Japanese chin dogs: breed description and reviews

Now there are many breeds of dogs, and about some we do not know anything at all. In the article we will talk about the Japanese chin breed. This is a small graceful dog with a wide short muzzle and soft hair.

Japanese chin: breed description

Such a dog has a round forehead and a wide nose with open nostrils. The ears are small, V-shaped, covered with wool, leaning forward. The eyes are large, expressive, almond-shaped. The look is naive, smart, clear. Small white spots make him surprised. Body length is about the same as height.

The front legs are straight, slender, covered with long hair, and the hind legs are small, with fairly elastic pads. The claws of these animals are black. The tail is covered with long silky hair, thrown back and curled a little ringlet to the back. The gait is measured, plastic, all movements of the animal are very light.

The coat is soft, silky, almost straight. On the head a little shorter than on the whole body. It happens in two colors: white with black or with red spots. If the dog is black and white, then the nose will also be black, for others the color of the nose corresponds to the color.

japanese hins

The history of the breed

The history of the appearance of these dogs is hidden. There are many versions of their origin. There is an assumption that the Pekingese, Japanese chin and pug had a common ancestor - the Tibetan toy. According to one version, the ancestors of the Khins lived in the third century BC and came to Japan. In this country, the dogs were with Buddhist monks.

There is another version - such dogs were part of the tribute that China paid to Japan in the eighth century BC. By the way it will be said, the epic Diet assures that in 732 AD e. Emperor Shiravi, as a sign of special location and friendship, presented several other dogs to the Japanese emperor, who were allegedly the ancestor of the hin.

japanese hina puppies

There is no opinion on the origin of the name of the breed. For example, the dog handler Fos suggests that the word “chin” is related to “chiy” or “gin”, which means “jewel” in translation. Japanese citizens call these animals "makuarar-tzem", which means "sofa, or chewing dog." By the way, only hins have a habit of chewing food thoroughly. Very popular in Japan are these small creatures with cosmic eyes.

They are infinitely adored here, even considered sacred messengers of the gods. Only family members of the emperor and local aristocrats could be masters of such dogs. Then the Japanese khins were bred in nurseries (imperial or temple). The methods of selection of these cute dogs were kept in the strictest secrecy, and special doctors watched their health. At that time, noble ladies wore the smallest khinki in bamboo cages, which were hung on the wide sleeves of a kimono. This "decoration" complemented the exotic outfit.

Sometimes, in recognition of these dogs, the emperor gave warriors to reward for good service.

dog japanese chin

Space Dog Character

Japanese chins have a balanced character. These dogs will never disturb owners with their barking. If someone rings the doorbell, the hin will bark once and immediately shut up. Such dogs do not have hysterical barking. Due to the fact that the Japanese Chins are of noble origin, they cannot "lose face." These cute dogs are very smart, affectionate and proud.

In the East, it was believed that the Japanese khins protected the families of emperors from trouble and disease, creating an atmosphere of happiness in the house. Also, these dogs reigned in temples in order to drive away evil spirits and other evil spirits.

Japanese chin breed

Dog health

Japanese chins are not predisposed to any specific diseases that are inherent in this particular breed. Such dogs, if they are healthy, have no breathing problems, rarely suffer from heart diseases, except at an advanced age, but during this period everyone is sick, regardless of type and origin. Let their snoring and wheezing not cause you concern - these are quite normal phenomena. If these problems begin to progress, then you need to contact a veterinarian.

In winter, no clothes are needed for these dogs. Japanese hins can also tolerate a hot period, but you need to make sure that there is no heat stroke due to their thick coat.

Since such dogs have a not very large, fairly proportional head and proper physique, they give birth without any problems, even among small representatives of the breed. The only thing that can happen to Japanese hins is eye injuries. Of course, their eyes are very beautiful, they are a kind of “highlight”, “calling card”. However, they need to be given as close attention as possible.

dog breed japanese chin

Dog care

Every year, the breed of dogs Japanese chin is becoming more popular, among the reasons for this phenomenon an excellent place is occupied by excellent health and easy care.

This is the only long-haired breed that requires minimal hair care. Khins have no undercoat, so during shedding there are no big problems with cleaning. You will not see shreds on sofas and carpets.

