Drainage well: device, principle of operation and installation

The accumulation of rain, melt and groundwater in the area negatively affects its aesthetic and biological condition. If measures aimed at drainage are not taken, a swampy zone unsuitable for economic use may soon form. To solve the problem without specialized tools allows the drainage well associated with the drainage system.

The principle of operation of the structure

Drainage network on site

Consider the operation of a well for draining water in the general context of the hydrological infrastructure on the site. As already mentioned, in natural mode, liquid accumulates on the surface. Sources may include rising groundwater and rainfall. In this case, the well acts as one of the storage options into which water enters. That is, in addition to the capacity, a communication network must also be pre-equipped, directing the drains to the fence point. Moreover, the drainage well for the septic tank itself acts as an intermediate point for transferring water. In this case, the collected liquid is sent to a treatment plant (septic tank), filtered and released back into the ground.

Swivel wells

In a way, these are preventive facilities designed to keep sewage channels clean. Since dirt and sand accumulate in the pipe corrugation during the operation of the drainage trench system, regular cleaning is required. It is this task that the rotary wells perform by discharging on complex transitional sections. As a rule, they are small and constructed from cheap materials. For example, a low-buried drainage plastic well is a typical solution to this problem. Its depth can be only 1 m, however, the frequency of placement exceeds capital storage and septic systems. According to the rules for the location of drainage collectors, rotary tanks must be arranged at every second pipe joint and at the intersection of several drainage channels.

Accumulation wells

Plastic well on the site

This is the most popular solution to wetland problems. Compared with pivot wells, this structure is arranged singularly on the site and is characterized by a large capacity. On average, the storage well has the following parameters: 2 m deep and 1.5 m in diameter. This is enough to serve a small garden, which is adjacent to the house or cottage. During operation, the drainage well collects water from all sources in the nearby area that are connected to it by a system of trenches. A significant difference between such communications is the use of large-format pipes. With their help, timely delivery of water in conditions of intense congestion is ensured. Sometimes filtering systems are also included in the general configuration, so the drive can also be considered as a treatment water collector.

Water absorbing wells

This is a type of storage facility, but it has a feature consisting in the discharge of water directly into the ground. In other words, this well does not require third-party pumping of liquid into the septic tank or irrigation system. It is made deeper (about 3 m), but the diameter remains standard - 1.5 m. At the same time, the cleaning functions of water-absorbing wells are improved due to their own drainage. To ensure this, a bottom cushion is used, formed by layers of sand, gravel and brick debris. These layers are covered with a layer of geotextile, after which additional filtering equipment can be installed. In cases of intense accumulation of water, drainage wells of a water-absorbing type can also be pumped. For this, auxiliary channels are connected that connect the tank with the same septic tank or other water collectors.

Drainage network


Another variation of the preventive system that performs the task of ensuring the technical feasibility of revising the drainage. The main requirements for this construction are reduced to the possibility of inspecting the quality of the catchment and carrying out repair and restoration work. The user can go down into such a niche and evaluate the work of the infrastructure. The requirements for the parameters in this case are minimal, for example, the diameter of the inspection drainage well may be only 1 m. But in its pure form, such objects are rare. Usually they are combined with functioning water collectors - the same drives in which devices are arranged for a convenient descent of a person and immersion of equipment. Rotary wells, due to the difficulty of interfacing with several suitable channels, should in principle ensure the possibility of such a revision.

What material is preferable for a well?

Counting on the construction for many years, it is more expedient to use concrete as the basis for the construction. It turns out a durable, reliable and resistant to high loads water intake, which practically does not require maintenance. But this solution also has drawbacks. Firstly, installation activities are expensive, since you have to work with a heavy solution or concrete rings. Secondly, functionally the design is absolutely β€œclean”. After the installation of the structure, a considerable part of the time and effort will have to be devoted to the integration of the supply channels with adapters, fittings and pipes. In this regard, a plastic drainage well, originally provided with the necessary plumbing fixtures, is more advantageous . Also, work operations in this case are much easier to perform. The finished plastic construction weighs a little and in some versions allows you to handle it even without special equipment. As for the reliability of plastic, modern composite alloys are characterized by resistance to corrosion and chemically aggressive environments. However, strong physical loads during movement in the ground can deform the body, although stiffeners are also provided for this case.

