Soft blind area around the house: device, step-by-step instruction

Usually the blind area acts as a continuation of the pavement. However, this condition is not always observed, because it is not mandatory. As an example of this approach, we can consider a soft blind area. Besides functional, it has decorative advantages. But before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of their implementation, as well as prepare the necessary materials.

soft blind area

The essence of the venture

To diversify the exterior of the house, you can use the solution described above. Paved and concrete paths are already boring, and they do not always look natural. They simply do not combine with some types of foundations. For example, a pile-grillage base provides for the need to decorate the inner edge of the blind area with a hinged base. In this case, the ventilated interior space under the floor is closed.

blind area

Key Features

If we are talking about solid blind areas, then their basic principle is to continue the courtyard coating and finishing the basement. But the soft blind area is almost part of the front garden or flower beds, the last of which is adjacent to the house. As practice shows, such a coating is durable, durable and does not require major repairs. If we compare the complexity of the device and the complexity, then both types of blind area are identical, however, the layers are arranged with different sequences.

do-it-yourself blind area step by step instructions

Soft blind area

The soft blind area in the classical scheme provides for the presence of a well-compacted soil layer. If we are talking about a traditional design, then water is discharged along the coating and falls into open trays. In the case of the described area, this role is assumed by surface drainage. In order to ensure stabilization of the surface, a preparatory layer of coarse gravel should be made. The stones will evenly distribute the load and prevent shrinkage of the bulk coating.

The main slope can be provided with a layer of rubble. Leveling is achieved by a bulk layer of fine material, which does not have a tendency to heaving. Usually, sand is used for this, but slag or granite screenings can be used, and, if necessary, thermal insulation, expanded clay chips. The soft blind area should have a hydrobarrier. For this, geomembranes are usually laid, which are used for waterproofing buildings and are sold under the Izostud or Fundalin brands.

If we are talking about a strip foundation, then the blind area is located around the perimeter, like the usual one. Whereas with a pile-grillage foundation, the blind area is brought inward by 50 cm. This necessitates the arrangement of the blind area at the stage of foundation construction. The waterproofing barrier will not be damaged, and excavation will be more convenient.

soft blind area

Step-by-step instruction

If you will be able to equip the blind area with your own hands, the step-by-step instruction presented in the article will help in this. At the first stage, it is necessary to carry out excavation work, for this the soil should be removed with a trench, deepening by 45 cm in relation to the lowest point of the site. The bottom should be at a constant level, so work should be preceded by marking with a water level or level.

When the blind area is equipped with a do-it-yourself site, step-by-step instructions are required to be studied before this. From it you can learn that the edges of the trench do not need to be strengthened, but a ditch should be formed around the perimeter. It should arrange the channels of the storm system. The bottom should be prepared, compact the soil. It is usually sprinkled with a layer of fine gravel.

Soaked oily clay is laid on a leveled surface. The final thickness of the layer should be 20 cm. From clay it is necessary to make a common plane and a tray for the storm channel. Clay should be laid with a general bias towards the building. The device of a soft blind area around the house at the next stage involves the stage of adding a preparation layer. It is periodically necessary to spray it with water so that cracks do not form. You can complete the blind area after the legs in the clay cease to bind.

soft blind area for pile screw foundation

Providing storm water drainage

You can drain the liquid from the blind area into the drainage system. Drains can be discharged into the soil, which will depend on the annual level of precipitation and the intensity of rain. The abundance of flowing liquid can erode the soil under the blind area and cause a strong slope of the hydrobarrier. As a result, the bulk layer will begin to erode.

If there is no drainage channel and filtering well near, then discharge can be performed into the soil, moving away from the general slope of the drainage by about 10 m. Drain pipes are usually used to collect water , the diameter of which is 100 mm. Prepare the product by perforating the walls. The diameter of the holes can be equal to a limit of 16 to 20 mm.

A soft blind area around the house with backfill provides for wrapping pipes in needle-punched geotextiles. Despite the fact that the blind area has a high filtration ability, protection will be needed in case of moisture migration from the muddy side. At intersections and corners, the channels should be connected by cross-shaped or tee-shaped collectors. It is important to ensure that there are upper bends that are needed for the audit.

If the fittings for drainage are not used, then the inspection wells can be replaced with drain necks. Water is discharged into a trench, the depth of which reaches 1 m. It should be covered with gravel and fertile soil. Perforated pipe acts as a distributor.

soft blind area around the house

Blind Pie

Clay preparation should be showered with a layer of crushed stone, which is located with a certain slope. The thickness of such a preparation is 120 mm. The fraction of the material varies from 15 to 20 mm. You can alternate small and large filler. Slope leveling is performed by a screening or sand layer. Deviation from the horizon is 3: 100.

The blind area from the rubble will go under the house. From the front of the facade it should be raised from 15 to 20 cm. The cake should be compacted as it is laid and watered with water. The stability of the layer improves at the boundary of crushed stone and clay. The sand surface after compaction is stretched as a rule; a membrane is spread on top. The blind area of ​​crushed stone is arranged in such a way that no additional bedding is carried out in the tray. An exception is a few centimeters of a mixture of sand and gravel, with which you can create a slope for drainage channels.

soft blind area around the house with backfill

The blind area for the well

The soft blind area of ​​the well consists of a waterproofing film that is covered with sand. From above it is possible to arrange a lawn or a decorative covering. The manufacture of such a system does not involve large physical or financial costs. Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the fertile soil around the well to a width ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 m. A waterproofing film is laid at the bottom, the edge of which should be placed on the upper ring.

The role of waterproofing can be a frost-resistant film, which is laid in the ground during the construction of foundations. You can fix the film on the ring with double-sided tape or a metal strip, through the last fastening it is carried out with screws or dowels. In the place where the film goes into a vertical position, you should make a crease. It will compensate for material displacement and soil subsidence, which eliminates the destruction and damage of the decorative top layer. On top of it you can fill the sand and lay the paving slabs, rubble, brick or pavers. Sometimes the removed turf just returns to the place or the lawn grass is sown.


Information about how a soft blind area is arranged for a pile-screw foundation was presented above. It should be remembered that the work must begin with the formation of the expansion joint. This will waterproof the underground and prevent deformation of the basement. Work can be done using a two-layer roofing material. Further earthwork is carried out. You need to go deep 0.3 m around the perimeter of the house and fill up the materials with tamper. At the final stage, a gutter is installed, the surface is covered with cobblestones or paving slabs.


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