Slopes for entrance doors. Installation and decoration

slopes for entrance doors

The front door is an important part for any apartment. It is able to provide safety and reliable protection, preservation of heat in the house, and also not to let in extraneous noises and sounds. Now it’s not difficult to install a new door yourself. But it is important to know that during such a replacement slopes suffer. To avoid this will not work - this is the specifics of the repair.

Slopes for entrance doors have two important meanings. Firstly, they help keep the apartment warm. And secondly, with the help of these elements you can ennoble the appearance of the door itself. When choosing a material for decoration, it should be remembered that the service life of the door slopes will depend on its quality .

installation of slopes of the front door

How to trim the slopes of the front door?

The cheapest and most affordable way to finish slopes is plaster. This material has a high level of sound insulation and keeps the house warm.

In order to get a smooth and even surface, the slopes for the front doors can be trimmed with plasterboard. Such material is easily attached with glue or screws. The slopes for the entrance doors from drywall can be decorated in any design way, which will give the room a beautiful and elegant look.

Finishing slopes with sandwich panels will help to ensure high-level thermal and sound insulation. But the use of such material did not receive much popularity due to the peculiarities of its structure. The thick layer of insulation of the sandwich panels conceals a significant part of the space of the doorway.

An expensive but noble material for decorating door slopes is wood. It is very easy to work with him, he gives the door an aristocratic look. MDF can serve as a replacement for wood. This material (at the discretion of the customer) can be varnished or simply laminated.

Installation of slopes of the front door

Entrance doors, unlike interior doors, require more thorough decoration. And materials choose high strength, with a high level of sound insulation, contributing to the preservation of heat. Installation of door slopes is carried out in several stages.

how to trim the slopes of the front door

First you need to get rid of the cracks between the wall and the door frame. They are filled with polyurethane foam, and its excess after drying is cut with a knife. Then the surface is cleaned so as to eliminate all irregularities.

After that, a primer is applied to a flat surface. It is needed for better adhesion of the plaster to the wall. Having prepared the plaster mixture, it is applied to the surface of the slopes with a layer of the desired thickness. After waiting for the mixture to completely dry, you can proceed to the decorative finish. Slopes for entrance doors ennoble with various materials, having previously carried out certain measurements.

Finishing slopes - this is attentiveness and accuracy in work

Doing the slopes with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to follow certain rules: to accurately carry out the necessary measurements, not to try to complete the work faster, try to remove all the bumps and shortcomings when they are first discovered. Only then can good results be achieved in the decoration of slopes. And high-quality material will help extend their life.


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