Raspberry Gusar: description. New high-yielding raspberries

Raspberries have been known to people since ancient times. This berry has become so beloved by many, not only for its pleasant sweet taste and delicate aroma, but also for its beneficial properties. In recent years, raspberry hussar has gained great popularity. The description of this variety is found in many sources, but not all of the written is worth believing. In this article, we will try to understand the features of raspberry cultivation and care for it.

Raspberry Gusar: description and characteristics of the variety

This raspberry can be called relatively young compared to others. The raspberry variety Husar was bred only in 1995. The main features are unpretentiousness to weather, resistance to a wide range of temperatures and the minimum requirements for leaving. Initially, this raspberry variety was supposed to be grown in the southern regions of Russia, since the plant can withstand high temperatures. However, later it turned out that the bushes tolerate well and cold weather, up to -25 degrees, winter without problems in the presence of a small snow cover. Thanks to this, the raspberry variety Gusar has taken root in all regions of our country and even in neighboring countries.

raspberry hussar description

The appearance of the plant

Raspberry Gusar has powerful stems, grows up to 3 meters in height, does not need a garter. The berries are blunt-shaped, large, juicy, weighing about 5 grams. The taste is sweet and sour, the berries contain a lot of vitamins.

raspberry variety hussar

Leaves are dark green, wrinkled, slightly pubescent, dentate. Fruit twigs are located along the entire length of the shoot.

There are no thorns on the bushes, the shoots are weakly formed, and the entire strength of the plant goes to the formation of fruits. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases, unattractive to insects.

Variety Productivity

Even under adverse environmental conditions, raspberry hussar is able to give an average yield. The description is as follows: from one bush you can collect approximately 2.5-3.5 kg of berries. When creating comfortable, favorable conditions for the growth and development of the plant, the raspberry crop rises to 84 kg per hundred square meters of land.

Growing Features

In areas of gardeners raspberries Gusar is very popular. Reviews about it are mostly positive, however, such an unpretentious variety has its own characteristics when grown.

Firstly, the plant does not like acidic clay soils. In order to avoid acidification, sawdust and shavings are not used as mulch. Fir branches are best suited for these purposes. It is also worth refraining from introducing an excessive amount of nitrogen, since this element contributes to a shift in the acid-base reaction.

Secondly, the distance between the bushes during planting should be the following: 0.7 cm in a row and 1.5 m in aisles with a trench method and 1-1.5 m with a bush.

In the process of forming a bush leave about 6 shoots per 1 bush.

Landing Features

If raspberry Gusar settles in the infield, planting and caring for it subsequently play an important role in crop formation.

The best time for landing is the end of May - the beginning of June.

raspberry hussar planting and care

The diameter of the pits for planting a plant must necessarily exceed the size of the root system, that is, be at least 50 * 50 cm. First, humus, mineral fertilizers, a nutrient mixture are laid in the pits and thoroughly mixed. Then a little soil is poured on top, the seedling is watered and immersed. This is done so that the delicate root system of raspberries does not come in direct contact with fertilizer and does not get burned. After this, the root zone is sprinkled with humus, peat or simply black soil.

Another feature that Raspberry Gusar has (gardeners' reviews confirm this): the root neck does not go deep when planting. After complete shrinkage of the soil, it should be either flush with the soil, or a few centimeters higher.

Fertilizers that are used during planting: ammonia, phosphorus, complex. Although, according to recent studies, the need for phosphorus is exaggerated. During the growing season, nitrogen-mineral supplements are preferred; during flowering, only mineral supplements are preferred. During the ovary and ripening of the fruits, nitrogen is not recommended.

Landing methods

There are two popular methods by which raspberry hussar is planted. The description of the trench method is as follows. A trench breaks out on the site, the depth of which does not exceed 20 centimeters. Then it is filled with water and organic fertilizers are applied. After that, the seedlings are planted in a row, covered with earth and slightly tamped.

raspberry hussar remodeling or not

Another way of planting is artisanal. Dig holes 50 * 50 centimeters in size, fill with water, make fertilizer. Seedlings are formed into groups of 10-12 pieces and are planted in holes. They fill it with earth and ram it.

Before planting, the seedlings are soaked in water for a couple of hours.

Raspberry Care

Since Raspberry Gusar is quite unpretentious, planting and caring for it do not require special efforts. The latter includes watering, garter and pruning.

Despite the fact that this variety is resistant to drought, watering should be plentiful. At the same time, the humidity of the upper layer of the earth must be constantly maintained. On average, watering is carried out two, rarely three times a week. Excessive flooding of the plant with water also has a negative effect.

Although the stalks of Husar raspberries are very strong, however, during fruiting, with a good harvest, they bend to the very ground. This is the time to tie raspberries. Tapestry garter is that pegs are driven around the beds. Strong ropes are pulled between them or boards are nailed. Next, the bushes are tied to a rope or board. A fan garter includes driving a peg on two sides of each bush to which branches are tied.

Pruning is one of the most important stages, as it directly affects the yield. This procedure is carried out twice a year. The first time is right after the end of winter. At the same time, all extra shoots are removed, and the fruiting ones are shortened to the first kidney. The second pruning is carried out after fruiting. The bush is trimmed by 30-40 centimeters, non-fruiting branches and shoots are removed.

Repair raspberries

Very often, gardeners ask themselves: "Raspberry Husar - remanufacturing or not?" First you need to figure out what it is. Unlike ordinary raspberries, which has a two-year cycle of development of the apical part, remontant is a kind of annual. That is, within one season it grows and is able to give a crop on the shoots of this year. Raspberry Gusar is a remont raspberry variety. Its advantages are as follows.

Firstly, it is grown without the use of chemicals, as it is resistant to diseases and pests. Accordingly, the crop is environmentally friendly with minimal labor and material costs.

Secondly, the berry picking period is extended for a couple of months, until October.

Thirdly, exceptional winter hardiness, since the upper part of the bush is cut off after harvesting, and the root system easily tolerates frost in the ground.

Finally, higher yields compared to ordinary raspberries. However, the requirements for moisture, light and nutrition are increasing.

raspberry hussar gardeners reviews

Other high yielding varieties

In addition to raspberries of the Gusar variety, there are other, no less productive varieties, released relatively recently. Variety Masha belongs to non-studded raspberries, the yield reaches 5-6 kilograms from one bush. The berries are large, sweet, early ripening. Another newest variety is Biryusinka. From the bush, you can collect up to 10 kilograms of berries of medium ripening. Both varieties have high winter hardiness. The Moscow giant also has good productivity and very large berries, up to 25 g each. Among yellow raspberries, a new variety, the Yellow Giant, is highly productive. Productivity is up to 10 kilograms per bush, the variety is resistant to diseases and pests.

In black raspberries, Cumberland (up to 6 kilograms per bush) and Ugolek have good indicators.


So, the article examined in detail raspberries Gusar, reviews of which often have an ambiguous color. This is due to several factors. First of all, the composition of the soil, the intensity of top dressing, and also the climatic zone are of great importance in the formation of the taste qualities of berries.

raspberry hussar gardeners reviews
With the timely application of potash fertilizers, good lighting, plentiful watering, raspberries become tasty, sweet, fragrant. In the opposite situation, the berries can dry, shrink.

Productivity mainly depends on agricultural technology. “How much you invest - so much you get” - this is the principle that should be guided by the cultivation of agricultural crops.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12984/

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