Dolomite flour: how to use in the garden?

With the onset of spring, plant growers begin to prepare their plots for the future planting of different crops. Along with digging, soil fertilization with various substances is also carried out. Almost every gardener heard about the existence of dolomite flour, but only a few know about all its useful properties and application rules, and therefore it is rarely used in private gardening. In fact, this is unfair, because limestone flour can greatly improve soil performance and productivity.

Fertilizer Characteristics

For the use of dolomite flour to provide maximum benefit for the site, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its main characteristics. The substance itself is a fine powder that looks like cement.

The composition of dolomite flour

It is made by grinding rock - dolomite, without adding auxiliary components. The chemical formula of dolomite flour is as follows: CaMg (CO2) 2. From this it is clear that the main active components of the substance are calcium and magnesium.

It is the amount of calcium in the soil that determines the degree of acidification. The less calcium, the soil is acidic, which means that it’s very difficult to grow most cultivated plants on it. At the same time, flour helps to artificially maintain a normal level of soil pH and, therefore, increase productivity. Every plant grower knows about the beneficial properties of magnesium. The trace element contributes to the active growth and fertility of crops, so it is often found in many complex mixtures for plant nutrition.

The benefits of flour in the garden

Most often, limestone dolomite flour is used by gardeners and gardeners to deoxidize the soil, in addition, its application improves the quality of the soil in other equally important parameters. After adding flour, the soil becomes more loose, its ventilation improves. The upper layers of the soil are saturated with phosphorus, potassium, light nitrogen and magnesium, which is involved in plant photosynthesis and increases the yield of root crops. In addition, flour helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the soil, reduces the number of weeds in the area and accelerates the absorption of all nutrients from the soil by growing crops.

Digging after application

It is very important for plant growers that the composition of dolomite flour does not affect the concentration of pesticides in plants, but rather helps to remove radionuclides from them. Fertilizer also reduces the likelihood of infection of plants with fungal infections and prevents damage to the crop by insects, as small particles of calcium destroy their chitinous cover.

Most often, lime flour is made in the autumn for digging, but by doing this in the spring, you can increase the immunity of plants and improve their frost resistance for the coming winter.

Soil acidity

Like any other fertilizer, dolomite flour can cause serious damage if used improperly. To avoid this, before deoxidation of the soil with a substance, it is necessary to determine the level of its acidity, on which the necessary amount of flour per square meter will depend on.

Determination of soil acidity

It is easiest and most accurate to use litmus paper for the test. If it is not available, you can determine the degree of acidification of the soil approximately. To do this, you need to collect a small amount of land from the site in a glass container and pour on top a small amount of table vinegar. If foam forms on the surface of the earth, it means that the soil is alkaline and does not need to be added with a deoxidant. If all the vinegar is absorbed into the soil without leaving any traces, then dolomite flour is simply necessary for the site, since the earth on it is very acidic.

The degree of acidity can be determined by the presence of weed grass. Dandelions and chamomiles prefer alkaline soils, while plantain and woodlice prefer sour ones. On neutral soils, nettle and quinoa often grow.

Fertilizer application

To change the pH level of the soil, you need to make flour in the autumn for digging. If you simply scatter the substance on the surface of the earth, its effect will manifest itself only after a year. Spring application, as well as summer application, will not change the composition of the soil and is used only as an enrichment of plants with useful substances.

This is best done in calm, dry weather, since the flour is very light and volatile. Most often, for light sandy soils, 20-30 kg of dolomite flour for each hundredth is required. For clay soils, the demand increases to 30-40 kg, and for peatlands 60-80 kg are needed.

The use of dolomite flour

If it was possible to accurately measure the acidity of the soil, then the amount of fertilizer depends on the pH level and soil composition. So, for every square meter of sandy soil with an acidity index of less than 4.5, 300 g of substance is needed. At pH:

  • 4.6 - 0.25 kg;
  • 4.8 - 0.2 kg;
  • 5 - 0.15 kg;
  • 5.2 - 0.1 kg;
  • 5.4 - 0.1 kg.

