Aerospace Forces of Russia. The creation of aerospace forces

Aerospace forces (in the reduction of the air forces ) are a new type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as they were formed in 2015. Soon it will be a year before they began to carry out their tasks. After all, on August 1 of the specified year, a presidential decree was issued on the entry into force of the videoconferencing.

aerospace forces


VKS is a structure formed as a result of the unification of the air and space forces of our country, and therefore the history of their occurrence consists of several different stages. It is worth first to talk about space units.

It began still in the middle of the last century. The first parts that were involved in the control and launch of spacecraft appeared in Russia back in 1955. Then in 1957, the so-called Command-Measuring Complex was created, designed to control spacecraft. And in 1961, as everyone knows, the world's first manned spacecraft Vostok was launched. Then organized and managed this activity TsUKOS, that is, the Central Office of Space Facilities. In 1992, the VKS took up this. But not aerospace forces, but the military. But the abbreviation was the same as it is now.

aerospace forces of Russia

Air force

The air force has existed since 1912. Their structure includes not only aviation, but also radio engineering, anti-aircraft missile, reconnaissance, engineering, aeronautical and many other troops.

In the 30s, the Air Force developed very rapidly. Russian aviation was directly involved in the Soviet-Finnish War, which took place in 1939. Then more than one hundred thousand sorties were carried out. Losses amounted to 627 aircraft. Most of them were shot down, some were lost during disasters or accidents. Many received such damage, because of which it was simply not possible to return the car to service. 14 percent of the planes went missing.

aerospace forces of the russian federation

Creation of videoconferencing

As it was already possible to understand, both space and air forces are connected with the same environment, therefore the reasons for their unification are quite clear. This was also said by Sergei Shoigu, who is the Minister of Defense of our country. He argued that if you organize aerospace forces, you can improve the general defense system of the state. First, responsibility for the formation of both military and technical policies will be concentrated in one hand. Secondly, by combining several structures together, it will be possible to significantly increase their effectiveness. And, thanks to all of the above, aerospace forces will develop more dynamically. So the prerequisites are quite clear and logically justified.

Interestingly, less than two months have passed since the creation of the air forces, as the troops of the new structure were already sent to Syria for a military operation. It was on the last day of September 2015. The operation involved not only attack aircraft and bombers, but also strategic aircraft.

aerospace forces commander


The aerospace forces of Russia carry out very important activities. One of the main tasks is to detect the launches of ballistic missiles and the planned attack by the enemy. The aerospace forces of Russia should be informed of this by senior management.

They can also hit the head of the enemy’s ballistic missiles if they intend to attack an important state object and provide protection to control posts.

More peaceful tasks include launching aircraft and satellites into orbits. Also, the structures of the air forces are required to ensure that Russia is not threatened by a threat emanating from air and space.

Another task is carried out by a new type of armed forces. Aerospace structures are required to maintain all equipment in full readiness, so that at any time in the event of a threat, it can be launched and applied in action.

creation of aerospace forces


The aerospace forces of the Russian Federation have a very branched structure and a considerable range of tasks that they are required to perform. This could already be understood, based on all of the above. And the management team, respectively, is also large. The commander of the VKS is Colonel General Viktor Bondarev . About it will be described in more detail a little later.

The main headquarters is commanded by First Deputy Viktor Nikolayevich - Lieutenant General Kurachenko Pavel Pavlovich. The same title is Sergey Vladimirovich Dronov. He is the second deputy commander of the VKS. As a matter of fact, the entire command staff that the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation have are lieutenant generals, there are no other ranks. The composition not yet listed also includes Yudin A.V., Gumenny V.V. and Golovko A.V.

Head of structure

So, now in more detail it is worth telling about Viktor Nikolaevich Bondarev. He is the chief commander of the aerospace forces. Born in 1959, December 7, in the Voronezh region. Since 2012 he was the commander in chief of the Air Force. After the creation of the aerospace forces was implemented, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin appointed Colonel General the head of the new structure. On March 16 of the current year, the President of the Russian Federation handed VN Bondarev the Banner of the Air Forces.

It is worth noting that in 2000, Viktor Nikolayevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Bondarev is also a participant in the first and second Chechen wars. He made more than 400 sorties. It must also be said that Bondarev is a honored military pilot of Russia and has the qualifications of a sniper pilot.

a new type of military aerospace

What is the future

It is safe to say that the structure of the videoconferencing system will continue to develop in the Russian Federation. Now there are several specialized educational institutions where you can get the appropriate specialty. They are located in Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yaroslavl and Tver. In 2017, it is planned to open a presidential school (in the capital of Russia). Surely educational institutions of this direction will be created in other places of our state.

And, of course, training units are located in different Russian cities, where conscripts are sent to serve in the army, and from there they are transferred to military units. Previously, all units belonged to the Air Force, but after 2015 they, of course, were renamed.

By the way, the videoconferencing is a type of army in which recruits will not only have to train a lot and engage in physical activity, in these parts they also need to carry out mental activity. After all, everything is connected with aircraft and other devices. Therefore, once in the VKS, the recruit must be prepared for the fact that he will have to learn a lot of very important and necessary material.


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