Modern man as a carrier of the culture of his people

Any person born in this world, with mother's milk, absorbs the national culture, masters the native language. The life order and traditions of the people become their personal way of life. Thus, a person, as a carrier of the culture of his people, organically merges with it. Unfortunately, in modern life this unity does not always justify itself.

Society and wealth

First, consider the person himself. Separately, each of us is decent, courageous, conscientious and responsible. In the same case, if a person is placed in a team that constantly eliminates him from making decisions on the basis of his personal conscience, he becomes much worse.

Many are sure that a person, as the bearer of the culture of his people, is in close unity with all social aspects of life. But it is not so! Naturally, any material object is created by people solely to achieve any specific goal. However, any thing, as well as a social phenomenon, also carries its natural purpose. It is subject to independent laws. Take, for example, the versatility of the use of tools.

man as a carrier of the culture of his people

Moreover, it is worth recognizing that as society formed, commodity fetishism became a characteristic sign of the prevalence of things over the human world.

Versatility is inherent not only in political or material phenomena. It is also common in the spiritual sphere of society. It is no coincidence that Nicholas Roerich once said on this subject: “Culture is the heart.”

Language and culture are inextricably linked

Culture, equivalently, like language, is an integral part of consciousness that conveys the individual worldview of people. Unfortunately, recently most people relate to their native language, to put it mildly, negligently. If not so long ago we openly laughed at the “abundance” of the vocabulary of Ellochka the Ogre, then today it no longer causes a smile.

The problem is that many young people do not understand the main thing at all - culture without literate speech is impossible. The social nature of the language manifests itself in close contact of its carrier with life and is impossible without the formation of a speech collective, where it is used as a tool for communication.

Between language and reality, there is a thinking person, as the bearer of the culture of his people. Consequently, the fundamental components that cannot exist without one another are culture, language, and thinking. Together, they are attached to the real world, subordinate to it, confront it and, in parallel, create it.

language and culture

Linguistic heritage

Undoubtedly, the interaction of cultures has been and will always be! Such natural coexistence usually leads to their mutual mutual enrichment. When a person learns a foreign language, he absorbs the culture of native speakers of that language. An additional layer is layered on the original picture of the world of native culture, highlighting new facets and darkening the previous ones.

According to statistics, foreign language teachers who have been working for more than 30 years acquire characteristic features characteristic of the culture of the languages ​​they teach. Virtually all languages ​​of the world are interconnected. The richest Russian language, unfortunately, is too actively replenished with many foreign words and definitions. However, a person, as the bearer of the culture of his people, tries to maintain his individuality.

Brotherhood of Peoples

The ability of one people to comprehend the achievements of another is an important sign of the vitality of its culture. This ability not only enriches, reforming the vital principles of the nation, but also makes it possible to generously exchange its spiritual traditions. Ensures mutual understanding and helps resolve international conflicts.

national culture of peoples

The national culture of peoples has additional subcultures - demographic and social groups or sections of the population. This is expressed in their lifestyle, behavior and thinking, which are different from the generally accepted norms of the nation. A vivid example of this: youth movements, the underworld, religious movements. Sometimes subculture supporters become stiff opposition and confront the rest of society.

Naturally, not everything can be liked in the current culture, just as not all the treasures of ancient folk wisdom should be disposed of. However, the preservation or restoration of undeservedly forgotten traditions for any people, first of all, should be dictated by progress, and not by the desire to preserve their originality at all costs. Naturally, one can lament over the lost, however, it is not necessary to reject the other benefits of civilization solely for its safety.


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