Black cat with green eyes: description, color features, photo

One of the features of cats, both domestic and thoroughbred, is the variety of coat colors and eye color. These animals themselves are graceful. But when a cat harmoniously combines the shade of the iris and fur, it looks especially impressive. Such animals are highly appreciated by pet lovers. For example, many people believe that black cats with green gases simply look luxurious.

Emerald iris color - rarity

Initially, the most common shade of eyes in cats with any coat was precisely green. But subsequently, breeders were somewhat carried away by breeding new breeds with an unusual eye color: blue, bright orange, etc. Therefore, today, unfortunately, cats with a green iris have become a relatively rare occurrence.

Green-eyed black cats

There are quite a lot of furry animals with tea, swamp or, for example, khaki eyes. But cats with emerald green or bright grass iris are very difficult to see today.

But still, if you try, you can find a cat with such eyes in our days. Even a street cat can have a bright emerald iris. Of course, this eye color is also allowed by the standards of many breeds.

Black wool: features

This color of fur is initially not a rarity for cats. The coat of a thoroughbred cat may look black if its color is defined as:

  • jet black;
  • dark chocolate;
  • silver black;
  • black and blue etc.

Fur of this color, like emerald eyes, adhere to the standards of many modern breeds. Of course, you can have a street kitten at home with such a combination of shade of hair and eyes. But you can find such a pet, of course, only with a certain amount of luck. Genes in street cats are extremely unpredictable. Therefore, those pet lovers who want to get a black cat with green eyes, it is better to "walk" on the sites of nurseries specializing in the cultivation of breeds whose standards allow such a combination.

Maine Coons

These cats became fashionable in Russia relatively recently. At the moment, Maine Coons are extremely popular in our country. The main features of this breed are truly gigantic sizes (weight up to 13 kg), the presence of a large "bully" box (the place where the mustache grows from) and fluffy, rather long fur.

Cats are really big and often look frightening. However, the nature of the representatives of this breed is actually very soft and flexible. Despite its somewhat "street" look, animals are exclusively indoor. Maine Coon's hunting instinct has been preserved. That is, mice and birds, for example, they can catch with the same zeal as other cats.

However, Maine Coons on the street, unfortunately, cannot stand up for themselves. Representatives of this breed with great love for all living creatures, including neighbor cats or even dogs. Such an animal can safely approach a flock of wild dogs, which, of course, will end badly for him.

Blue-black Maine Coon wool is considered one of the standards. Often such cats are owners of the emerald iris. A photo of a black cat with green eyes of the Maine Coon breed can be seen below.

Green-eyed maine coon


This is another breed that you should definitely pay attention to those who want to have a black green-eyed pet. Feature orientals is primarily a very unusual "trot" appearance. The muzzle and ears form an inverted triangle. The hair of these cats is shiny, they look very elegant and graceful.

One of the characteristic colors for this breed is ebony, that is, coal-black. Orientals with such fur on the body usually do not have a single bright spot. Even the nose and pads on the paws of these cats are black.

The nature of the orientals is quite flexible. These cats adore their owners and constantly demand attention from them. One of the features of this breed is a loud voice, which orientals like to give with or without reason.

Green eyes in orientals, including black ones, are quite common. At the same time, the iris of such cats can have a variety of shades - from marsh to brightly grassy. The eyes of animals of this breed are large almond-shaped. And therefore, orientals with a green iris look unusually spectacular. A photo of a black cat of this breed is presented below.

Green-eyed Oriental


Such a cat is just perfect for those pet lovers who want to have a calm and affectionate pet. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a phlegmatic and lazy character. Even the name "ragdoll" literally translates as "rag doll."

The weight of a cat of this breed can reach up to 9 kg. That is, animals are very large. The structure of ragdolls is not similar in structure to fur of any other cat. Since the hairs of representatives of this breed on the body grow very thin, their fur is more like rabbit fur.

Actually, black is not provided for in the standard of this breed. However, ragdolls with dark coffee wool or dark chocolate are allowed at the exhibitions. Such cats look almost coal black. Pets with green eyes of the redgall breed are also found quite often.

Black Green-eyed Ragdoll

American Bobtail

A distinctive feature of this cat is short tail. Representatives of this breed look very funny. Breeders often sell black American bobtail with white spots on their faces or chests. According to breed standards, this is not considered a marriage. Black and white cats with green eyes also look quite spectacular. This combination is popular with many pet lovers. But if desired, it will be quite easy to find and acquire a completely black green-eyed bobtail.

The standards of this breed are recognized immediately 3 shades of black:

  • dark chocolate;
  • carbonic;
  • black and ashy.

These cats are considered a family breed. They treat all people living in the house equally with love. Bobtails do not require too much attention from the owners, but they will take part in active games with pleasure.

American bobtail black

Devon rex

All the breeds described above are quite large in size. Those pet lovers who want to have a little black cat with green eyes should pay attention to the Devon Rex. Tiny representatives of this breed look really cute and cute.

The Devon Rex's coat is not too long, wavy. There are no pure black shades in the standards of this breed. However, if you wish, you can purchase Devon Rex silver-black, ash-black or black-blue. Green eyes in cats of this breed are very common.

For the cheerful playful disposition of the Devon Rex, they are often called eternal kittens. Animals are active and irrepressibly curious. Attention to such a cat will have to be paid quite a lot. The advantages of this breed, many pet lovers, among other things, also include high intelligence and fearlessness.

Devon Rex kitten

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, if you wish, you can choose for yourself both a large and a small fluffy or smooth black cat with green eyes. This combination is allowed by many breed standards.

Those who do not yet have time to deal with a real live pet can first buy for themselves, for example, in the LPS online store of a black cat with green eyes from faience or porcelain. Such a figurine will look very impressive on a table or dresser and bring originality to the interior.


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