The most interesting books: popular rating

Today in the world there are many literary works. Someone, taking a book off the shelf, just wants to have a good time reading, while someone is waiting for the work to touch the farthest strings of his soul, to teach something new, to explain what a person could not understand for a long time without help of this book itself.

But how to choose the most interesting books among such a variety? After all, you always want to have a work on hand that can captivate your heroes and unique atmosphere. Only the most interesting books of our time and, of course, immortal classics can do this. Let's see which ones are worthy of our attention.

And to begin with, according to the version of the site, the most interesting book of the year 2014 is “Love for Three Zuckerbrines” by Victor Pelevin. So this work is probably worth the time.

most interesting books

In order for the children to want to read, you need to choose a book that they will read with bated breath. The work should be not only interesting, but also educating the most important human qualities. How to choose the most interesting books for children? What works will open before them the fabulous world of reading?

We offer the next top most interesting books.

Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”

The rating of the most interesting books is headed by this immortal work of Mikhail Bulgakov. The novel was written for 11 years. Work continued, despite the author’s illness, until his death. The rating of the most interesting books is often headed by the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

It is problematic to determine the genre of a work, since it can be attributed to many of them, for example, to satire, farce, mysticism, science fiction, and a philosophical parable. The novel, topping the top of the most interesting books, has three main storylines: the mystical, which critics consider the main in the work, historical and romantic.

The magic, transformations, Satan’s ball, flying on boars, witches, killers and, of course, true love - all this is described by the great Mikhail Bulgakov.

Ray Bradbury, "451 degrees Fahrenheit"

If you list the most interesting books of our time, then this work will certainly enter the top ten. "451 degrees Fahrenheit" is a cult dystopian novel by American science fiction writer Ray Douglas Bradbury. It was released in 1953, and when asked which book is the most interesting, you can often hear its name.

The author paints a world of the future, where mass culture is the basis, and primitive consumer thinking is the principle of the existence of society. Full literature, the most interesting books, which are food for the mind, are under the strictest ban and are subject to immediate burning. The protagonist of the novel is a fireman, the one who directly burns literary masterpieces. Complete disappointment in the ideals of modern society makes him commit many rash acts. What happens to a person who goes against society?

which book is the most interesting

Boris Vasiliev, “Dawns Here Are Quiet”

Many can say that the most interesting books are about the war years and about women in the war ... Perhaps this work will be in the top ten if it does not take first place. The author was able to create the image of the entire heroic generation of Russian people who defended their homeland, and translate it into one person.

The name of the greatest writer, Boris Vasiliev, does not require a presentation: it has been familiar to everyone since school years. The most interesting books, the list of which will be different for everyone, occupy a worthy place on the shelves, and among them undoubtedly there should be a story by Boris Vasiliev “But Dawns Here Are Quiet”.

This work is rightfully considered one of the most tragic and, at the same time, lyrical books about the war. Five young girls were not afraid to enter the fray with ten trained to kill men. All of them were ready to die for each other and for victory. One of the main thoughts of the author is that there is no limit to human capabilities. They won, despite the fact that they died.

The bright images of the girls anti-aircraft gunners create a stark contrast to the inhumanity of the war, their dreams and memories of their beloved people are contrasted with real cruelty. The war did not spare them - loving, young, tender. But even after death, they continue to personify life, love and mercy.

J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter Book Series

These books are rightfully considered the best for children. By reading the works of Rowling, children will learn the value of true friendship. The most interesting books for children's reading are, undoubtedly, stories about Harry Potter.

The series is a chronicle of the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter and his two friends. Each book tells how Harry spent the next year of his studies at the school of sorcery and magic.

The main storyline tells about the confrontation between the protagonist and the evil wizard, Lord Voldemort.

The first thing Harry Potter teaches children is friendship. Real friendship. But this value is not given in vain - it must be earned. And then you have to work tirelessly, because in order to be friends, you need to hear your neighbor and, of course, appreciate him. A true friend can sacrifice his life for you. A friend will stay close when everyone turns away from you.

most interesting books list

The second lesson these books give to the young reader is love, which is not worth shouting everywhere and everywhere, and which must be proved day by day with your actions. A loving person is capable of much. The contrast of the impermanent (fame, recognition, fame) and that which is eternal (real friendship, love) is clearly traced in the book.

