Arsenal Museum in Voronezh - memory of the war

The Arsenal Museum in Voronezh is known to many citizens. Firstly, it is located in a building that is outwardly beautiful and is a historical and architectural value of the federal level. Secondly, the museumโ€™s expositions tell about the events of the Great Patriotic War. And in the city, which was under occupation for 212 days, there is no one indifferent to this topic.

Building history

The cityโ€™s careful attitude to the construction of the Arsenal is due to the fact that it is the earliest monument of industrial architecture built in the 18th century. Initially, there was a cloth factory of the Gardenin family, who were forced to sell it to the city. The Ministry of War, which received the building, used it for its needs: training classes were located here, and later warehouses. This gave the name to the building - Arsenal. It has survived to this day, and is also directly related to combat topics.

Old photo

At this stage, the building was rebuilt. He had a portico with a colonnade, and a bas-relief was made on the pediment, which clearly indicated his military affiliation.

During the Second World War, the building was badly damaged, like most urban buildings. After restoration in the 50s of the last century, the building was used as a repository of military maps. Recognized as an architectural monument in 1960, the building was transferred to the Voronezh Museum of Local Lore two decades later, which housed an exposition of one of its departments.

Over the past century, a two-story building has turned into a one-story building. The level of city roads in this place was raised by 2 meters, and the former basement floor became a basement.

exposition at Arsenal

Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Voronezh

The exposition about the Second World War existed before. Until 1979, she occupied several rooms in the premises of the city museum of local lore. When moving to a new building, as well as organizing the preparation of materials for the next exhibition, veterans greatly assisted museum workers. It was through their efforts that the collection was replenished, they showed interest and activity in placing the museum in new areas.

Today at 600 square meters. meters, visitors can see 1,5 thousand objects telling about the difficult years that the city went through with the country. The stands feature military weapons, military uniforms, awards, and photo documents. The military exposition used personal belongings of the defenders of the Fatherland. An interesting model of the city of the war years, made with the greatest accuracy.

The Arsenal Museum in Voronezh owns extensive archives. When creating this or that exhibition, museum staff often turn to these documents.

Rare museum exhibits

Among the rare exhibits, experts include flyers. There are propaganda appeals to Russian soldiers printed in Germany. There are appeals to our fighters of the Soviet government. But the strongest impression remains on the appeal of the German leadership to the Wehrmacht soldiers. After listing all the captured European capitals, a reminder of the greatness of the German army, which many cities โ€œbowedโ€ to, an instruction should be made to go to Voronezh: โ€œTake it, make it bow.โ€ Voronezh is the end of the war, this is rest. Forward!". It sounds like a bloodthirsty team: โ€œFas!โ€

Dugout model

And at the Arsenal Museum in Voronezh an interesting collection of paintings by front-line artists is presented. Their plots prompted by front-line life are simple and unpretentious. Most often these are everyday sketches, sometimes fragments of battle, terrible in their everyday life.

Museum work with the city population

In addition to excursion activities, the Arsenal Museum in Voronezh conducts a large educational work. Themed meetings of schoolchildren, students and war veterans are regularly organized within these walls. Cadets and employees of the military units of Voronezh are also frequent guests.

To demonstrate exhibits located in the warehouse, stationary exhibitions are regularly organized within the walls of the Arsenal, dedicated to memorable dates. For educational work with the population of the region, special excursions and visiting exhibitions are held.

Arsenal is the methodological center of its region, located on ul. Stepan Razin, 43. The possession of a rich library, archival documents and photographs makes it possible for museum staff to provide methodological and consulting assistance to public organizations and educational institutions.


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