Beautiful arabic names for a girl

The topic of today's article will be Arabic names for girls and their meaning. Modern Arab fathers want happiness and prosperity for their daughters. With this is connected the choice of name today. According to Muslim traditions, when parents give a name to their child, they bring him a gift. Therefore, the names carry such a deep meaning. Arabic names for the girl are selected very carefully. They should emphasize the femininity, beauty of the girl and be harmonious for their future husbands. The pronunciation of the Arabic names for girls is very melodic and contains a deep subtext.

How Muslims choose their daughter's name

There are so many Arabic names for girls. But there are more common ones, and there are less that have been popular in the past.

The most common Arabic names for girls are chosen by Muslims for two reasons.

Arabic names for girls

1) Religious names of associates who served as their good deeds to the Prophet are very popular. Almost all Muslims love them.

2) The most harmonious and beautiful in meaning Arab names of girls are also loved by people of the East. Although they do not have any historical value, they are so gentle and feminine that for a long time they are sweet to the heart of many Arab parents.

The choice of name is always up to the father. However, in the realities of our world, Muslims understand that the name should be pleasant to the hearing of not only the inhabitants of their lands, but also foreigners. Therefore, Arabic names for girls are so popular today. Their modern options have pleased many European parents.

Name structure

In Arabic, there are few words borrowed from other languages. Therefore, their names store the maximum semantic load. Modern Arabic names for girls originate from Semitic languages. This gives their structure complexity, because the name consists of a whole semantic chain.

Arabic names of girls

- Alam. The first name parents give at birth.

- Nasab. This is a middle name, which contains the particle "umm" and carries information about the pedigree.

- Lacab. Contains the meaning of all human titles.

- Nisba. The information load of this part of the name can give a wide variety of characteristics - from the personโ€™s origin to his religious beliefs.

The higher the status of the family, the longer the girlโ€™s name will be.

The semantic load of the name

Choosing names for girls, Muslim, Arab parents discuss it with the whole family. But the father still makes the choice. What, in his opinion, is the most harmonious, he will give to his daughter.

Beautiful arabic names for girls

The meaning of beautiful Arabic names for girls reflects the nature of the woman of the East. It is hidden from prying eyes, externally closed, but burning and sensual inside.

The name cannot carry any sexual connotation, openness or rudeness. Only the most tender, feminine options are chosen by the inhabitants of the Arab countries.

The most important purpose of the girlโ€™s name is to be a delight for her future husband. He should like her name, it should be melodious for his hearing and serve as one of the adornments of a woman.

Religious names

Religious directions have some names of girls of the Tatar and Arab people. They are taken from the Koran. These are pretty nice options. The name of the girl is Tatar, Arabic is of Persian origin.

The peculiarity of the Arabic religious names is their choice in accordance with the famous women close to the Prophet.

The most popular religious names for girls among Muslim Arabs are Aisha, Maryam, Asiya, Fatima, Khadija, Zainab.

Name Aisha

Aisha means "beloved wife of the Prophet." He was really worn by his beloved wife, as well as 8 associates.

arabic names for girls modern

Other religious names are also borrowed from Muslim holy women, and today these Arabic names have gained enormous spread.

They try to call the girls melodiously and beautifully, the harmony is a very important factor, often determining the choice. Thanks to the combination of religious and harmonious qualities in Aisha's name, it has become very popular.

Name Maryam

The beauty of this name is confirmed by its high popularity, despite the fact that it is one of the ancient names.

Beautiful arabic names for girls and their meanings

This is the only name whose mention is directly found in the holy Quran. In Hebrew, it sounds like "Miriam."

The name belongs to one of the "best women in Paradise", to which Khadijabint Khuweilid, Assiya bint Muzahim, Fatima bint Muhammad and Maryam, daughter of Imran belong.

The image of a woman with a similar name is full of humility and piety, chastity and purity.

Arabic names for a girl have a unique charm. Maryam is perhaps one of the most melodic and beautiful. Therefore, it enjoys such a demand.

Popular arabic names in the past decades

Beautiful Arabic names for girls who were in fashion a couple of decades ago are now losing their popularity.

In past years, at the top of popularity were the names Amal, Mona, Manal, Hanan, Iman.

Muslim, arabic girl names

They are quite often found due to their softness, melodic sound. They look like sweet waves of oriental music.

These names are pleasant not only to residents of eastern countries, but even to Europeans. Such universal sympathy determines the demand for these beautiful and modern Arabic names for girls.

Arabic names popular today

In the current context, the fashion for Arabic names has undergone some changes. Previously popular names have been replaced by others.

According to statistics, in countries such as Jordan, Egypt, as well as Saudi Arabia, the names that are most in demand today are Lian, Shahd, Jana, Nur, Ghazal, Gina.

Modern names are selected more taking into account the meaning that they contain.

First name

Such a modern Arabic name for a girl means "happy life." This is a classic example of a situation where the choice of parents is determined not by religious traditions, but simply by a fashion trend. In 2009, it was the fifth most popular name in Jordan.