Concrete well construction

Concrete drainage well rings

As already noted, there can be two options for constructing a concrete water collector β€” by pouring mortar and by immersing the rings. The first method is more focused on implementation in industrial complexes. The second option is widespread in private households, so you should pay attention to it. Typical drainage well rings are prefabricated elements from which the structure is assembled. Dimensional parameters can be different, which allows you to mount the design according to specific requirements. For example, the standard meets the following characteristics: diameter - from 70 cm, wall thickness - 8 cm, and depth - from 100 cm. In the choice of rings, it is important to evaluate the degree of load. In particular, for additional strength, it is possible to choose elements with reinforcing rods with a thickness of 10-12 mm.

At the first stage of installation, a pit with a previously defined design depth is arranged. Sometimes several rings are used according to the method of extension, so the size of the niche can be adjusted. If you plan to install a filter catchment, a drainage cushion is laid at the bottom. In this case, preliminary laying of the concrete bottom is not required. Before installing in the pit, concrete drainage wells are marked at the points of supply of channels. Holes are formed in them, into which pipes from sewage pipes will be launched. Diving is usually carried out using a crane, so that the accuracy of landing in the center is ensured. At the final stages of installation, the structure is connected to the pipes, backfilling of the rings on the sides, tamping and laying of insulating layers, if necessary.

Drainage pit

Plastic well construction

In this case, the finished drive design is also used, which is immersed in a previously prepared pit of the appropriate size. In choosing a well made of plastic, the following parameters should be considered:

  • The configuration of the location of the underwater holes with nozzles.
  • Type of construction in terms of layout - there are monolithic and prefabricated models. In the first case, the device of the drainage well involves complete sealing, and in the second, the organization of the system, divided into functional zones.
  • Additional devices - for example, a metal platform in the upper part, a hatch, niches for equipment, etc.

After completion of the land work, the tank is immersed in the shaft, fixed with supporting fasteners and connected to the pipes. Next, the plastic case should be insulated with insulation and vapor-protective materials. As a universal cover, you can apply geotextiles with sand and gravel sprinkling.

Plastic well for drainage

Creating a drainage network

The well is only a part of the general drainage system, which can act both as an intermediate collector and as a final one. Depending on the conditions, a ravine with a reservoir outside the site may also act as a water collection point. One way or another, for a bundle of functional structures, it will be necessary to organize a network of channels with pipes entering the drainage well. With your own hands, this problem can also be solved with the help of an ordinary shovel, if we are talking about small distances. In other cases, it is better to use special equipment. The trench digs to a depth of 40-50 cm, after which it is filled up with 10-15 cm layers of sand and gravel. It is also required waterproofing from the same geotextile along the entire length of the line. Then pipes are laid, the trench is covered with earth and rammed.

Facility operation

In most cases, wells to ensure drainage work autonomously, naturally and without additional effort, forwarding flows to the end of the catchment. At the same time, with varying degrees of regularity, it may be necessary to clean the structure or quickly pump large volumes of water (with heavy rainfall). In such situations, special pumping equipment is used. With its help, water is pumped from the drainage well to a septic tank, pond or other storage device. Typically, the pump is connected for a certain time until the well is drained. But in some cases, the equipment is configured for continuous operation with short breaks.

How to choose a pump for servicing a well?

Preference should be given to submersible drainage models that can be lowered into the water. The most practical are float units, the operation of which is regulated in automatic mode. When the filling reaches a certain level, the system itself activates the pumping function. As for the operating parameters, the choice of a drainage pump for a well should be based on power, maximum lifting height and productivity. For example, the average model costing 2-2.5 thousand rubles. provides a throughput of about 60 l / min., lifting water by 7-10 m.


Concrete drainage well

The organization of a drainage network on the site is mandatory if the topography and groundwater level impede natural drainage. The effectiveness of the functioning of such an infrastructure is determined not only by the quality of installation work, but also by the calculation of the scheme for redirecting wastewater. For example, a drainage well located at a higher level than the final collector will require more power from the pump to pump fluid. The rational use of a network of trenches with varying pipe heights is the cheapest and at the same time effective way to create a natural circulation of wastewater. The correct calculation of such a system will completely eliminate the need to use drainage pumps.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13036/

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