German boxer: breed description, character and reviews

The German boxer is a strong and hardy breed of dog. Basically this breed is called simply “boxer”. These dogs are often used for protection, police service. But they can be kept at home. Boxers are very smart and get along well with children. But you need to raise these dogs in severity. Strict discipline is needed. The breed got its name due to the manner of these dogs to deliver precise paws.

The history of the breed Boxer

The ancestors of the boxers were hunting dogs. They were used to harass animals. In Germany, these dogs were called Brabant Bullenbasers. But outwardly they looked very little like modern boxers. The formation of the existing breed dates back to the 18th century. Then the dogs began to stop tails and ears. After decades, Bullenbeyser began to be called the phrase "German boxer." A feature of the breed was a groove on the nose, visually dividing the nose into two parts.

german boxer

After the appearance of firearms, the persecution of animals by dogs ceased. Boxers began to be used in protection and when grazing cattle. To improve working qualities, the breed was crossed with English bulldogs. The result was a dog with a wide body and a large short head. In 1885, boxers for the first time participated in the exhibition as representatives of a separate breed.

Boxer Standard

After many years of selection, specific standards for the German Boxer breed were identified. This is a medium-sized dog, smooth-haired, with dense, bulging and strong muscles. The height of the withers is from 57 to 63 centimeters in males and from 53 to 59 in females.

The oblique length of the body should be proportional to the height of the withers. The body forms a square. The chest reaches the elbows, its depth is equal to half the height of the withers. The length of the nose in relation to the cranial part is 1: 2.

The shape of the head is cubic, with a slight bulge on top and a sharp transition to the muzzle. There should be no wrinkles on it. They are allowed only on the cranial part. The dark mask should be clearly separated from the rest of the color of the head.

german boxer dog

The lower jaw of the boxer protrudes one and a half centimeters. Fleshy lips hang on the sides of the muzzle. The nose is upturned, slightly flattened. The correct bite is required. The eyes are large, dark, but not bulging. The nose is bent slightly up, black and wide.

The neck of the boxer is round, muscular, without a chest. The tail stops in puppyhood. However, the standard of the German boxer does not require such a procedure with the ears. Although basically they are also stopped.

Forelegs are straight, hind legs have more muscular thighs. On all limbs - hard feet and short fingers. The sacrum is sloping and wide. The coat should be shiny, short and fit well to the body.

german boxer Price

Boxer colors

Boxer may have several colors. The main one is tiger or red, with any shade and a black mask on the face. White spots should not occupy more than 30 percent of the body surface. The most popular is the German tiger boxer. But there are dogs of a completely white color. Only such boxers do not meet the breed standard.

White boxer

The white German boxer is a very rare dog. Thanks to non-standard color. It was believed that such boxers even bring good luck. Since ancient times, it was believed that these dogs are deaf from birth, closed and poorly trained. But this is not true. They do not differ from other representatives of their breed neither in temperament, nor in character, nor in the exterior. Only coat color. But precisely because of him, such boxers do not fall under the established world standards of the breed.

Dog character

The initial aggression laid down by nature in the “ancestors” of boxers was eventually eliminated during the formation of the breed. Now these dogs have a strong nervous system. They have a bright temperament and a calm character. They can be safely left with children. The German boxer is a good-natured dog, he gets along well with all members of the family. Representatives of this breed easily make contact. They need to feel the attention of the owners. Great guards.

white german boxer

While at home, dogs behave calmly, but on the street they love activity, frolic. Boxers are very energetic, they need long walks and regular physical activity. Dogs of this breed are very loyal to the owners. The boxer shows cockiness only in relation to other dogs, does not react aggressively to people.

At home, the boxer must feel the power of the owner. Dogs should not be indulged, otherwise they can become naughty. Representatives of this breed are very wary of strangers. They won't bark, but they can bark eerily a couple of times. Boxers are very smart, smart, brave.

Boxing conditions

Dogs of the breed "German Boxer" need a constant large physical load to release the accumulated energy. But at the same time they are very sensitive to heat. Therefore, giving a large load in hot weather is not recommended. Better to let them frolic before lunch and in the evenings.

German boxer standard

Boxer wool is wiped only with rags. Dogs of this breed are prone to conjunctivitis, so they need to wipe their eyes daily with soft material. Ears are cleaned only with a scarf wound around the finger. Claws are regularly trimmed. But so as not to hurt the blood vessels.

Food should be varied. Do not give dry food often. Be sure to include a variety of cereals, vegetables and fruits in the diet of boxers. Dogs must have constant access to water. It is recommended that you even take it with you for a walk in hot weather.

How much do German boxers cost?

The interest in dogs among residents of Russian cities does not disappear. But to acquire a puppy is necessary, given the area of ​​his apartment. It is best to have a small dog with a non-aggressive character. The good attitude of a four-legged friend towards children is also important. The ideal option for the totality of these conditions is a German boxer. Price it depends on several factors:

  • Buying a puppy with a pedigree. Puppies of an elite show class cost from $ 500 and above. Breed dogs are slightly lower - starting at $ 350. If a puppy is bought not for breeding and exhibitions, but simply for keeping at home, then it is best to get a pet boxer. Such dogs cost from 250 dollars.
    german tiger boxer
  • Purchase without a pedigree. With this option, you can purchase a puppy for any contract price starting from 500 rubles. There are many offers of this kind.
  • Depending on the color. For example, a German boxer of a white color is rarer and, accordingly, can cost more than dogs that meet the breed standard.
  • Exterior of a boxer. Even with slight deviations from the standard, the puppy's price can be reduced.
  • The cost of puppies with all vaccinations made is more expensive.
  • When buying an adult dog, the price usually decreases. However, it is worth remembering that adult dogs are difficult to perceive a change of owner. It may take a long time for the boxer to get used to the new place.

German boxer reviews

The owners of all German boxers advise these dogs to be kept in the apartment. True, this breed has some minor flaws. For example, saliva is constantly released in dogs and must be wiped off. Especially at home after feeding. Wool should be combed out every week. Eyes are wiped daily with a soft cloth.

german boxer reviews

A German boxer is almost perfect for keeping in apartments. Reviews about this breed are only positive. These are very affectionate, loyal and cheerful dogs. Get along well with all households, non-aggressive. Great watchman. They can be entrusted with the protection of a private house or apartment. The sight of the dog and its awesome barking will scare away any intruder.

Boxers are easy to train. They can be used as protection for adults and children. Boxers are dogs of medium height, and therefore it is quite convenient to keep them even in a one-room apartment.


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