Gourami dwarfish: description, content, photo

Dwarf gourami is a small aquarium fish that is much less common among aquarists than other underwater inhabitants, and although this species appeared in our country since 1954, it has been known for a very long time.

The fish belongs to the macropod family, a type of labyrinth. We can say that these are the smallest representatives of this family. The dwarf gourami in the world is known as Trichopsis pumilus. This is a schooling and very peace-loving fish, which for sparkling scales is often called dwarf sparkling or sparkling gourami. In addition, these fish are unique in that they can make certain sounds that resemble a cricket song. For this ability, gourami are often called a grouch or talker.

gourami dwarf


Dwarf gourami pumila is found in the east and south of Asia - in the reservoirs of Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia. This small fish feels quite comfortable in small ponds, small streams and rivers, in canals in rice fields and in ordinary ditches. In a word, she needs stagnant water or having a minimum flow, a little oxygen and a large number of plants. Dwarf gourami is able to survive in difficult conditions.


The name of this baby speaks for itself. Translated, it means "dwarf". Its maximum size does not exceed four centimeters.

gourami dwarf sparkling

The body of the gourami is elongated, and somewhat flattened on the sides. The main distinguishing feature is a short dorsal fin and a slightly pointed tail at the end.

The most common color is considered green. A light olive shade is possible. The sides are slightly lighter than the back, the abdomen (like the caudal stem) has a white-green tone.

From the stigma along the length of the body there is a thin line, which consists of dark blue or blue spots. Above and below it you can see more rare and light green spots.

The chest and eyes are pink. The fins (except the pectoral and ventral) are green with a pale blue sheen, covered with dark specks, along the edge there is a bright red edging. This is one of the coloring options, besides it there are many more variations.

gourami pygmy dummy

Gender differences

It is not at all difficult to distinguish a male gourami from a female. The males are noticeably larger, have longer fins. In addition, they are painted much brighter and more attractive than their girlfriends.


The dwarf gourami, whose photo you can see in this article, is a timid and shy creature, so aquarists with experience recommend keeping them in groups. In such a flock, a strict hierarchy is formed, which all fish observe. The role of the β€œleader” is assumed by the strongest male.

gourami dwarf content

If the dwarf pumila is kept in a small aquarium by the gourami, then the owner will soon notice aggressive behavior towards weak individuals. When there is enough space, this situation does not manifest itself so acutely.

Dwarf gurami: content

These fish feel quite comfortable in an ordinary aquarium, but they feel better in a species aquarium. There are no particular difficulties in their content.

Capacity should be chosen at the rate of 30 liters for every ten inhabitants. The aquarium should not be too high, and it is desirable that it has an oblong shape. It is better if its length is at least 35 cm, water is poured about 20 cm. For most fish of this species, a lid is required that prevents the ingress of cold air and protects the inhabitants from colds.

Home Decoration for Gourami

Soil in this case, it is advisable to choose a medium-sized, silted, dark color. It should arrange pebbles, driftwood, make grottoes and caves.

Green algae should be planted around the perimeter of the aquarium, where your pets can hide if necessary. Wallisneria, pinnacle, echinodorus and other plants that do not grow too densely are perfect for this.

dwarf gourami photo

Water requirements and lighting

Since dwarf gourami is a thermophilic fish, the water temperature should be maintained at no lower than +23 - + 26 degrees. Lighting should not be too bright. A fluorescent lamp with a power of 0.5 W / l is quite enough.

If the aquarium is small, and its inhabitants are more than normal, then additional aeration is important for gourami. In addition, both external and internal filters should be installed.


In nature, gourams feed on all kinds of insects that inhabit water bodies. In the aquarium, they are happy to eat plant, and frozen, and live food.

They quickly get used to flakes or granules. In order for the fish to reach its maximum size and get a beautiful color, it needs a bloodworm, tubule, daphnia.


Due to its miniature size, gourami cannot live in the same aquarium with large and predatory fish. Overly active and fast fish are not very suitable for the neighborhood.

Very similar species will not work. For example, males constantly drive dwarfs. Therefore, it is best to place them in a species aquarium. If this is not possible, then the neighbors should choose peaceful, small size. These include neon rainbows, parses, lilies and others.


If you want to breed dwarf gourami, then you need a spawn. Its volume should not be less than 30 liters. The breeding is carried out in accordance with the traditional requirements for breeding aquarium fish.

Fifteen days before spawning, producers are fed live feed. Then they are transferred to a container filled with water up to 15 cm. Its temperature should be + 27 degrees, hardness - 10, acidity not higher than 7.

gourami dwarf

Plants with wide leaves are planted near the rear window of the spawning grounds, since the nest the father is building should be under them. For this, cryptocrins and echinodorus are suitable.

The male builds a nest of foam and after completion of work he invites a female into it, which begins spawning. Eggs appear whole bundles (6 pieces each). Father very carefully separates them and delivers them to the built nest. In one spawning, up to 300 eggs appear.

Initially, juveniles are fed with ciliates. Gradually, crustacean nauplii are included in the diet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13091/

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