Gas analyzer for the home

Gas analysis is required in a wide variety of areas where it is important to have an understanding of the composition and characteristics of air-fuel mixtures. At home, gas analyzers, or detectors, are more often used to detect leaks. Moreover, the target medium may be not only a domestic gas pipeline. This can be an air conditioning system with freon, or a boiler plant with harmful emissions. The modern gas analyzer is presented in different versions, which differ in the operating principle, control system, performance and other parameters.

gas analyzer

Features of household gas analyzers

Models for home use are small in size, modest performance and simplified management. If professional devices require stationary operation, then the household appliance provides the ability to move. Its functionality is designed to search for leaks with the inspection of gas vapors at different points. Moreover, in the segment of home appliances there are different levels of functional content. For example, a household gas analyzer from a budget category works with a simple warning system, which can be represented by light or sound indication. That is, if the apartment has an excess of gas vapor concentration relative to the standard value, the detector will give an appropriate signal, but without additional information. More complex household models are equipped with a display, which displays data with detailed characteristics of the studied environment.

Types of detector

household gas analyzer

Home gas mixture analyzers are available in manual and automatic versions. In the first case, this is a simple absorption apparatus, the principle of which is based on the process of absorption of gas vapors by reagents. These are inexpensive and at the same time affordable devices that demonstrate an average level of accuracy of analysis. Automatic models are characterized by wider possibilities of studying target environments. In particular, a gas analyzer of this type can continuously monitor certain parameters of a mixture or its individual component. As for the principle of operation, it can be based on the principle of physical analysis, chemical reactions, or a physicochemical process. Using an automatic detector, the user determines such indicators as the pressure and volume of the mixture, the concentration of oxides, etc.

Installation of gas analyzers

In the families of household analyzers, stationary models are also found that involve the implementation of a special installation. At the same time, they also differ in compact size, unpretentiousness in maintenance and low performance. Installation of such a device is usually carried out in a place of increased danger of gas leakage. It can be a site near a boiler plant, a boiler or a stove. Mounting is most often carried out on the wall so that the user has the possibility of direct access to the control panel of the device. The gas analyzer is fixed using the mounting profile, which usually comes in the base kit. Using screws or self-tapping screws, it is necessary to install the supporting panel, and the device itself must already be integrated into it. Depending on the type of model, it may be necessary to lay the power cable from the mains, although household low-power analyzers often run on batteries and batteries.

Operation Nuances

gas analyzer for home

Work begins with determining the mixtures that the device will be oriented to. Modern devices allow you to configure sensitive elements to track different parameters of mixtures. The main setting refers to the determination of the upper and lower levels of gas concentration. Particular attention during operation should be given to the diagnostics of the device. About once every six months, gas analyzers are calibrated, which consists in a comprehensive examination of the device with a test of its working qualities. Metrological characteristics are mandatory evaluated , on which the error of the obtained values ​​depends. Typically, verification is carried out by transferring the device to the appropriate mode, after which the test mixtures are analyzed by sensors. Next, the verification of the obtained indicators with the normative. Depending on the received error data, it may be necessary to perform calibration, which is most often implemented in automatic mode.

Manufacturers and prices

installation of gas analyzers

Gas analyzers do not belong to widespread metrological devices, therefore their development and production are mainly carried out by specialized companies. The best of them are Rothenberger, CEM, Testo and Mastech. Decent quality models from the MEGEON line are popular in the Russian segment. Detectors are significantly different in price - it depends on many parameters. A simple gas analyzer for the home with a minimum set of functions can cost about 2-3 thousand rubles. Medium-sized devices with a display are estimated at 5-7 thousand. Multifunctional indicators with high-tech sensors can cost 15-20 thousand.


calibration of gas analyzers

Detectors, which are used to detect leaks and spills in residential buildings, are increasingly seen as components of integrated security systems. In classical signaling circuits, such devices are introduced into a single control point of electrical engineering with the possibility of programming functions. This means that the gas analyzer can automatically adapt to work in specific conditions. We can say that in a separate operation mode, a modern automatic detector makes it possible to program. But integrated security systems expand these possibilities, since the controller controls the analyzer parameters, guided by data from many other sensors and sensors.


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