For the same acidity indicators of light loamy soil, respectively, you will need:

  • 0.45 kg;
  • 0.4 kg;
  • 0.35 kg;
  • 0.3 kg;
  • 0.25 kg;
  • 0.25 kg.

Next is the calculation for medium loam. At a pH level of up to 4.5, the amount of flour increases by 0.1 kg from the previous indicator, that is, the need is 0.55 kg. With an increase in the pH level, 50 g should be subtracted from the previous amount. Thus, average loams with a pH of 4.6 require 0.5 kg of flour, with a value of 4.8 - 0.45 kg, 5 - 0.4 kg, 5.2 - 0.35 kg, 5.4 - 0.3 kg. For heavy loam, the need increases by another 100 g for acidity to 4.5 and 50 g for all other indicators. For clay soils, you need to add as much flour (100 g) to the results of previous calculations.

Additional application

Most fertilizers do some harm to living organisms, but not in this case. The use of dolomite flour can even be carried out on pastures, since the substance does not cause any harm to the health of animals. When making it, you should remember only that the joint application of flour, urea, superphosphate or nitrate adversely affects the effect of fertilizer and will not bring proper benefit to the soil.

Since calcium in the composition of the substance destroys the chitin cover of insects, a particularly fine dolomite can be mixed with water and a solution can be used to spray plants from pests.

Dolomite flour spraying

How to use dolomite flour for fertilizing perennial plants? Fruit trees and shrubs respond very well with increased yields on the application of this substance. For top dressing, it is only necessary to sprinkle flour on the near-stem circle of the plant and dig it shallow. 1-2 kg of powder is enough for a tree, and 1 kg for a large shrub.

As a root top dressing, dolomite is often used for root crops. So, when planting potatoes, you need to add a small amount of flour to each well, which will change the soil composition locally. Dolomite will also help to maintain soil acidity perfectly when planting tomatoes or cucumbers. For this, the fertilizer can be used throughout the season, it will be especially useful during the growing season.

When growing gooseberries, sorrel or other crops that prefer an acidic environment, you do not need to add dolomite.

Frequency of use

Dolomite flour during planting potatoes or fertilizing tomatoes can be used annually. If a substance is introduced into the soil in the autumn for its deoxidation, then the frequency depends on the pH level of the soil. Heavy clay soils need annual loosening, and lighter should be fertilized no more often than every 3-5 years.

Dolomite flour for trees

To fertilize trees and shrubs, the substance can be used every season and only after harvesting. To increase the yield of beets, it should be poured with a solution of flour in the spring. A similar action with clematis will increase their flowering. It is useful to add lime flour when planting indoor flowers.

Application Result

How to use dolomite flour in the garden is now clear, but what should be expected after that? Changing the composition of the soil and enriching crops with useful nutrients helps to increase their productivity. In addition, the fruits are protected from the action of most pests, including slugs. Although calcium destroys the protective cover of insects, it does not have a negative effect on humans and animals.

Other deoxidants

In addition to dolomite flour, other substances can be used in the garden with similar purposes.

Other deoxidants

Very often, normal dry lime is used to normalize the acidity level of the soil. It also saves crops from most pests well, which proves the many formulations of spray mixtures based on it.

Wood ash is also considered a deoxidizing agent. It perfectly "works" on all types of soil, improves air and moisture permeability of the soil, can be applied both in the autumn for digging, and when planting in each hole.

Benefits of Dolomite Flour

The disadvantage of ash, in comparison with lime flour, is the need to make it every year. Lime can be used no more than once every 6 years, but at the same time it does not saturate the soil with useful substances, and sometimes it can cause certain negative processes in the soil. Thus, in order to normalize the acidity level of the soil, it is better to use dolomite flour, since it not only copes with its main task, but also has a positive effect on plants.


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