The name Liaiang has a very melodic euphony, for which it is chosen quite often in the current Arab countries.

The fundamental principles of this name are smoothness, tenderness and suppleness. It is as if it wants to live its possessor in harmony and prosperity. Good wish to the newborn girl.

Name of jana

The second most popular among girls born in 2009 in the countries of the East is the name Jana. Translated into Russian, it means "fresh fruit." It is found in the Qur'an.

Arabic girls names beautiful and modern

The girl bearing such a name is considered endowed with chastity and freshness. This is a fruitful branch from the paradise gardens of Allah.

Analyzing the Arabic names for the girl and their meaning, it should be borne in mind that each of them, according to popular beliefs, determines the life path of its owner and the specific traits of her character.

Jana in the eyes of the Arab people should be chaste, fresh. She is destined to become a good wife. This is a wish of fidelity and good procreation, of many children.

This is a hidden influence, but it will accompany the girl her whole life.

Such an Arabic name for girls in its meaning implies their finding in the future happiness in family life.

Name Nur

In 2009, the name Nur took 7th place in demand. Even in European countries, newborns are often called so. The Arabic names of the girls are beautiful and modern, so they are so popular all over the world.

Its meaning can be translated as "ray of light." A child with that name came to this world to give light.

Girl Nur will find happiness in serving people.

Previously, both boys and girls were called the name Nur. However, now it is given exclusively to the fair sex.

Beautiful Arabic names for girls and their meanings will interest not only the inhabitants of the East, but even Europeans. In Belgium, Noor is the 40th most popular name among newborns.

Name Value Impact

Arabic names for girls, modern and ancient, come down to one common defining meaning. They are designed to give their owner femininity, tenderness and prepare her for future marriage and the birth of children. Names determine the role of the eastern woman, who should be the guardian of the family hearth.

A woman should have beauty and passion hidden from prying eyes. This is a beautiful flower that gives its fragrance to its sole owner. But at the same time, it should not be rude, defiant. An oriental name teaches a girl from childhood to be gentle, modest, clean and restrained.

Therefore, choosing beautiful Arabic names for girls, it is necessary to take into account each meaning that they carry in themselves. After all, with the qualities that such a choice implies, the child will go through life for many years. In addition to the names considered, it is worth mentioning briefly some more that are very popular in the Muslim world.

Aliya is sublime.

Amani - coveted, the one about which they dream.

Amira - Princess, Princess.

Amina is faithful, honest and reliable.

Anisa is a friendly friend.

Asia is healing, comforting.

Adilia is honest, fair.

Basima is smiling.

Valia is a friend, mistress.

Gulnara is a pomegranate flower.

Dana is a great gem.

Darin is knowledgeable, knowledgeable.

Jamilya - called Allah.

Judy is generous, generous.

Jumana is a pearl.

Juri is a beautiful rose.

Dilya is a reunion of mind, soul and heart.

Zagra is bright, beautiful, bright.

Karima is a noble daughter.

Kalima - speaking sweet speeches.

Leila is the darkest night.

Lin is gentle, gentle.

Ludgein is silver.

Lyabiba is witty, quick-witted.

Lyamis - tender, pleasant.

Malika is the queen, the queen.

Mira - nourishing, lactating.

Munira is a bright, brilliant star.

Muhsina - Immaculate.

Niall - a gift for her husband.

Narmin is tender, fragile.

Rania is alert, attentive.

Rahma is merciful.

Ryan - quenching thirst.

Rome is a white antelope.

Ruweida - unhurried, unhurried.

Ravil - the spring sun.

Sabira - submissive, patient.

Sakina - calm, quiet.

Salima is healthy.

Salih is pious.

Salma - successful, prosperous.

Samira is an interlocutor conducting a night conversation.

Samia is a tall, highest person.

Sarah is a giver of joy.

Safia - clean, transparent.

Sultana is the ruler.

Sumaya is heavenly.

Tasnim is a paradise source.

Farah - bearing joy.

Farida is a jewel, a rare pearl.

Habib is a favorite.

Halima - meek, patient.

Halia is a goddess living in luxury.

Khanin - a passionate sigh, a hidden longing.

Sharifa is noble.

Sheima is a woman endowed with benefactors.

Yasmine is a branch of jasmine.

When choosing Arabic names for a girl, you can pay attention to their harmony, meaning or historical significance. There are many options.

The main thing is to remember that the meaning that any name carries in itself is a gift to the child, a wish from his parents to his child. You should not rely only on the beautiful sound, the melody of the chosen option.

The specific features of religion, culture and identity of the eastern peoples are enclosed in each name. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether this option is suitable for a newborn girl.

After all, next to the exotic name may be the usual Slavic middle name and surname. It is necessary to think carefully over whether all the components of the full name will be combined with each other.

Nevertheless, the Arabic names for the girl do not cease to be the object of increased attention of parents of almost all countries of the world. And this is no coincidence. The charming melody of the East, combined with the deep meaning of each name make them especially popular.

By approaching correctly the selection process, you can give the baby not just a beautiful, melodic name, but also a wish for happiness, prosperity and beauty for life.


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