Rare and unusual natural phenomena: photo, description

Our world in itself is fraught with many unusual natural phenomena. There are those that are easily explained, but there are those that cannot be understood by modern science. In this article, we consider in more detail the second part.

Morocco goats grazing in trees

unusual natural phenomena
Interestingly, Morocco is the only country in the world in which goats climb trees and graze herds because of a small amount of grass, while at the same time enjoying the fruits of argania. This amazing picture can be found only in the Middle and High Atlas, in addition, between Agadir and Essaouira in the Sousse Valley. Shepherds walk their goats, walking between the trees. It is worth noting that such unusual natural phenomena attract thousands of curious tourists every year. With such a global eating of argan, less and less oil is collected from these nuts every year. And it is believed that in its composition contains various anti-aging trace elements. Today, a campaign is underway to declare this place a reserve.

The black sun of Denmark

rare natural phenomena
Denmark also has unusual natural phenomena. So, in the spring, about a million European starlings flock in huge flocks from all around one hour before sunset. The Danes call this process the Black Sun. It can be observed in early spring near the swamps of western Denmark.

Starlings fly from the south and spend the whole day in the meadows, and in the evening, after making collective pirouettes in the sky, they rest for the night in the reed.

Creeping stones

description of natural phenomena
This amazing action that takes place in Death Valley has been troubling the minds of scientists who have been trying to compose a description of natural phenomena for decades. Huge boulders crawl on their own along the bottom of Lake Raistrake Playa. At the same time, no one touches them, but they still crawl. No one has ever seen exactly how they move. At the same time, they stubbornly move, as if alive, sometimes turning over on their side, while leaving deep traces that stretch for several meters. Periodically, the stones write out so complex and unusual lines that they turn over, making somersaults in the process of movement.

Moon rainbow

moon rainbow
A night rainbow (or moonlight) is light that is reflected from the surface of the moon. It is much dimmer than sunny. The moon rainbow is a very rare occurrence of nature. If you observe it with the naked eye, then it can look colorless, due to it it is often called "white". There are several places in the world where the phenomenon of night rainbows is quite often repeated. Among them are Victoria Falls in Australia and Cumberland in Kentucky, Yosemite National Park.

Fish rain in Honduras

natural phenomena examples
Studying unusual natural phenomena, it is worth noting that rain from animals is a very rare meteorological phenomenon, but such cases have been recorded in different countries throughout the history of all mankind. Although for Honduras such a phenomenon is regular. Every year during the period May-July, a dark cloud appears in the sky, thunder booms, lightnings sparkle, a very strong wind blows, it rains heavily for 2-3 hours. After it ends, thousands of living fish remain on the earth.

People collect them like mushrooms and take them home to cook. Since 1998, a fish rain festival has been held here. It is celebrated in the city of Yoro, Honduras. One of the hypotheses for the appearance of this phenomenon is that very strong winds lift fish from the water into the air for several kilometers, since off the northern coast of Honduras the waters of the Caribbean are replete with fish and other seafood. But no one has ever witnessed this.

Annular eclipse

various natural phenomena
There are various unusual natural phenomena in the world . Examples are given in this article. One of them is an annular eclipse. With him, the Moon is far from the Earth in order for the Sun to close completely. It looks like this: the moon goes on the disk of the sun, although it is smaller in diameter and cannot completely hide it. Such eclipses are practically of no interest to scientists.

Biconvex clouds

unusual natural phenomena photo
Considering unusual natural phenomena, it is necessary to say this. It would seem that today it is impossible to surprise anyone with clouds. But in nature there is their rare biconvex species. These are round clouds resembling a more unidentified flying object. It is not surprising that they are also called β€œcrazy”: the bizarre form surprises with its eccentricity.

star Rain

causes of natural phenomena
We continue the description of natural phenomena. Star rain, despite its name, has nothing to do with starfall. What the human eye perceives as many small stars is a huge stream of meteors that burn up when they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. At the same time, the amount of these celestial bodies can reach one thousand in one hour. Some of them, which did not have time to burn out completely, fall to Earth.

