Where to get a birth certificate? List of required documents

No matter how wonderful and magical such an event as the birth of a baby would be, it will not work to avoid legal procedures aimed at formalizing and registering the fact of the birth of a child. Therefore, newly-minted parents are wondering where to get a child ’s birth certificate . This is the first and very important document in his life.

Date of birth
In principle, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. But the one who is doing this for the first time, of course, is at a loss, because he does not know where to start. Let's figure it out, let's start in order.

Where to apply for a birth certificate?

The institution involved in the issuance of such documents is the registry office. But you need to contact the registry office only at the place of registration of the parents. Many young mothers and fathers think that any institution of this nature is obliged to issue them the necessary document. But this is not at all true. For example, marriage can be registered at any registry office, but where to get a child’s birth certificate will depend on the registration of parents at the place of residence.

Application to the registry office

And another important point - the time period allotted by law to receive a birth certificate is one month. Therefore, do not drag out the trip to the registry office.

List of documents

We found out where to get a birth certificate for a child, now let's talk about what is needed for this. You will need a number of documents, among which:

- a certificate of the birth of the child, which you should have been given at the maternity hospital at discharge;

- passport, both parents provide it;

- certificate of marriage (necessary if your marriage is officially registered).

Documents of a newborn baby

This is the whole list. As you can see, nothing complicated.

What to pay special attention to when receiving documents of a newborn baby

Registration of a birth certificate does not take much time, most likely you can get it immediately or the next day after submitting documents. And here is the long-awaited document in your hands! But suppressing joyful emotions in yourself, carefully check all the information indicated in the certificate. For example, the spelling of the surname, name and patronymic of the child. Information about parents should also not be ignored. And the birth date of the child is very important. Read all this data very carefully and be convinced of lack of errors. Since after some time it will be much more difficult to fix them.

Together with the birth certificate, the registry office staff will issue you a certificate confirming the fact of the birth of the child (F.24). You will need it when applying for a one-time allowance and other payments due to you. Do not lose it, as getting a duplicate will be more difficult.

Where to get a baby certificate

If your marriage is officially registered, then any parent can receive a birth certificate. If not, then the presence of both fathers and mothers is strictly necessary, since it will be necessary to carry out the so-called establishment of paternity. After that, the data of the pope will be entered in the birth certificate.

This is all information about where to get a birth certificate and what is needed for this. Your next step will be to register the baby at the place of residence and receive an insurance policy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13092/

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