Krasnaya Polyana. Aviary complex - an interesting place

Our vast country is rich in various unique reserves. One of them is located in the mountains of the Caucasus, called the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. On its territory is located Krasnaya Polyana, the aviary complex of which is familiar to all tourists. The Caucasian reserve is famous for its many excursions. We will talk about this.

Krasnaya Polyana Aviary Complex

Krasnaya Polyana

This place is always a favorite among vacationers. Many famous personalities of our history, one way or another, came into contact with this point. No one will now say exactly why this place is called that way. There are many versions. At the beginning of the 20th century, rich dignitaries, wealthy people built houses for themselves here, even the Tsar’s House was built, although Nicholas I never visited it. Nowadays, it works like a museum. As a resort, the area began to develop actively after the war. Well, the development of infrastructure, of course, has received a real impetus in the last decade. Thanks to investors, a rich ski resort has been built here. The 2014 Olympics here played a big role. For thousands of tourists, Krasnaya Polyana is listed in the route, the aviary complex is necessarily included for visiting.

Krasnaya Polyana Aviary Complex photo

Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve

The Caucasus Nature Reserve is one of the largest in Europe. It was created almost a hundred years ago, in 1924. It has an even longer conservation history. Already in 1886 a hunting reserve was laid here. Both in tsarist time and later in Soviet times, they perfectly understood the importance of protecting these places.

Today, the Caucasian Reserve is an institution of federal significance, whose status is environmental, environmental-educational, and research. Here, all natural processes, the genetic fund of local plants and animals, unique geological formations, and ecological systems of the Caucasus are preserved and studied.

The Caucasian reserve is a very important link in the existence of Sochi. Forests provide the resort with the production of pure oxygen, and mountain rivers supply drinking water to all the surrounding areas.

The most popular place in the reserve is Krasnaya Polyana. The aviary complex, the address of which is not difficult to find out, is visited by all tourists who have been here. The complex is located in the village of Esto-Sadok, in Krasnaya Polyana.

Krasnaya Polyana Aviary Complex Address

Nature Reserve Attractions

In addition to the aviary complex, the reserve offers other fascinating excursions.

Hostinskaya yew-boxwood grove . Here you will enter the oldest relic forest of the preglacial period. Amazing plants include over 400 species, many of which can only be found here. A variety of flowers, mushrooms, shrubs and trees. What is the “iron tree” that drowns in water due to the high density of wood and which legends are made of?

The eco-complex "Laura" attracts many visitors. You can choose the route "Acipse River Valley", visit the adventure rope park, just relax, take a steam bath.

The Devil's Gate Canyon is striking in the picturesque channel of the Khosta River. Its width is five meters, and the height of the steep slopes is fifty meters. There are also amazing tropical plants everywhere that have come from the ice age.

Krasnaya Polyana aviary complex how to get

Krasnaya Polyana. Aviary complex

And, of course, the main sightseeing route of the reserve is the aviary complex. Here you can find such animals that live in the wild in the mountains of the Caucasus, far from hiking trails. Often animals get into the Krasnaya Polyana aviary zoo for medical reasons. Employees bring here animals that, for some reason, were injured in the wild or were left without parents, of course, that they simply could not survive in the wild. All affected animals are nursed. Someone is then released into the wild, and someone remains to live in a complex. More than a dozen representatives of the Caucasian fauna live here under full state support. That is why a ticket to the zoo is quite inexpensive. This is famous for Krasnaya Polyana. Everyone is welcome to visit the aviary complex here.

What animals live in the complex

The territory of the complex is not much like a regular city zoo. Simply, the forest was partitioned with a regular net, the territory of each enclosure is very large, animals do not feel imprisoned. They made high concrete curbs so that some digging lovers would not pull out moves. The tracks are sprinkled with gravel; they are not fundamentally asphalted. The cradle of nature is Krasnaya Polyana. The aviary complex, the photo of which fully confirms this, is the guardian of pristine nature.

On the territory of the complex live animals of the North Caucasus, including 25 redbooks. They can be attributed to three large groups:


- Peregrine Falcon.

- Steppe eagle.

- Owl barn owl.

- Black vulture.

- Mute swan.

- Lesser spotted eagle.

- The goose is gray wild.

- Mallard.

- The owl is marsh.

- The Falcon Sparrow.


- The bison is mountain.

- Sika deer.

- Caucasian red deer.

- Roe deer.

- Kuban tour.

- Wild boar.

- Chamois.

Krasnaya Polyana aviary complex how to get there by car


- The Caspian Wolf.

- Lynx.

- Wild forest cat.

- Badger.

- The fox.

- Jackal.

- Raccoon strip.

- Raccoon dog.

Krasnaya Polyana, aviary complex. How to get there

Getting here is easy. Buses constantly run in this direction, you can also take a commuter train to Esto-Sadok, and then by minibus.

The complex operates year-round. And if your route has Krasnaya Polyana (aviary complex), how to get there by car, we’ll tell you more.

When you reach the sign at the bridge, which reports the confluence of the two rivers Mzymta and Achips, you need to turn onto the road, it passes right along the Achips river, you do not need to cross the river. Having thus traveled two kilometers along a picturesque gorge, you will find yourself directly in front of the gates of the aviary complex. Have a great time!


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