Tomato "big mommy": reviews, photos, description, productivity

Tomato "big mommy" is a completely new, but already quite popular consumer variety. It was pleasant to gardeners by rather large sizes and excellent salad taste of fruits. This variety of tomato was bred by domestic breeders; it acquired an official permit for cultivation in 2015. But even for such a short period, the variety managed to win the love of gardeners.

This article will tell you in detail about the tomato "big mommy". You will find photos and reviews of gardeners below.

Grade description

Tomatoes "big mommy" are mainly grown in sheltered ground (greenhouses, hotbeds), but in the southern climate cultivation in open ground is also possible. The ripening variety is early ripe.

tomato big mom reviews photos

The bushes themselves are stunted (0.6-1 m) are of the determinant type. As soon as the fifth fruit brush appears at the bush, it stops its growth. To get the maximum yield, the bush is formed in 2-3 stems and tied to supports.

In appearance, the bushes are very powerful, with strong, well-leafy stems. The leaves of this tomato are wide, slightly wrinkled, almost pubescent. The roots of the bush go to the sides, providing the tomato with nutritious nutrition, due to which the fruits ripen intensively.

Variety Productivity

From the emergence of seedlings to fruit ripening - about 100 days, but in the greenhouse this period is reduced to 85 days. The productivity of tomato "big mommy" will directly depend on the weather and air temperature: in greenhouses - about 10 kg per 1 sq. Km. meters, and in open ground - a little less.

tomatoes big mommy characteristic

A positive varietal characteristic of this tomato is one hundred percent return on the entire crop. Despite the fact that the bush is quite compact, and there are many large fruits on it (5-6 pieces per brush), all fruits ripen on time, the ovaries do not crumble, the leaves do not dry out prematurely. That is, there are no special problems with ripening. A good effect on yield is the fact that the variety is highly immune to the main diseases of tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages

From the description of the tomato "big mommy" it is already clear that this variety has many advantages, namely it differs:

  • large fruit size;
  • excellent preservation (even with a thin peel, tomatoes do not crack, which is rare with large-fruited varieties);
  • excellent taste;
  • early ripening (in comparison with other varieties, the "big mommy" ripens first);
  • high immunity to diseases;
  • excellent productivity (if you follow the planting scheme of 50x40 cm, then from one square meter you can collect more buckets of tomatoes).

The variety has no significant flaws. The only thing that can be noted: in greenhouses, fruits are not always heart-shaped, as the varietal description says, but are more rounded.

Characteristics of tomatoes "big mommy"

Tomatoes of this variety have an excellent presentation. If they are grown correctly, they grow quite large (300-400 grams), heart-shaped, slightly ribbed in shape and with an intense red color at full maturity. Reviews and photos of the tomato "big mommy" confirm this.

tomato big mom

Tomato "big mommy" is considered a salad tomato. The fruit pulp is very fleshy, juicy, sugary, with a rich tomato flavor and almost no seeds.

The Big Mom Tomato variety is rich in vitamins (C, E, B, PP), mineral salts and lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Due to its rich composition, it is better to use fresh tomatoes, but it is also good to make preparations, sauces, juices, ketchup from them.

Growing Secrets

In those regions where the summer is cool, do not plant tomatoes in open ground, the yield will be far from expected. In such regions, tomatoes grow well in the greenhouse. Since the variety is precocious, the seeds should be sown early - in mid-March. If they were purchased from a reliable supplier, then special training is not necessary - just soak them overnight in warm water. If the seeds are collected independently, then disinfection is required.

In order to grow healthy and high-quality seedlings of tomatoes "big mom", you must adhere to the following rules:

  • for sowing seeds, nutrient moist soil is required;
  • seed deepening is carried out by 1.5-2 cm;
  • after sowing, the pot must be covered before emergence. For this, glass or film is suitable;
  • when two real leaves appear, seedlings need to be dived, it is better to do this in separate pots;
  • transplanting seedlings into the soil occurs at the age of 50-60 days;
  • Before transplanting, it is advisable to harden the seedlings - the last two weeks to take it to the balcony or to the veranda.

tomato grade big mom

Plants are planted in well-heated soil (soil temperature should be 12-15 degrees). The most optimal planting scheme for greenhouses is 40x50 cm. So the plants will not interfere with each other and will be well ventilated. Watering tomatoes is carried out under the root of the settled water.

The bush is formed in two or three stems, that is, in addition to the main leave lower stepsons (1-2 pieces), the rest are removed. It is advisable to pinch tomatoes once a week. About the same way weeding of plants and loosening of the soil is carried out. Loosening the soil is as important as watering. When the ovaries form, the bush needs to be tied to a support and then tied as necessary. It is important to remember that in this variety brushes with tomatoes are necessarily tied, as the fruits are large and a lot of them are tied.

Diseases and Pests

Tomato "big mommy" has excellent immunity to disease. This is undoubtedly a great advantage of the variety. Indeed, this tomato practically does not get sick: neither vertex rot, which is so common among tomatoes, nor even late blight. Resistance to late blight is formed due to the fact that the variety is early (the fruits ripen early, when there is no late blight fungus, it is inactive).

Damage to the tomato was not noticed by pests, so the variety is considered highly resistant to them.

Reviews and photos of tomato "big mommy"

After the first year of planting the tomato "big mom" the gardeners' impression on him is very favorable. The plants are unpretentious in the care, the yield is high, the fruits are very tasty. In addition, the fruits are dense, hold tight to the branches. Even in the open field, the yield is quite high, a lot of tomatoes are tied. The variety is resistant to late blight and other diseases. It also affects the keeping quality of fruits - they are perfectly stored for 2-3 months. Awesome result.

tomato yield big mom

Tomatoes grow very beautiful, according to gardeners. Large, rounded, they are even very nice to hold in your hand. They look good both fresh on the table and in the winter in the bank. It tastes very nice, fleshy. Especially large fruits can not be put in a jar, so it is good to make juice or ketchup from them.

tomato grade big mom

According to reviews and photos, many loved the tomato "big mommy". The plants themselves are low, strong, transplant survive well. According to reviews, there are many ovaries, and they do not crumble.


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