousand years ago, probably being an offshoot of the main noble family.

Stephanie Dola

Granddaughter of the deceased king Imanichi. He bequeathed his throne to someone who can win the race for the throne, Stephanie obeyed the demand of his grandfather. She transferred the throne to Sora when she personally lost the game. Shamelessly in love with the protagonist, but tries not to show it. He believes that the king and queen will be able to lead Imanichi to a more or less bright future. In fact, her feelings for the protagonist may be fake. The fact is that the girl lost for a reason, because the party was conducted on desire. The hero asked her for love as her prize, so she now found herself in a subordinate position and forced to fulfill any whims of Sora, although she often does it with joy. She regularly plays with her brother and sister, gradually learning to be bolder. Trained etiquette and the political situation in the world, so it solves most of the issues of national importance.

No Game No Life is an interesting and multifaceted work, which was lacking for the public, who loves anime and computer games alike. A living embodiment of the dream of any gamer, this creation shows how useful the skills of such a computer genius can be, and why you should not focus only on this. In an era when many people spend time on games even to the detriment of real life, such a project looks somewhat ironic, but still interesting.


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