Alexander Volkov. The series of books "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

“The Wizard of the Emerald City” - a fairy tale, included in the golden fund of Russian literature, is a remake of the foreign fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz”. However, despite the fact that the fairy tale is a revision, it has long been perceived by readers as a completely independent work. The remaining five books of the cycle were written by Alexander Volkov independently.

This book is interesting to people of all ages. What does she teach? Friendship, the desire to fulfill your dreams, faith in your strength, courage to go to your goal, not paying attention to obstacles, as well as knowing that a lie will be punished sooner or later.

Perhaps one of the main lessons of this tale is that magic is in ourselves. This is well demonstrated by the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Bold Lion. Each of the characters went with Ellie in the hope that magic would help him find what he wanted. But the first steps on the yellow brick road make them understand that they all already have what they want.

top most interesting books

The series of books “The Wizard of the Emerald City” in a simple and accessible form tells children about the most important, and adults can again plunge into the world of childhood.

William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

The immortal tragedy of Shakespeare will not leave anyone indifferent. "There is no sadder story in the world ...".

Love and beauty are what Renaissance artists and poets sang. William Shakespeare sang a feeling that turned out to be above all family strife, even above death.

rating of the most interesting books

The two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, fell in love. This feeling made them more mature, and the war of families - insignificant. Heroes are ready to step over everything: break traditions, abandon loved ones and relatives, just to be close to each other. Mutual feelings change the characters of the heroes: the timid and submissive Juliet becomes ready to go to the end, and Romeo, thinking that he is in love, is suddenly captured by the real feeling. To whom? To his sworn enemy.

Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin, “Third in the fifth row”

All the stories of this writer are primarily taught to think and reflect. “Third in the Fifth Row” is a short but soul-piercing tale. The book is addressed to both adult readers and children.

The story is narrated on behalf of a former teacher. For her, time has stopped, because on the operating table lies her granddaughter - the most important person in her life. The only hope is Vanya Belov. The one who at school caused her the most trouble with her honesty, nobility, courage and desire for justice. To merciless justice. The boy did not spare himself for the truth, overshadowing even those to whom he disliked.

Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the Looking Glass"

Books have given the hearts of millions of children and adults. These works open before you the gates of paradox and absurdity. Both of them were written for one girl - Alice, but the author did not even plan to gain worldwide popularity and did not think that his creations would be included in the list of the most interesting books for children's reading.

the most interesting books of our time

The Alice in Wonderland genre can be defined as nonsense. The book is dominated by the cult of madness and childishness. Although who will determine what is madness? Perhaps this is the ability to see the world as no adult sees it. Therefore, the two main themes of the book “Alice in Wonderland” are childhood and eccentricity. As soon as they tried to decipher this work of the writer: they looked for support in everything - both in the biography of the author himself, and in scientific facts. And what is your view of the work, which with each page becomes "all the more wonderful and wonderful"?

What is famous for "Alice through the Looking Glass"? The young heroine is behind a mirror, that is, the author sends her to the antisymmetric world of Looking Glass, where even time flows the other way around.

Diana Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale

This work is not without reason included in the list of the most interesting books. Many people said that they did not come across a book from which it was impossible to tear themselves away until they picked up the Thirteenth Tale. The author is so skillfully involving the reader in the plot that reading a book at night, it is simply impossible to postpone the next day.

A detective novel in the neo-Gothic genre will not leave indifferent fans of secrets and mysteries, which they will solve with the main character.

the most interesting book of the year

Critics' opinions about this book, as well as about any worthwhile work, are very mixed. Someone called it ordinary graphomania, and someone called it the best work of art of our time. What is your opinion?

Angel de Quatier. The cycle “In search of the tablets”

Perhaps the plot of the books is a little weak, but the thoughts expressed by the author in the works make you think about what you live for. Perhaps these literary creations are able to give a hint to those who cannot make an important choice. Reflecting on the important aspects of human relations, Angel de Quatier aims to show people typical situations from the outside.

The reviews about this series of books are also ambiguous: someone writes that these are ordinary cliches that have been played a million times in cinema and literature, and someone thanks the author for helping him get rid of fear and insecurity, who did not allow to make the right choice in life.

And what is your top 10 best books?

First of all, it should be noted that the most interesting and readable books, the list of which does not end with the listed ten, each person has his own. And which sunk into your soul? What are the most interesting books for you? Do you have a list of such? If not, take as a basis our proposal and set off for new discoveries in the wonderful world of great writers.


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