For what and against what did Chatsky fight? Human dignity is the main value

Undoubtedly, Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky belonged to the best representatives of the noble intelligentsia of his time. Chatsky literally burns out from his love for the Motherland and at the same time as no one feels its shortcomings. Having returned, he sees in Moscow society some masks and grimaces, even his love turned out to be a trampled stupid girl. The maid Lisa sees in him a greater flight of spirit than the educated Sophia! For what and against what did Chatsky fight? This will be discussed in the article below.

Image of an intellectual

Intelligence, which includes gentleness and kindness, requires a person to be ready to fight. This is some human and psychological property, not related to the place of work and education. An intellectual suffers acutely from his own shortcomings and the shortcomings of his homeland. Slave love is associated with rampant self-praise. For such people, a suffering person seems simply hostile to their world. The old image of a humane man with a sword or sword on his hip, a humanist who can not only carry words, but also protect them, is an image that has a foundation. A fortress that is almost impossible to conquer is internal intelligence.

for what and against what Chatsky fought
These people can lean on something; some, for example, on religion, others on their talent, others on a sense of duty to the people, but always and necessarily on a moral feeling. This, on the whole, is a very brief description of the intellectual in general and Chatsky in particular. Therefore, when the question of what Chatsky fought for and against is discussed, these points will need to be remembered.

Dispute with Famusov

Famusov, after his direct question about whether Chatsky wants to get married to his daughter, burst into a moralizing monologue. He said that first of all it is necessary to manage the estate well, and then go to serve. Here it is necessary to clarify that according to the table of ranks in order to represent something, you must have a rank, and high enough. Chatsky, with his mind, is quite capable of this, but there is one thing. "Iā€™d be glad to serve, sick to be served." It was then that Famusov could not stand it. He says that all current ones are proud. And in the old days (he recalls the era of Catherine), people in the orders were only too happy to amuse the empress, even if they humbled themselves, but after that they received a lot of mercies and gifts, friendly words.

to serve would be glad to be nauseous
Chatsky objects to this. His credo remains unchanged: ā€œI would be glad to serve, to be sick sick,ā€ and he explains this with examples. People are not good at bending their backs and necks, or at speaking flatteringly, itā€™s only humility, fear and servility, although itā€™s vile to behave and now there are hunters. But only they became few. Even the sovereigns look at it askance, because people are kept in check by shame and terrified of ridicule. A man of a new formation stands for human dignity and against slavish submission. That's what we are talking about with Famusov, that's what Chatsky fought for and against, recalling the last century.

How is the new time

Chatskyā€™s short remarks cause Famusovā€™s horror. Secular society has changed, not everyone is in a hurry to become a jester, to find a patron, to be bored, sitting in the living room, to serve in time, by substituting a chair or raising a scarf. Itā€™s better to travel or live in the village, and if you serve, then not to people, but to business. So Chatsky reflects in his monologues.

how Chatsky in his monologues exposes ignorance
Famusov is simply beside himself from such natural statements for an intelligent person . It was Famusov who voiced what Chatsky fought for and against. The freethinker speaks of freedom and does not recognize the decision of the authorities. Such as he, one can not only live in the capital, but even drive up to it, Famusov believes.

How Chatsky in his monologues exposes ignorance

Famusov is not overjoyed by the old pillar nobility, who, having gathered in the club, will argue and disperse, but are not going to offer a new one. He continues to praise the elderly for ministerial minds. ā€œAnd the ladies? - Who, try, get hold of; judges for everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them, ā€Famusov continues. - They will not say a word in simplicity, all with a grimace; French romances sing to you. ā€ To this Chatsky bitterly replies that everything is new, except for old prejudices. And the old man takes his judgments from newspapers a century ago. Which of them can be taken as a role model? Those who, having plundered wealth, now give feasts and balls throughout Moscow? Or the one who, having started a theater and went broke, sells his actors one by one? Should we respect these? But there is one ā€œunconditional valueā€ - officers. Their beautiful embroidered uniform covers the weak-heartedness and poverty of reason. So ironic Chatsky.

what protects Chatsky
Chatting with Sophia, who had already despicably rumored that he was insane and did it with pleasure, Chatsky bitterly noted that the pathetic Frenchmen were received more kindly than the relatives, because there they knew the price, and here they closed their eyes and mind "Foreigner". And for foreigners, if there are five or six thoughts in the head, thatā€™s good. And this mixture of French with the Nizhny Novgorod dialect - it is impossible to listen to it and is ridiculous. This is how Chatsky, in his monologues, exposes ignorance and empty heads, clogged with uniforms, mods, shy of all Russian.

What is expensive to Chatsky

Chatsky's main convictions were expressed briefly in a conversation with Molchalin, when he dares to advise the loser (in his opinion, Chatsky) how to live properly: you need to find the protection of an influential woman. To which our hero squeamishly replies that visiting women is not at all for this. And in general, if he is busy with business, then he does not mix it with entertainment. But there are a lot of people who mix it, but it does not apply to those. This is what Chatsky defends - true concern for the cause for the good of the Fatherland, and not in his own pocket.

Honor and dignity, stupidity and immorality

So, as one of the first intellectuals to appear in Russia, Chatsky defends the dignity of a person, his right to choose what to do, his own way of thinking (if only these thoughts existed, if only they appeared). The servility and dull following the thoughts of Princess Marya Alekseevna hates Chatsky, as well as the transformation of Moscow husbands by their wives into errand boys, incapable of independent actions.

against which rebels and what protects Chatsky
Chatsky expects that there will be young people who will not need any rank or rank: they will be interested in science or art; that finally there will be minds that need knowledge. This is what Chatsky is up against and what protects. A lot of time will pass when everything that is dear to him will begin to slowly come to fruition. But the main future is for him.


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