Skopets is the best angler in the world of feathered predators

Osprey, or Skopets, is a bird of prey of the Skopin family. Many scientists are sure that among the feathered she is the best angler, as she is able to fish even in rivers with very fast currents. Alas, today the life of this inhabitant of heaven can hardly be called carefree, because through the fault of man he was on the verge of extinction. But let's talk about everything in order.

Skopets is


So, to begin with, we will figure out where the eunuchs live. Photos of these birds, taken in different parts of the planet, indicate that these birds settled on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. True, depending on the season, they can migrate from one region to another, thereby avoiding the cold of winter.

Therefore, in Russia they can be found only in summer or late spring. The same applies to Iceland, Scandinavia and some states of North America. In addition, with the advent of cold weather, these birds together fly to warmer climes. For example, in southern China, East Asia, Africa, Indonesia or Malaysia.

Skopets is a rather large bird. On average, she grows up to 50-60 cm in length, while the wingspan can reach 140-160 cm. It is noteworthy that the females are always superior in size to their gentleman. This difference can be seen even with the naked eye, because their weight is too different.

All eunuchs wear brown or black plumage, which only slightly differs in hue, depending on their place of residence. But the lower part (chest and stomach) of the bird is white or light gray. Around the eyes there is a black edging of feathers, which smoothly passes into two parallel stripes going to her shoulders. Thanks to them, it seems that the feathered predator is wearing a dark mask that hides its true appearance.

Skoppy photo

Skoptsy ration

Skopets is a bird whose menu for the most part consists of “fish dishes”. According to scientists, fish makes up more than 90% of everything eaten by a predator. That is why in the world of feathered creatures, this species is considered one of the best hunter-divers. In addition, fresh fish serves as a wonderful source of moisture for a predator, and therefore it rarely drinks plain water.

However, this does not mean that the eagle is not hunting for other game. If the weather or the terrain does not allow fishing, then the bird easily switches to other goals. For example, rodents, reptiles, insects, and even other birds can become a dinner for a predator. Moreover, there is evidence that the eunuchs hunted alligator cubs, which in themselves could become formidable rivals.

Behavior features

Given the diet of this predator, it is not surprising that the Skopets is a bird that is used to settle near large bodies of water. Here she feels more than comfortable, because at any moment she can go hunting. At the same time, the osprey prefers to lead a lonely lifestyle, only occasionally forming durable tandems. Because of this, it is possible to see the “in love” pairs of birds only during the mating period.

In hunting for a favorite game, the eunuch greatly helps excellent vision. Thanks to him, the bird is able to notice the fish, being high in the sky. For example, an experienced predator can detect carp swimming under water from a distance of 40 meters. In addition, he ignores the distortion that water gives to the object, due to the refraction of light on its surface.

After the Skopje picks his victim, he quickly fights back. He enters the water with his paws forward, using them like a harpoon. Often the fish does not have time to react on time, and is in the sharp claws of the predator. And she will not be able to get out of them anymore, since the Skopets grabs their prey on both sides, as if pinching it in a vice.

Skopets bird

Breeding and breeding games of birds

Skopets is a very amazing bird. Accustomed to live alone, she is still very sensitive to family ties. Having found its soul mate, the osprey forms a monogamous pair, which remains indestructible throughout the life of the bird. And only the death of one of the partners can change this.

As for the mating season, in migratory birds it begins in April-May, and in settled birds it begins in February-March. At the same time, males were the first to fly to the nest, thereby showing the ladies that they had not forgotten about them. If the gentleman does not yet have a developed pair, then he begins to look for free females, flirting with them.

It takes about 4-5 weeks to incubate eggs. All this time, the male takes care of his family, bringing food to the nest and protecting it from enemies. And only two months later, when the chicks learn to fly, he leaves his house.

Skopets value

Skopets: importance for ecosystems and humans

Despite the fact that Skopets eats a lot of fish, it does not cause significant damage to fisheries. But the bird itself suffers greatly from human action. The use of pesticides and herbicides adversely affects the predator population. For example, in some agricultural regions it completely ceased to settle.

Therefore, today, many environmental organizations have taken custody of the specimen. In particular, in the Russian Federation, the bird is protected by the Red Book. This species is also protected by the resolution adopted by the Convention on International Trade.


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