What happens if I drive without a license? What threatens driving without a license?

Many people sometimes (willingly or unwillingly) ask themselves a question regarding what will happen if they drive without a license. The answer to this question is not out of place. Well, it’s worth talking about this topic in more detail and revealing it in full.

what happens if you drive without a license


The first thing, talking about what will happen if you drive a car without a license, is to turn to the law. The punishment for this offense has been provided since ancient times - even when the Code of Administrative Offenses of the RSFSR was in force. And actually, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has retained this norm to date. True, the amount of the fine that the offender will have to pay varies depending on the circumstances. It will not be astronomical if a person simply forgot his document at home. It will be great if the motorist does not have a driver’s license at all. And in the end, it is no wonder that you have to pay a substantial amount as a fine to the person who was previously deprived of this document. In general, there are many nuances. And in order to understand this topic in more detail, it is worth taking into account absolutely all the details.

The penalty for forgetfulness

So, what threatens driving without rights to the person who has them and just forgot at home due to their own hindsight? In this case, the first part of Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation enters into force . Like it or not, but the motorist has committed an offense. And by the way, according to the law, not only the driver who left the rights at home, but also the one who did not have registration documents with him could be punished.

driving without a license

Amount of fines

In this case, you will have to be ready to pay 500 rubles. In principle, the amount is small, so you can not really panic. It also happens that a person gets off with just a warning. But in this case, one should not be surprised if the car is detained and sent to a parking lot. You can avoid this situation. If it is possible to quickly find a comrade or someone from relatives, in general, anyone who will not be busy and will be able to bring the rights to the forgetful misfortune driver. Another option is also possible - if you can’t get into the apartment or somewhere else, where, in fact, the rights were left, you can just ask the same friend to drive his car and drive him into the garage. The law considers this to eliminate the reason for detention. The main thing is that a person with rights is behind the wheel. Otherwise, the fine will not be 500, but three thousand rubles. That's what threatens driving without a license.

what threatens driving without a license

Serious offense

And what will happen if you drive a car without rights, given that, in principle, a person does not have them? Here the matter will be much more serious. In this case, article number 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia comes into effect. Moreover, there are two cases. The first provides fines for driving without the rights of the person who simply does not have them at all. And the second is punishment for one who is deprived of this important document. So, the first case is more serious, so you should consider it first.

The bottom line is that a person who did not go to a driving school and did not receive a license may not even know the rules. Therefore, the punishment here is serious - at least 5 thousand rubles and a maximum of 15 000 r. Although you can ride without a driver’s license and not get a punishment for it. Here are just such cases called training rides.

In these situations, several conditions must be met. Firstly, an instructor must sit next to the student. And he should have permission to conduct classes with him. Secondly, the machine must have special signs showing the rest that it is intended for training. And thirdly, the car is forbidden to drive on those roads that are not intended for educational driving. And the car must have additional pedals (for the instructor - clutch and brake).

fines for driving without a license

What is worth remembering

It is important to mention one more nuance regarding what will happen if you drive a car without a license. In the event that a person is sitting behind the wheel who has this certificate, it’s only expired (and it is issued, as you know, for 10 years), this amounts to an offense. When the deadline expires, you need to get new rights. Otherwise, the person in this situation is equated to the one who does not have a certificate in principle. And fines for driving without a license, respectively, will also be imposed.

And one moment. Everyone knows that rights vary in categories. And if a person, for example, drives a bus, although he graduated from a driving school in the class of cars, then he will have problems if he is stopped and they want to check for a certificate. If the driver wants to drive a truck, then the appropriate category must be open for him. Otherwise, it will be a violation. And equates to a lack of rights. Which, in principle, will be correct.

After deprivation

This often happens: a person who cannot imagine his life without a car has violated some traffic rule and had an accident. Or provoked an accident. In general, he made a serious mistake. For this, he is being deprived of his rights.

But for many people, being left without the ability to drive cars is really scary. After all, this is not done for a month. Some in this situation take risks and get behind the wheel, being deprived of their ID. In general, they decide to drive a car without a license. And the punishment will be as severe as possible. Since in this case, the motorist is already contrary to the law again. What is the penalty for driving without a license in this situation? 30 thousand rubles, and quite often this plus is an arrest of up to 15 days. Sometimes this is replaced by correctional community service (their term can vary from 100 to 200 hours).

drive without a license

Individual cases

30 thousand rubles will have to be paid in the event that a person has driven someone who does not have a license to drive his car (missing, in principle, or was withdrawn). And by the way, not only the one who drove the car, but also its owner, is punished.

By the way, you also need to know that in addition to the certificate, the CTP insurance policy and the documents for the car, the driver should have something else. If a person is transporting cargo, then he must have a waybill and a bill of lading. And passenger taxis should have an appropriate license with them. But if these documents (waybill or waybill ) are missing, then the fine will not be as fabulous as in the above cases: 500 rubles or a warning. But taxi drivers are punished by five thousand if they do not have a license with them.

In case of loss

So, what will happen if you go without rights after deprivation, it’s clear. And now a couple of words regarding what needs to be done and what actions to take if the certificate is lost. Or he was stolen altogether. Naturally, in this situation, in no case should you take the risk and decide to drive a car without rights. Then you need to urgently contact the traffic police department with a statement in which you need to state in detail the situation and circumstances of what happened.

You also need to have a civil passport, a certificate certifying that you have a medical examination (valid) and a driver’s card from a driving school in which a motorist studied. If not, you will have to go through all the exams again. After a person submits an application, his previous rights become null and void. You will need to pay 500 rubles and then get a temporary certificate. It is valid for 2 months. Then the person passes it, pays another 800 rubles of state duty and receives brand new valid rights.

what is the penalty for driving without a license

Because of what can they lose their identity?

There is an impressive list of reasons why a person can take away the coveted “crust”. So, they are deprived of the rights of people who drive without license plates or apply special tricks for 1-3 months, so that you can hide them if you wish. Invalid state signs on the plate are also serious, and therefore such a violation is punishable by deprivation for six months or for a whole year. People who have installed reflective devices made in red in front of themselves are also punished. 1.5-2 years of deprivation threatens individuals who use special sound and color equipment without permission. For driving while drunk, a person faces 1.5-2 years of deprivation. Speeding is punishable by four to six months of lack of certification. For repeated violation of this nature they can be deprived of their rights for a year.

Departure into the oncoming lane, creating an emergency or hiding from the scene of an accident, the presence of false police signs on an ordinary car - all this is also punishable by law. In general, it is worth being careful and accurate so that you do not have to return the treasured certificate to yourself later.

driving without a punishment

In the end

As a conclusion, I would like to mention some more cases when driving a car without rights is severely punished. The punishment of 5-15 thousand rubles threatens a teenager - a minor who has got behind the wheel, of course, not of his car. Moreover, both the young offender and the owner of the vehicle will be responsible before the law. Only if a minor is ordered to pay a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles, then the owner will fork out for 30 tons.

By the way, motorcyclists are also punished to the fullest extent of the law. If a person who has got behind the wheel of this vehicle does not have the appropriate rights (category “A”), then he will have to pay a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles.

In general, as you can see, driving a vehicle without permission and having a valid certificate is punishable to the fullest extent of the law. It’s better, of course, to obey the law initially and ride by the rules. After all, after all, the road is a territory of increased danger. Like a car - an extremely dangerous means of transportation, even if almost every fifth has a car today. Therefore, it is worth observing the rules and orders. But you don’t have to worry about returning your rights.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13016/

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