How to feed a baby at 9 months. Diet at 9 months

A baby's diet at 9 months is already quite diverse. The kid has already tried dairy products, cereals, egg yolk, meat, some fruits and vegetables. The menu of children who are breast-fed or breast-fed is no different. Some mothers prefer to buy ready-made vegetable, meat, fruit purees, instant cereals and juices. In this case, you must pay attention to the components, expiration date and age restrictions. Such information is indicated on the packages. Almost all dishes for a child that are on the menu at 9 months old are easy to make on their own.

how to feed a baby in 9 months

Secrets of children's cuisine

Most pediatricians believe that whole milk should not be given to children under one year of age. Do not rush to pamper your baby with this product. It can cause allergies and digestive problems. How to feed a baby at 9 months, if most cereals are based on milk? For baby food, it is best to use the usual milk mixture. When choosing meat, give preference to chicken, turkey and veal. This product must always be fresh. Feeding a baby at 9 months involves thoroughly grinding and grinding large and hard pieces. The same applies to meat. It is turned into gruel with a coffee grinder or blender. So it is necessary to do with vegetables. A young mother can significantly save time by cooking soup and vegetable puree at the same time. All ingredients are cut into small pieces and cooked until cooked. A certain amount of vegetables can be obtained and mashed from them. Everything else is laid out in a blender and grinds. Thus, you immediately get two dishes. A baby's diet of 9 months cannot contain dishes with added salt and sugar. The baby's body simply does not need these products. Vegetables and fruits are also served in the form of mashed potatoes.

baby's diet at 9 months

How to introduce new products

At this age, you still continue to try new dishes. Do not forget about how to introduce complementary foods at 9 months. The menu must be designed in such a way that one day does not give the baby two new products. Everything new is tried in small portions. The child should be monitored for at least a week. If no reactions have followed, you can increase the dose. If you notice a rash on the skin, upset stool, then taking this product should be discontinued. In addition, be sure to consult a doctor. A nine-month-old baby eats about six times a day.

complementary foods in 9 months menu

Sample menu of a baby of 9 months

  • Monday For breakfast: an adapted mixture or breast milk. Second breakfast: milk-free oatmeal porridge and applesauce. For lunch: chicken soup with vegetables. Snack: carrot juice. Dinner: mashed cabbage (cauliflower) and cracker. Second dinner: adapted mixture or breast milk.
  • Tuesday . For breakfast: an adapted mixture or breast milk. Lunch: milk-free rice porridge and half an egg yolk. For lunch: chicken soup with vegetables and juice. Snack: baked apple. Dinner: mashed potatoes with spinach. For the second dinner: an adapted mixture or breast milk.
  • Wednesday For breakfast: an adapted mixture or breast milk. Second breakfast: millet-free porridge and cracker. For lunch: mashed vegetables and chicken steaks. Snack: apple juice. Dinner: fruits and cottage cheese (this is an excellent answer to the question of how to feed a baby at 9 months, because he is hearty and almost always at hand). Second dinner: adapted mixture or breast milk.
  • Thursday For breakfast: an adapted mixture or breast milk. Second breakfast: dairy-free buckwheat porridge with pumpkin and berry juice. For lunch: veal puree and steamed pumpkin cutlets. Snack: juice and sweet crackers. Dinner: mashed vegetables. Second dinner: adapted mixture or breast milk.
  • Friday . For breakfast: an adapted mixture or breast milk. Second breakfast: oatmeal porridge and juice. For lunch: rice porridge, steamed fish, dried fruit compote. Snack: jelly. Dinner: mashed vegetable puree. Second dinner: adapted mixture or breast milk.
  • approximate menu of a baby of 9 months
    Saturday For breakfast: an adapted mixture or breast milk. Second breakfast: semolina porridge with half a yolk of chicken egg. For lunch: boiled veal, steamed zucchini, dried fruit compote. Snack: applesauce. Dinner: cottage cheese casserole. Second dinner: adapted mixture or breast milk.
  • Sunday For breakfast: an adapted mixture or breast milk. Second breakfast: milk-free rice porridge and fruit puree. For lunch: mashed potatoes and poultry meatball soup. Snack: apple or carrot juice. Dinner: low-fat kefir. Second dinner: adapted mixture or breast milk.

Recipes for a baby of 9 months

One of the main dishes that is surely given to the baby is chicken soup with vegetables. Cooking it is easy. First of all, you will need chicken breast and fresh vegetables. This can be potatoes, carrots, cabbage (cauliflower, white, broccoli), onions, greens. The list of ingredients can be changed depending on the preferences of the child or just for a change. All products are cut into large cubes and boiled in a small saucepan until cooked. Recall that salt and any spices do not need to be added. When everything is ready, the broth, vegetables and meat cool slightly and grind well in a blender. Be sure to check that there are no large pieces. The soup is ready.

feeding a baby at 9 months

Semolina porridge with fruit

How to feed a baby at 9 months, if not porridge. This tasty and healthy dish is recommended to be included in the menu of each child, regardless of age. To make porridge, you will need semolina, apple and water. Cook in the usual way. In this case, you can not use a blender, since the porridge itself is almost uniform. From fruits, you can take an apple. It must be washed, cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then the apple must be stewed for 10 minutes. Then it is kneaded and mixed with semolina. In a baby’s diet at 9 months, you can add a small piece of butter.

Meat puree

In this dish beef, chicken or turkey can be used. It must be well washed and cleaned of tendons. Then you need to cut it into small pieces and boil. Ready meat must be passed through a meat grinder. In the resulting puree, it is advisable to add a little remaining broth and boil for a few minutes. If you still think how to feed your baby at 9 months old, then remember one simple rule: the simpler the dish, the better.


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