Due to the peculiar structure of the wool, dirt does not linger on it. If you go out with a pet for a walk in slushy weather, and he gets dirty, then do not worry, he will soon look like before. It is necessary for the animal to dry, then there will be no dirty traces on it. You should not constantly comb the dog, because its hair does not fall off. "Why?" - you ask. Again, due to lack of undercoat. How many times a week does a dog need to be combed? It will be enough once. To make the Japanese chin look perfect, it doesn’t need any trimmings, no haircuts, no papillots.

Every day or every other day, it is necessary to wipe the pet's eyes, as well as brush your teeth. Bathing is often not worth it, about once every three months it will be quite enough. Experts recommend washing such dogs as necessary. In some cases, it is better to use dry shampoo. Water temperature should be no more than 35 degrees. If you want, then to give shine, you can use creams. Drying your hair after bathing is better with a hairdryer with cold air.

How often do you need to cut your claws? Once a week will be enough. During this period, the claws will not have time to grow so as to cause inconvenience to your animal.

Between the pads it is also worth trimming the wool when it becomes too long.

Such a dog can be accustomed to the tray in the same way as a cat. Then the number of walks can be reduced. Although it is advisable to go out with the pet at least once a day to breathe fresh air. The dog does not need long walks and great physical exertion.

japanese hin reviews


The breed Japanese Chin is suitable for maintenance by any person and for all living conditions. Such a doggie will perfectly live both in the apartment and in the house. Of course, it should not be put on a chain or in an aviary.

Such a pet will not cause trouble, because his character is calm, quiet, and he also has good manners. If the chin is properly trained, then he will make a wonderful little watchman. Where is a pet better to live ? Of course, in the room with the owners, lay him a litter there or put a sleeping bag.

How to choose a puppy: recommendations of specialists

You need to carefully approach the choice of a puppy. Of course, all the kids are beautiful. Before you go pick your pet, decide why you get it - for the soul, breeding or for an exhibition career. If you are not interested in titles, then you can buy a puppy by hand. It is worth looking at the environment in which the kids live with their mother. It should be clean. When choosing an animal, pay attention to the ears and eyes. They should be clean, not soured. Japanese chin puppies are sold both in clubs and in pet markets. It is still advisable to purchase the beast from breeders. Then you can get a genuine Japanese chin. Puppies, as a rule, quickly adapt in a new house and do not cause inconvenience to the owners.

about the Japanese chin breed

Pros and cons of the breed

First, let's list the pros.

  1. Japanese hins are quite compact.
  2. They are clean.
  3. There is no own smell, even from wet wool does not give anything away.
  4. The wool does not need to be specially looked after.
  5. Non-allergenic breed.
  6. You can easily accustom to the tray.
  7. Japanese hins are highly intelligent.
  8. Affectionate and very loyal.
  9. Get along well with other animals.
  10. Eyes do not fall out.
  11. Virtually no sound is made.
  12. Does not impose society.
  13. Dog healer. In Japan, it is believed that stroking this animal calms and harmonizes the human biofield.
  14. Spectacular appearance. Japanese chins look the same both at the exhibition and at home. There are breeds that need to wind papillons.
  15. The coat cleans itself (dirt is poured), so these dogs always look neat.
  16. It’s not necessary to walk every day.
  17. Dog habits are similar to feline.

Cons of this breed

  1. Need to comb. During molting it is necessary to do this more often.
  2. The heat is tolerated, but during this period it is necessary to cut the hair on the tummy or moisten it with water.
  3. When the temperature on the thermometer is lower than 15, it is necessary to reduce the time for walking, since the undercoat of Japanese chins is poorly developed.
  4. You need to be very careful about the eyes of these dogs. Since they are large, specks and dust can get into them.
  5. Some representatives of the breed sniff.
  6. A little finicky in food. If several animals live in the house, then such a problem, as a rule, does not arise.
  7. Jealous and touchy dogs.

Japanese chin breed description

Little conclusion

Now you know who the Japanese chin is, the feedback from the owners is only positive. Can this cute beast cause negative cries ?! Of course not. Dog Japanese chin will be a good faithful friend for the whole family. These cute dogs will be great companions for travelers, as they are small in size.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13030/

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