Fiery whirlwinds

unusual natural phenomena
A beautiful, dangerous and rare natural phenomenon is fiery whirlwinds. They appear with a certain combination of air direction and its temperature. In this case, the flame can rise up to tens of meters, thus forming a semblance of a fiery tornado.


rare natural phenomena
We continue to consider amazing natural phenomena, examples of which are given in this article. A halo is defined by a scientific language as a visual phenomenon - a ring that shines around a source of light formation, emerging from cloud crystals. Simply put, we can say that it is a rainbow, it can be seen around the moon or the sun, and periodically around the lights, for example, in the center of the night megalopolis.


description of natural phenomena
This phenomenon is an atmospheric vortex arising in a thundercloud. It reaches the earth in the shape of a cloudy sleeve. With a tornado, the diameter can reach hundreds of meters. It looks impressive. Although, unfortunately, it can bring no less impressive disasters and destruction.

Brocken Ghosts

natural phenomena examples
Considering various natural phenomena, it is worth telling about this. Brocken ghosts appear in Germany on Mount Brocken. Their occurrence is understandable. As it turned out, this is the most ordinary climber, which is located above the clouds at the top of the mountains. The sun shines on a person, and under the clouds below, a huge shadow arises, which can scare or at least surprise anyone.

Northern Lights

various natural phenomena
Now consider the more positive various natural phenomena. We all once saw the polar, or northern lights in the pictures, some were even lucky to see it with our own eyes in person. It is known that similar phenomena are observed near the poles of the Earth.

Red waves

unusual natural phenomena photo
This name has received the phenomenon that appears as a result of the flowering of various algae. Propagation of freshwater or seaweed sometimes colors large areas of the beach or ocean in a rich red color. Basically, these plants are not dangerous, although there are those that kill birds with their toxicity, fish and people are also harmful, but so far no deaths have been recorded.

Lightning Catatumbo

unusual natural phenomena
Near Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, you can also see rare natural phenomena. These are the Katatunbo lightning bolts. This natural phenomenon constantly occurs in one place for 160 nights per year. In one night, you can see about 20,000 lightning bolts here. It is also interesting that their glow is practically not accompanied by a thunderous roll. At night in these places the sky remains cloudless and clear, due to which they are visible on the island of Aruba, located 500 km from here.


rare natural phenomena
This is a truly mysterious natural phenomenon. A fiery dazzling ball, reaching a diameter of several tens of centimeters, suddenly appears after a thunderstorm, after which it quietly floats in air currents above the ground. Ball lightning can be drop-shaped and pear-shaped, although it is more profitable to be energetically in the shape of a ball.

Such a freely wandering, light charge can fall on any surface and glide over it without energy consumption. Many observers say that he seeks to get into closed rooms, seeping through the cracks and flying through the windows. In this case, lightning can temporarily take the form of a thin thread or cake, and then again turns into a ball. When it collides with objects, it periodically explodes. Until now, the causes of natural phenomena, such as ball lightning, have not been fully studied. Probably, it is formed from oxygen and nitrogen in the channel of a simple lightning and explodes when cooled to room temperature.


description of natural phenomena
Such rare natural phenomena can be seen on various mountain glaciers. Penitentes got its name due to its similarity with a number of monks, dressed in white robes. It is formed due to the sun, which melts the pits on the surface of the glacier. When a hole appears, sunlight from it begins to reflect, due to which the slots increase between the layers of snow. Soon, large depressions formed there, formed in the form of ice huge peaks up to 5 meters high.


natural phenomena examples
Despite the prevalence, mirages always cause almost mystical feelings of surprise. We know the reason for their appearance - superheated air changes the optical properties, thereby causing inhomogeneities of light, which are called mirages. This phenomenon has long been explained by science, while continuing to amaze many people's imagination. It should be noted that the visual effect is based on an unusual vertical distribution of air density. Under certain conditions, this leads to the appearance of ghostly images at the horizon. But you immediately forget these boring explanations when you become a witness to this miracle that arises right before your eyes!

This article presented the most unusual natural phenomena, photos of which are simply mesmerizing. Some phenomena lend themselves to scientific explanation, while others are inexplicable. Some are quite common, while others can be expected for years. But whatever one may say, they astound and make you think once again about how unpredictable and wise nature is!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F12990/

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