How to get through a polygraph, and is it possible to fool him

A polygraph, or the so-called lie detector, is a device for recording the psychophysical reactions of the human body in order to verify the reliability of the answers given to the subjects. He often appears in various detective stories.

how to get a polygraph
novels and films, and everyone probably wondered how to get through the polygraph without betraying their excitement. Let's go a little deeper into the story. The fact that according to physiological reactions - pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, sweating - you can determine whether a person is lying or not, has been known for a very long time. The prototype of a modern lie detector was designed in the 20s of the XX century by California police officer John Larson. Since then, the polygraph has noticeably improved: the readings are now recorded not on a paper tape, but directly on the computer’s hard drive, and the sensors are able to detect even the slightest reduction in the facial muscles. Manufacturers claim: the reliability of the information obtained through such an interrogation is 90-95%. Is it possible to say that it is impossible to deceive a polygraph?

Is it possible to fool a polygraph

Of course, the question arises of why it should be deceived, because an honest person who has nothing to hide does not need to undergo tests on a lie detector. But it is not so. Today, many large companies (in order to protect confidential corporate information) require their employees to undergo a similar "lice test". Or you will be required to confirm your innocence in the event of a false accusation. As a rule, at such sessions many questions are asked, including very personal ones, which, nevertheless, must be answered. How to get through a polygraph when you don’t want to reveal your soul to a stranger?

Firstly, experts say that the much-advertised "insight" of the polygraph is greatly overstated. The maximum accuracy of the results will be at best 70%. And about the futility of attempts to deceive the lie detector to the test subject is said in order to suppress his will and resistance. Therefore, to the question: "Can a polygraph be fooled?" it is safe to answer that this requires preparation. There are several ways to confuse a lie detector:

cheat polygraph

1. Dull your physiological reactions. This can be done either by using tranquilizers or drugs that lower blood pressure, or using special formulations and ointments that drastically reduce sweating. However, in serious cases, before passing the polygraph, the subject gives blood for analysis.

2. Suppression of emotions. Such a state close to trance can be achieved both artificially (deconcentration) and naturally (without sleeping for several days before going through the polygraph). But, as a rule, such detachment is very striking.

3. Artificial stimulation of the desired reaction. Painful irritation, multiplication of multi-digit numbers in the mind, exciting images and memories - all this causes a short-term increase in pressure and an increase in heart rate, which the polygraph will register as a reaction to a significant phenomenon or object. Slow exhalation, on the contrary, will slow down the heart rate and help not to give out excitement.


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