Documents for obtaining maternity capital. List of documents on maternity capital

The Russians heard about maternal capital relatively recently - in 2007. There was a lot of controversy and various rumors about this idea. The social program has both supporters and opponents. Nevertheless, the program is successfully operating. And today we’ll talk about what documents will be required to obtain maternity capital at the moment.

Who gets the certificate?

documents for maternity capital

It is received by citizens in whose family the second (or next) baby was born. Parents who have adopted a third or more children are also entitled to it. Of course, if they did not previously enjoy the right to receive a certificate. Since 2007, more than 5 million families have become owners.

Based on the law, a child who gives the right to receive a certificate must appear in this world by December 31 (inclusive) of the next 2016 year. The use of the certificate itself has no time limit. The money of family (maternal) capital is allowed to be used to improve living conditions, as well as to pay for the education of children or pension for mom. They can be used in whole or in part.

The amount of maternity capital in 2007 amounted to a total of 250 thousand rubles, for 2014 it equals 408 960.5 rubles. The social program pursued the main goal: increasing the birth rate in Russia, which was achieved.

Maternity capital: what documents are needed

maternity capital what documents are needed
The program has been operating for a long time. Nevertheless, the question often arises: “How is it allowed to use maternity capital, what documents are needed?” Their collection should not be difficult, since the necessary papers for receipt are in your home. The required documents for maternity capital in 2014 from 2007 have not changed. They must be provided to the special commission of the Pension Fund at the place of permanent residence or registration.

The list of documents for obtaining maternity capital includes:

  • the parent's passport and a photocopy of it - pages of the document where personal data, registration, children are indicated;
  • evidence of the birth of children, as well as their photocopies;
  • applicant's marriage certificate, photocopy of the document;
  • applicant 's birth certificate , photocopy of the document.
  • pension insurance certificate (SNILS) of the applicant and children.

When remarrying, in the package of documents for issuing a certificate, you must additionally add:

  • evidence that the previous marriage has been canceled and its photocopy;
  • certificate from the registry office corresponding to the F-28 form (represents a certificate of previous marriage).

These documents for obtaining maternity capital are provided by the mother of children. There are times when his father receives it. For example, if the mother of the baby died or was deprived of her parental rights by the court.

In those cases when the mother died, documents for receiving maternity capital are understaffed with the following certificates:

  • death certificate;
  • by a court decision ordering the death of the mother.

In the same cases when the mother is deprived of the rights by the court in relation to the child, the following are attached:

  • documents confirming unlawful acts against the child;
  • the court's decision.

In some cases, the child may personally receive this payment. To the above list are added papers that officially contain data confirming the death of his parents.

documents on maternity capital 2014

Where to send the funds?

The funds received under this state program are still allowed to be used in three directions: to improve living conditions, any education for children and pension provision for mothers.

According to statistics, citizens spend mainly on improving living conditions, and only a small percentage - on the education of children or on the funded part of mother’s pension.

Home purchase

Today, buying a house for a young family is not so easy, given the constant increase in property prices. Maternal capital will be of great help in this matter, because one of the directions of its use is precisely the improvement of living conditions.

This concept refers to the reconstruction of housing, purchase, construction. Perhaps with a certificate and repayment of the mortgage. It should be remembered that in order to be able to send money to improve living conditions, the child at this time must be full 3 years old. You can use the funds immediately if the goal is repayment of the loan. Moreover, only debt or interest is paid, fines or delinquencies cannot be paid off.

When buying housing for maternity capital, it should be borne in mind that it must be located on the territory of our country. The owner can be either a mother or a spouse. When registering a mortgage, you should remember: the contract should state that there are no other co-borrowers other than the mother and spouse, and that the registration of the property was done without relatives.

Child education

purchase of maternity capital
Funds can be directed to the education of one of the children, including the use of funds to pay for preschool education is allowed. Maternity capital is allowed to pay a state / private type preschool institution that is licensed and accredited.

You can also split funds to pay for all children. You can divide the funds and use only part in any of the three possible directions.

If the parents decide to change the school, university or pre-school institution for their child, they should definitely notify the Pension Fund, that is, write the appropriate statement. From this moment, the money allocated for the education of the child will be transferred to the account of another educational institution.

Sending funds under the mother retirement program

In addition to improving living standards, paying for children's education, there is another area of ​​the social program. This redirected maternity capital is a “retirement” option. If you have chosen the option of transferring funds for the mother’s pension provision , then you can always always redirect funds (or part of them) to education or to improve housing. The main thing is that this operation was carried out before the appointment of a pension. It is only required to come to the Pension Fund and write a corresponding application.

The law of the Russian Federation does not allow the issuance of family capital by "live" money. This is criminally punishable and constitutes fraud. The purchase of maternity capital is also prohibited by law. Although quite a lot of such announcements have appeared on the Internet, such actions are considered illegal.

Cash capital can only be obtained upon reaching retirement age. To transfer funds to the funded part of the pension at the expense of the certificate, only an application is required, other additional documents are not needed.

In various regions of the Russian Federation, it is planned to continue to pay maternity capital at the regional level.

Is it possible to refuse to receive a certificate?

Possible if:

  • the right to additional state support measures is missing or terminated;
  • in case of indicating inaccurate or incorrect information in the application;
  • parents are denied the right to raise their first child;
  • a born child is not a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the family received earlier maternal capital.

Did maternity capital change in 2014?

maternity capital
In 2014, it became known that the Ministry of Labor was working on a bill regarding maternity capital. The purpose of this bill is to develop conditions through which the means of the certificate can be used as an option when repaying loans (purchase of housing). This bill also takes into account fraud prevention measures. While this bill is under consideration.

If adopted, it will include provisions in which a list of organizations with which credit relations cannot be entered will be presented. Family capital may only be used by credit cooperatives or large organizations. Their work will be strictly monitored by government agencies.

If the institution is unable to meet the standards established by law, then lending operations where it is planned to use funds from the parent capital will be prohibited. Citizens who wish to repay a loan for construction or purchase by their maternity capital will only have to apply to organizations specified by law.

Cooperation with Sberbank

maternal capital changes
In order to profitably improve housing, build a house at the expense of state funds (maternity capital), Sberbank offers a mortgage lending program “Mortgage plus maternity capital”. According to the terms of the bank, citizens will be able to repay the loan with the help of MK. Other programs are also available to the public:

  • loan for the purchase of finished housing;
  • loan for housing under construction.

As soon as the certificate of maternity capital is in hand, citizens will be able to take advantage of these programs. The main advantage of the mortgage program is that you can get a loan with the help of maternity capital, which provides payment of the down payment.

Documents for obtaining a loan (mortgage)

To apply for a mortgage, you need a standard set of documents for concluding a contract, a certificate, a certificate from the Pension Fund on the balance of funds.

Making a mortgage will not take much time. The term for consideration of citizens' applications is five days. It can be issued for any of the spouses. It should be remembered that maternity capital cannot be cashed out (pursued by the Law of the Russian Federation) or transferred to another person for use, nor can a tax deduction be received.

What year is maternity capital valid?

maternity capital sberbank
Many citizens care what happens next with maternity capital? After all, everyone knows that the force of the law, which entered into 2007, ends by 2016. There is an opinion that it is worth using maternity capital before this deadline, otherwise it will cease to operate. This information is false. The certificate does not expire, that is, it will be valid even after the conditional date of termination of the program. Citizens will be able to use it at any time convenient for them.

But do not forget that you should give birth (adopt) a child before December 31, 2016. Many deputies of the State Duma express their opinion in favor of extending the law until 2025.


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