Laying cables in the ground in pipes: basic rules of work

Equipping a summer cottage, the owners must decide many operational issues associated with the new building. To comfortably live in a country house, you will need to think over quality water supply, sewage, and electricity systems. Laying cables in the ground in pipes is necessary to provide power to lighting devices, heaters and other household appliances. To independently carry out this work, it is necessary to study the technology of its implementation. This will create a high-quality and durable system.

General requirements for work

Not every landowner is satisfied with the aerial system of cables to the house. The underground version of laying power communications is gaining more and more speed. They enter the house through the basement. Therefore, this type of work is performed at the stage of laying the foundation.

A plan for such an electrification is being developed before construction begins. Thought out all the branching cable. At this stage, the condition of the soil, the type of climatic zone and other safety aspects of the operation of the system are taken into account.

Laying cables in the ground in pipes

Laying cables in the ground in pipes should be carried out taking into account existing requirements and rules. When carrying out such work, it is necessary to take into account the norms of SNiP and PUE, as well as GOST. Carrying out all the necessary installation operations, be sure to comply with labor safety rules.

Types of materials

Laying cables in the ground in pipes (PUE, SNiP clearly regulate this process) requires the selection of the right materials. First of all, they must be safe. But their cost should be acceptable. Today, there are communications that do not need to be piped. These are armored cables. However, their cost is very high. Therefore, the trench installation method involves the use of a cheaper cable in special pipes.

Laying cables in the ground in pipes HDPE

The cable that goes underground should be marked with SIP. This variety allows you to apply all existing standards. However, it must be mounted in a trench way in a pipe. The track may be metal or plastic.

PVC / HDPE pipes are made of plastic. They are quite durable and have a smooth surface. Corrugated pipe type DKC is allowed to be used only for internal work, for communications under a layer of plaster.

Method Advantages

Laying cables in the ground in HDPE pipes, metal or metal-plastic varieties has several advantages. This allows you to protect the wire from adverse weather conditions, mechanical damage.

If you need to replace the conductor once, you can easily get the old cable and run a new one along the existing route. This technique allows you to comply with fire safety rules. This is especially important in wooden houses. A pipe designed for trench mounting prevents sparks and overheating of surrounding materials.

The advantage of such a system is additional cable protection. Thanks to the pipe, rodents and microorganisms will not damage it. If the conductor is laid in the ground without such protection, moles can gnaw it.


Laying cables in the ground in pipes (photo is presented below) must satisfy a number of mandatory requirements. The depth of the conductor in the ground should be at least 70 cm. This indicator varies depending on the climatic zone.

Laying cables in the ground in pipes PUE

You can not run the track under the foundation. From it, the cable should pass no closer than 60 cm. The width of the ditch is selected in accordance with the number of conductors passing along the route. They should be located no closer than 10 cm from each other.

The trench is filled with sand and rammed to a level of 15 cm. Before the arrangement of the route, it is necessary to consider the site plan. Pipes with electrical conductors are not allowed to go closer than 1 m from gas or 2 m from water utilities.

If a brick is used to strengthen the transmission line (with significant subsidence of the soil), it should not be hollow. On top of the track it is necessary to lay a tape with an inscription about the passage of the power cable here. Then again a layer of sand and earth with a hill is filled up.

Features bookmarks in plastic pipes

Laying cables in the ground in HDPE pipes has a number of features. They must be studied before work. Initially, you must complete the drawing of the route. Pipe fasteners must be made every 60-80 cm. To do this, use special brackets or clips.

To pull the cable through the pipe, use special broaches or a metal wire. All elements of the route are connected using a special soldering iron. The cable inside should be connected using special couplings.

Laying cables in the ground in pipes photo

If the track is vertical, it is done with a slope. So condensation will not collect in it.

Features bookmarks in metal pipes

If you need to pull a conductor into a wooden building, a bath, it is better to give preference to a metal pipe. This is a sturdy product. It can be galvanized or iron.

Cable routing in pipes in the ground

It should be noted that laying cables in the ground in DKC pipes is not permissible. They are used purely for laying cables indoors. To connect the metal elements of the route, you can use welding or threaded fittings.

When arranging such a system, grounding is necessary. The slope should be towards the junction box. Pipes and joints must be painted to prevent corrosion. For internal work, such structures are better not to use. When pouring concrete on the floor, painted surfaces will not adhere well to it.

Connection Rules

Cable laying in pipes in the ground, the norms of which govern PUE and GOST, must be carried out responsibly. It is not allowed to make connections in pipes. This is done only in the most extreme cases and at the same time use special couplings.

Laying cables in the ground in DKC pipes
It is better that such mounting connections are made in junction boxes. This is required by safety regulations.

The track must not be bent at an angle of more than 90 degrees. Otherwise, replacing the old conductor will not be possible. The pipe joints must be additionally sealed. The input must be airtight.

The cross-section of the wire must be selected in accordance with the load of the system. It is better to give preference to a cable made of copper. Aluminum conductors are only suitable for indoor use.

Some recommendations of experts

Correct laying of cables in the ground in pipes is self-sufficient. However, expert advice should be considered. They recommend the use of a route whose width will be 3 times greater than the conductor itself.

If the winters in this climate zone are very severe, the soil can freeze by more than 70 cm. To prevent the pipes from deforming, they should be carefully fixed. But it is better if the track will go even deeper.

When developing a plan, it is necessary to avoid laying trenches under parking lots, a playground or garden paths.

Having become acquainted with such technology as laying cables in the ground in pipes, you can do this work yourself. Observing all the requirements of building codes and safety regulations , you can create a high-quality, durable track. Its operation will be safe.


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