President of Mexico Enrique PeƱa Nieto

The current head of the Mexican state was born on July 20, 1966 in a city called Atlacomulco, located 80 km from the capital of Mexico. PeƱa Nieto was the oldest child in the family. Therefore, he knew firsthand that such responsibility was already from early childhood. The father of the future president worked as an engineer, and his mother as a teacher at school. The Nieto family was typical of the middle class .

president of mexico

PeƱa Nieto: childhood and adolescence

Unlike other presidential candidates, the future president of Mexico never attended university in America. He spent only one year at a school in Alfred when he was 13 years old. Even at such a young age, PeƱa Nieto was very decisive and straightforward - at least that was what his peers spoke of him. For example, when asked what he would like to become in the future, the boy answered directly: ā€œGovernor of the State of Mexicoā€.

The President of Mexico has been fond of political studies since childhood. However, do not think that PeƱa Nieto grew up in retreat among books. As a teenager, he was very fond of playing football, and also could spend hours playing chess. A little later, the boy learned to drive a car. Enrique PeƱa Nieto already from that age had all the prerequisites for a political career in the future.

In his youth, his father often took him with him to meetings of the governor and his friend Jorge Jimenez Cantu.

Then the case of Jorge Jimenez passed into the hands of Alfredo GonzƔlez, who was the father of a cousin. When the campaign for Gonzalez took place, PeƱa Nieto had the opportunity to learn all the intricacies of political cuisine from the inside. The boy was distributing leaflets in support of the future governor. Until now, he recalls the time as a turning point in his fate .

Enrique PeƱa Nieto

Independent life

In 1984, the future president of Mexico moved to Mexico City to study law at the University of Pan American. There he receives a bachelor's degree, then a master's degree at the Monterey Institute.

Already in his student years, Enrique PeƱa Nieto gained independence from his parents. He worked as a notary and earned decent money in order to provide for himself completely. At the age of 20, he begins to work in a corporation for the manufacture of auto parts.

By an amazing coincidence, Enrique was always surrounded by successful people. For example, while studying at a university, he shared a dorm room with the future president of Homex, one of Mexico's largest real estate companies. Enrique also at a young age managed to make friends with Luis Miranda, who later also entered the apparatus of the Mexican government.

In a graduate dissertation, Enrique was characterized Mexico from the perspective of a management system. On two hundred and two pages of his work, he compared the presidential system of government in the country with parliamentarism .

characteristic of mexico

The beginning of a political career

Enrique's official political career began as secretary of the State Committee for the Directive of the National Confederation. Then, over the next three years, PeƱa Nieto becomes a member of various municipalities in the states of Mexico.

From 1993 to 1998, he served as head of economic development for the state of Mexico. And from 1999 to 2000, Enrique served as secretary of the government apparatus. In 2003, the future president of Mexico is elected as a deputy in his hometown of Atlacomulco.

In 2001, PeƱa Nieto was appointed deputy secretary of the interior. This gave him the opportunity to get acquainted with the leading politicians of that time and the largest businessmen of Mexico City. Then he worked as an administrative secretary, then as head of social security. The future president of Mexico also worked as vice president of the National Committee for Family Development.

Background to the presidential election

In 2001, four candidates who were natives of Atlacomulco were immediately nominated for the governor of Mexico City. Among them was PeƱa Nieto. But he managed to take the post of governor only in 2005. In February of the same year, information was received that Enrique would run for the upcoming presidential election.

As a candidate for governor, PeƱa Nieto was never a favorite. However, by the beginning of 2006, his administration had completed about 140 projects. The Mexican government did not know such indicators in its entire history.

As governor, Enrique was engaged in the restoration of roads, the construction of hospitals, and worked on a system for creating an adequate water supply system. To one degree or another, he managed to achieve almost all the plans that were outlined at the beginning of his service in this post. In 2011, on the official website of the city, it was announced that of all the projects that PeƱa Nieto started, all but two were completed.

Successful Nieto Projects

Among Enrique's great achievements was the creation of the necessary commuter train routes. More than 300 thousand people a day and one hundred million a year got the opportunity to move from the capital to the state. And PeƱa Nieto has built about two hundred new health care facilities.

During his time as governor, the number of diseases among the population has significantly decreased. For example, the mortality rate due to respiratory diseases decreased by 55%. Of course, these impressive achievements could not but influence the upcoming presidential elections in Mexico .

list of presidents of mexico


On December 1, 2012, Enrique took the oath of the President of Mexico. The list of Mexican presidents PeƱa Nieto continued at number fifty seven. However, not all residents seemed happy. Many of them did not believe the main slogan of PeƱa Nieto, who said that his main goal is peace in the whole country.

On the day of his inauguration, a wave of protests was organized by opposition parties. But many of the presidentā€™s reforms have been successful. One of them was the abolition of monopolies in the energy sector .

presidential election in mexico

But at present, the main problem that the government has to deal with is organized crime. The characteristic of Mexico in this parameter has always left much to be desired. The activities of drug mafia and organized groups in this country daily lead to human casualties.

Mexico is currently experiencing high social tension . Recent protests in Mexico have led to 400 arrests, 250 robbed retail outlets, and 6 deaths .

government of mexico

PeƱa Nieto's personal life

In 1993, the president married Monica Pretelini. But, unfortunately, she died in 2007 due to an attack of epilepsy. In 2008, PeƱa Nieto announced that he was in a romantic relationship with an actress named Angelica Rivera.

November 27, 2010 their wedding took place in the city of Toluca. The president also has a son from Maritsa Hernandez. PeƱa Nieto publicly mentioned that his sonā€™s future is not indifferent to him and that he takes care of the child. However, it is known that in fact the president does not communicate with him.


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