Clive Lewis - famous English writer, author of the series "The Chronicles of Narnia"

In the bestseller list of children's fiction, the fantasy novel "The Chronicles of Narnia", written by Clive Lewis, occupies a worthy place. A scientist, teacher, theologian, primarily an English and Irish writer, he became the author of many works that struck the hearts of readers.

short biography

Clive Lewis

Clive Lewis was born on November 29, 1898 in Ireland in a poor family of a solicitor. The young man went to England and lived there until the end of his days.

He graduated from the school in 1917 and immediately entered Oxford, University College. Due to an appeal for military service, he was forced to interrupt his education. He participated in the First World War. He was wounded and was discharged in 1918 with the rank of junior officer. Immediately returned to class. In 1924 he received a master's degree with the right to teach.

Clive Lewis, whose biography is described, began to write early. In 1919, the first collection of his poems was published. The second poetic collection Dymer was published in 1926. A young author is published under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton.

Along with literary activities, he leads English classes at Oxford, Magdalena College.

In 1931 adopts Christianity. His decision was influenced by conversations with John Tolkien and Hugo Dyson, who were zealous Catholics and found a way to the writer's heart. Clive Lewis sincerely describes his decision in "Overtaken by Joy."

During World War II, he was a member of the religious broadcasting service on the Air Force. He reflected his impressions of wartime in the book “Just Christianity”.

In 1933, a talented author, together with like-minded friends, creates the Inclings literary and discussion club.

He continues to work actively in the literary field. In 1950, he began the children's science fiction novel The Chronicles of Narnia, which brought him worldwide fame.

In 1954 he transferred to teach English philology at Cambridge, and a year later he was solemnly admitted to the British Academy.

In 1956, he marries a terminally ill American Joy Davidman. Together they travel to Greece, admiring the ancient beauties and nature of Athens, Rhodes, Mycenae and Heracles. July 13, 1960, Lewis's wife dies of oncology.

In 1963, the writer resigned due to heart disease and kidney problems. 11/22/1963 Clive Lewis died. He was buried in Oxford near the Holy Trinity Church.

Achievements and rewards

Clive Lewis biography

For his work in the literary field, a talented writer was nominated three times for a prestigious retrospective award:

  • In 1939, for the science fiction "Beyond the Silent Planet." Interestingly, the protagonist of the novel, Professor Weston, says that his spaceship is driven by unknown solar radiation. After several decades, scientists discovered the special radiation of the Sun and invented the solar sail.
  • In 1946, for the work "The Vilest Power".
  • In 1951, for the first bestselling book The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

In 1975, 1976 and 1977, Clive Lewis, whose works won the hearts of millions of readers from around the world, received the Grand Fantasy Fantasy Award.

In 2003 and 2008, the Hall of Fame was organized in honor of the novel "Vile Power".


Clive Lewis Quotes

Since 1919, the master of English literature worked without interruptions and creative crises. Each work was highly appreciated in literary circles and was warmly received by the reader.

Clive Lewis works:

  • collections of poems "The Oppressed Spirit" and "Dimer";
  • in the fantasy style, “Until we found faces” and the series “The Chronicles of Narnia” from seven books: “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, “Prince Caspian”, “The Vanquisher of the Dawn”, “Silver Chair”, “The Horse and the Boy” were written , "Sorcerer's Nephew," "Last Battle";
  • science fiction: "Beyond the Silent Planet", "Perelander", "Vile Power";
  • religious works: “Pilgrim's Wanderings”, “Suffering”, “Letters of Balamut”, “Divorce”, “Miracle”, “Toast of Balamut”, “Just Christianity”, “Reflections on the Psalms”, “Four Loves”, “Exploring the Tribulation ";
  • works on the history of literature: "Preface to the book" Paradise Lost "," 16th Century English Literature "," Century ";
  • works on philology: "An allergy from love: medieval traditions".

"The Chronicles of Narnia"

Clive Lewis Artworks

This is the most famous work of Clive Lewis. The cycle is written in the fantasy genre and consists of seven books. All of them are thematically related, but each is logically finished and can be read as an independent work.

This is essentially a fairy tale. She talks about three ordinary children who fell into the magical world and managed to overcome difficult obstacles. Clive Lewis, whose quotes became winged expressions, teaches morality, not to give in to difficulties, to fight evil.

The tale was immediately translated into 15 languages ​​of the world; today the circulation of books has exceeded 100 million copies. Several times the novel was filmed.


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