When to plant trees in spring? How to plant trees in spring?

Summer residents and gardeners responsibly approach the issue of choosing and planting fruit trees. Such a position is quite justified, because planting a tree is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The quality of the future crop directly depends on this. Let's figure out when to plant trees - in spring or autumn, and consider the advantages and disadvantages of spring planting.

Buying seedlings

The first thing to start is to buy a young tree for planting. There are various options where this can be done. It will be most correct if you go to make a purchase in a specialized store or nursery.

when to plant trees in spring

In addition, there are many offers to buy seedlings on hand in natural markets, and not so long ago online stores began to provide a huge selection of planting material. The last two options do not give any guarantee of quality, because there is a risk in the end to get not what you expect.

The right choice of planting material

So, you went to a garden exhibition or a specialized nursery to choose seedlings. How not to get lost among all the variety, how to choose high-quality planting material?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of slag. Any fruit tree must be grafted, otherwise it is just wild growth that is not valuable and has no varietal characteristics.

Next, you need to inspect the roots. It is desirable that they grow evenly on all sides of the trunk and do not have visible damage or cone-shaped growths. The bark should not be lethargic, dry or wrinkled. Before selling seedlings, all of their leaves are removed to avoid dehydration of the tree.

when to plant trees in spring

Any, even annual plant, prepared for planting, must have a height of at least one meter. Pay attention that the root system and the trunk of the seedling are evenly developed.

So you learned how to choose planting material and are ready to start planting, but the question arises: when? Planting fruit trees in spring or autumn is your choice. The optimal landing time can be determined by many factors.

When to plant trees, in spring or autumn?

The very first rule is that trees need to be planted when they are at rest. It happens in the fall, after the cessation of active growth, and in the early spring - until the sap flow begins. But then another question arises. When to plant trees in spring, and when is it better to give preference to autumn plantings?

Firstly, it depends on the climatic conditions of your region. In the northern regions and the middle lane, planting seedlings in spring gives better results. In autumn, young trees can freeze. In places with sufficient snow cover, seedlings planted in the fall are protected from freezing by a layer of snow.

Secondly, the optimal planting time can be determined by the type of seedlings. Some crops tolerate spring planting better, while others - on the contrary, fall.

What trees are best planted in spring

Many people wonder what trees are planted in spring. The answer is simple. In the spring you can plant almost all fruit trees. There are times when spring planting is the only option. Some winter - resistant varieties of cherries, pears, plums, and apple trees are doomed to die if they are planted in the fall. It is also advisable to plant sea buckthorn, cherry and apricot in the spring.

when to plant fruit trees in spring

When to plant trees in spring

It should start with the fact that you need to prepare for the spring planting of trees since the fall. You can choose a place in advance, dig a pit, enrich the soil with natural fertilizers. An important point is not to miss the time when it is best to plant trees in spring.

Beginning gardeners begin to plant young growth with the onset of warm days, while they make a huge mistake. In order for young plants to take root, they should be rooted in a new place as soon as the snow falls, but keep in mind that by this time the earth should not be frozen.

Stop planting should be at least a week before the appearance of buds. It is difficult to name specific numbers, since it depends on the climatic zone and specific weather conditions.

Benefits of Spring Tree Planting

  • When planting a tree in spring, you will have a crop a year earlier than when planting in autumn.
  • During the winter, you can properly prepare for spring work, draw up a schedule and work plan.
  • Some garden work can be carried out in autumn or winter, for example, the preparation of fertilizers, the formation of pits for planting.
  • During spring plantings, one can almost immediately see which of the seedlings normally accepted and went on growing, and which require additional care or transplantation.

what trees are planted in spring

What is the problem of spring landing

  • In the spring, the assortment market is smaller than in the fall.
  • After planting, it will be necessary to water the young seedling more often, protecting it from spring droughts.
  • It is necessary to clearly choose the time when in the spring to plant trees, to calculate so that the tree has time to start before the sap flow begins.

Features of spring gardening

Inexperienced amateur gardeners believe that the method of planting a tree is the same at any time. In fact, there are peculiarities for each season. Let's find out how to plant trees in the spring.

The trees plant before the onset of heat, so special attention should be paid to the ground. The soil may not be as soft and supple as in autumn. To strengthen the adhesion of the roots to the ground, you need to dip them further into the clay mash. When planting, natural fertilizers are used, for example, manure.

The first time after planting, plants need careful care. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, try to hide the young shoots from excessively active sunlight.

how to plant trees in spring

In the spring, days 5–7 after planting, you can use growth activators - nitrogen fertilizers that contribute to the appearance of young shoots in the plant.

Recommendations to gardeners

  • In order not to miss the deadlines for spring planting, all preparatory work should be carried out in the fall.
  • When choosing a landing site, consider the level of groundwater. It should not be too high. It is also not recommended to plant trees in places of accumulation of meltwater.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the fertility of the soil. Use fertilizer if the soil in the place where you are going to plant the tree is poor.
  • High seedlings must be planted together with the support. She will protect fragile stems from gusty spring winds.

And most importantly, you need to remember: a tree is a living creature and requires a corresponding attitude towards itself. Young seedlings, like small children, need constant attention and care, getting what they need, they will surely please you with a good harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13110/

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